Gordon Ramsay Almost Died

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36 thoughts on “Gordon Ramsay Almost Died”

  1. How is helmet a distraction?!
    MoFo, I`d be dead without one. Flew over the bars, full weight of my 6`7" body on the top of my head, followed by my right shoulder. Helmet is in half, my clavicle got shattered into seventeen pieces. I was out cold for several minutes.
    Three months of recovery before returning to work instead of being a vegetable.

  2. Hitting your head aint no joke, had a freind who was on his motorcycle(i know not a bicycle) but bicylces can go fast, he was practicing wheelies in front of his house and looped it, hit his head. He didnt make it because he wasnt wearing a helmet.

  3. Bike accidents can be terrible. Living in the Netherlands not many people here were helmets when cycling. Big reason for that is that we have the bike lanes and cycle on city bikes, which go 11km a hour, so odds of a bad accident when cycling are pretty low.

    However biking on racebikes, like Gorden Ramsey does do always require a helmet since the racebikes can reach up 30-35km. In the Netherlands, thus I only wear a helmet when im on a racebike.

    Considering he importance of a helmet is in my opinion very dependent on the type of bike you are cycling on, like e-bikes and racebikes. On city bikes I wouldnt wear a helmet.

    But be safe out there accidents always hide in a small corner

  4. TBI survivor here. I wasn’t wearing him a helmet at the time, but now I make sure I do everytime. Scared my friends and family that night. A year and a half cleared, and all that lingers is the sick ass scar I got my my surgeon cutting my head open. I’m so glad he was able to put my face back together too 🙂 stay safe, and God bless.

  5. I work for FedEx and last week I was riding my bicycle to and from work because I can’t get my car to start; after my shift I got hit by a driver texting who didn’t see me signaling to turn. Luckily; I had a helmet on. Side note, I’m okay and already back to work.

  6. My brother is so extremely lucky to be alive, he wasnt wearing a helmet and while not dead, was in a coma for 4 months and has a permanent TBI, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s disorder, among other things. WEAR A HELMET

  7. Don’t argue with people who say to not wear helmets. If anything double down. Why wear safety anything. Roller coasters, delete the safety bars. Who needs safety.

  8. almost lost my sister to a bike accident, I will never forget the mark her bike handle bars made in the foam of her helmet. makes me shudder.
    I love ridding bikes, but my helmet stays on.

  9. When I was a sophmore in highschool I watched my math teacher fall off his bike going like 3mph and hit his head and die and ever since then I've always been adamant about people wearing helmets. And not just on a bike, if whatever your doing is supposed to be done with a helmet just put the damn thing on, biking, skiing, rock climbing, horseback riding, you're not invincible.

  10. that graph is so dumb xD americans cant drive for shit, and their cities are basicially desiged to kill people that cycle. netherlands has a low rate cuz they have like the best cycling infrastructure, the less they interact with cars the less people die.


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