GOP Has an EPIC BATTLE to Fight for Control of the Senate | Ep 560

Stu Burguiere previews today’s primary elections in New York and Florida and breaks down the challenges the GOP will have to fight through to emerge victorious and reclaim control of the Senate this November. Then, BlazeTV host Jason Whitlock of “Fearless with Jason Whitlock” has the latest on the insane story of murdered Pee Wee football coach Mike Hickmon.


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28 thoughts on “GOP Has an EPIC BATTLE to Fight for Control of the Senate | Ep 560”

  1. So we're going to get a whistle blower that says we got to stop all elections and have martial law because 10 legged spiders from Jupiter are going to invade it would figure I mean don't pull any rabbit out of their hat to hold on to power

  2. I saw reports the other day that Trump is regretting his endorsement of Dr. Oz. A lot of us, regrettably, are in the position of saying, "I told you so." However, at least Trump can learn something from this: he should resolve to not take political advice ever again from the person that suggested that he endorse someone like Oz. Trump and the voters would have been better served if he has just refused to endorse in that race.

  3. Looking forward to your election coverage my friend! Bring on Steve Deace and eat some meat to prepare for the unique opportunities we have and may forfeit as conservatives.
    A burger eating show between you and Steve could rally the movement into new political battlegrounds that accomplish our goals.
    The cheeseburger always wins.
    Especially if you add caramelized onions! Love you brother.

  4. If the American people vote for those democratic senators ???; they will be the people that hit the nuclear button on America !!!!. This is why the statement :::( destroyed from within !) was created !!!!!. I’m assuming that they were the ones that sent the asteroid after the dinosaurs ?!!!!; probably caused that flood in Noah’s days !!!!!!!.; what about that fruit in the garden of Eden ??!; that was them also !!!!. And when the big bad Wolf huffed and puffed till he blew our house down !; yep ! That’s them !!!!!!! ( the enemy comes to ::: steal !; kill ! & destroy !!! ) Democratic’s that’s an agenda we will not accept !!!!!!.

  5. According to "the news" the cops didn't do a blood alcohol test until 2 HOURS POST BEING STOPPED! IF that's true…. his BAC was less then real at the time he crashed! Let's be real the swamp is highly protected folks.

  6. Yeah I think it's pronounced gangbangers, with all of these folk that idolize Black culture they're not gangsters like Mafia and organized crime they are thugs they're gangbangers


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