
I’m retiring.

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41 thoughts on “Goodbye.”

  1. wish you the absolute best in your future! im so sorry to hear all of what happened in the past happened in the past, i never had an issue with you, honest to god
    you don't deserve any of that hate or assault
    i am actually starting to make youtube content and i am honoring your "don't stop creating" message for you and others, thank you for being an inspiration

  2. I’ve been watching your videos since that huniepop video you made years ago. I think you’ll do great even without this channel it’s only a part of your creative mind life has so many things and so many creative choices it’s hard to figure out what you want so it’s really good to know when to give up and start something new. Best of luck man.
    – moe from Iraq.

  3. I've enjoyed your videos in the past and I truly hope the best for you going forward. I'm so sorry about the bad things that have happened for you and I hope that you will receive the help, support, and care you deserve and need. I understand the need to bury a channel in order to move on with your life. May Paul rise and flourish from here out.

  4. Haedox, you were one of my fav youtubers. I'm sad to see you go, but your mental health is important, and you have to give yourself closure. You're not alone brother. I've dealt with similar abuse, and it took forever to find the right counselor to help me to get through it. You are a strong person, and I truly wish you the best. Stay strong, brother.

  5. I truly hope and even look forward for what you are going to plan in the future and most importantly, I hope you will do your best to be happy and fulfilled. We are all here to support, root, and cheer you up!! Best of luck and thank you so much for inspiring and giving us the best content you have. I loved your videos before and thank you a lot for supporting us to make content and never giving up on that. It means a lot and I hope you will recover from those negative events and pain you had. You can and will achieve the best life and I believe it!!!

  6. I have never watched a video from you, this just showed up in my recommended, but I instantly thru this gained a lot of respect for you. You seem rly strong and chill, so i wish you luck with everything else you choose to pursue.

  7. Very inspiring and such a brave video to make, dude. I'll be honest, I never watched your content unfortunately, but you always showed up in my Twitter and YouTube feed. Keep on inspiring, bro.

  8. its gotta be really hard to make this decision but i hope itll make your life brighter! wishing you all the best in life and for you to find your happiness in any create outlet you pursue 😀 im grateful for all the awesome stuff youve made over the years, youre incredibly talented and anything you move towards from here on will continue to be amazing. keep being you, cause youre awesome 🙏💖

  9. John 3:16-21
    16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

    18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

    19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

    20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

    21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

  10. I've watched you on and off because YouTube'a algorithm is rough but thank you for being so brave in making this.

    I really do wish you luck on your ventures. Can't wait to catch up on the videos I've missed because I know the'll end up inspiring me one way or another.

    Again, thank YOU for making this.

  11. Paul, just want to let you know that I indeed did grow up with the videos on Haedox and I really appreciate them being part of my life. During my difficult teenage years, you were among one of my favorite creators and I thank you for everything. The wit, the analysis and even now, incredibly kind words. Best wishes man.

  12. I am so sorry about the difficult and painful things you went through but I genuinely hope for the best for you. There are some videos you made which really did feel like a fresh breath of air in a sea of bad videos. Take care of yourself and there are a lot of people rooting for you in whatever you do.

  13. You know, I think people are more concerned about your health and well-being than whether you'd come back to make videos or not. I sure know I was.
    With that said, I want you to know there's nothing wrong with the decision you are making, just create whatever you want to create and as long as that which you create makes you feel fulfilled and happy. Whether it is music, books or more videos, just do what you want, what you love doing or what you need to express.
    All the best, Haedox/Paul.

  14. You aren't a piece of shit. I'm also a victim of long-term physical abuse. I want you to know that a lot of days, it's easy to feel less of a person because of what happened to you, but you aren't less of a person. What happened to you, wasn't because of what you deserve. You are a kind, loving and joyful person that make thousands if not hundreds of thousands of kids and adults alike enjoy life a little bit more because of the videos that you put out. You're intelligent and you deserve a good life, you don't and never have deserved the abuse that happened to you, and you have to really understand this is really important: you are different from other people. But the wisdom that you carry now gives you maturity that is lengths beyond the average person. It is okay to be different. Everyone has something. And what you have is not because you're bad, or gross, or evil. It's because you were unfortunate enough to find you in the situation that you did, clear cut and dry. What happened to you was bad. But you aren't bad because it happened to you. Just remember that.


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