Goofy Alchemical Factory Builder! – The Magical Mixture Mill [Early Access | Sponsored]

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Brew magical mixtures for the local questing heroes – and keep them coming back for more! Team up with a mushroom-loving witch to restore her run-down shop. Build automated production lines, experiment with exotic ingredients, explore a cozy world – and try not to blow everything up.

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Outro Music: Braincooler – Mega Man X Chill Penguin Stage Remix By Rozovian –

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25 thoughts on “Goofy Alchemical Factory Builder! – The Magical Mixture Mill [Early Access | Sponsored]”

  1. "You just know if you leave free samples around…"

    Funny story, a guy around here once tried to offer up free samples of leftover soup. He installed a little minifridge on his wall, facing the street. The news came to interview him and, no joke, while the news cameras were rolling, some guys were trying to steal the fridge. They claimed they thought that was free, too, but… y'know, kind of a hard sell.

    Tragedy of the Commons, it's a real thing.

  2. Dont know about this one. It seems extremely tedious to build anything satisfyingly large. The joy of automation games is to have ever increasing complexity and sprawl. Here after nearly one hour the "factory" is still basically two things in a line. Meanwhile in factorio after one hour the average player would have a small factory automatically producing at least 3 steps of production chains in several dozen buildings. Probably with research being automated already and new stuff to play with coming in regulary. Here going out to gather ressources seems to slow down the game immensly while not adding anything fun?

  3. Thanks for playing and all the great feedback! <3
    Your graphics card would be happier, if you set Frame Rate Cap to your screen's refresh rate. At the moment, it defaults to "Unlimited" which cooks everyone's GPUs.
    You can only have one edible in your tummy at a time, but you can swap by drinking a potion, so you throw up, making space for a new edible 😀
    Your tools (only basic tools for now) have enchantments that give awesome perks and buffs.

  4. You live in too of a trustworthy area; if someone left free samples like that in here, the stuff would not only be taken by a single person, but they would also try to pawn it behind the next corner. And the stand would also be trashed and/or pissed on, or just outright taken away by the hobos, and most likely the first drunk would use it as a lavatory right before or after.

  5. Rogues are usually the alchemists, how else do you think they have a poison for just about every situation?

    Wizards would be too busy trying to become immortal so they can endlessly fling about fireballs.


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