Good Preachers can be Wrong

Voddie Baucham vs John MacArthur vs Tony Evans
Do their errors make them bad teachers?


37 thoughts on “Good Preachers can be Wrong”

  1. And you have been wrong too…. Let's not forget you're not infallible Corey. I think you should have said that 1st about yourself, before you mentioned Evans, McCarthur, & Baucham. Disagreeing with them doesn't ALWAYS make them wrong. Some are not Scriptural, and that is wrong. But guard yourself.

  2. Here is why I'm going to skip this video after 17 minutes, you made these videos before and you used the same clips. I have no issues with the topic but my brother find new clips.

  3. Corey, what are your thoughts on Paul Washer ? He's a missionary. Or recently retired. And preaches at different southern baptists churches in the United States. Idk what denomination he is, and he fools you with a very soft spoken voice. Until his righteous indignation builds up. He is so serious about the Gospel. You're just going to have listen to him. I can't describe how he preaches. His burden for reaching the loss has even affected his health. He speaks alot on hell, but he thinks it's just as important, because churches today aren't brave enough to do it, so he preaches the ENTIRE Gospel. The good and the bad

  4. Brother Corey you also have to know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was preach to Abraham beforehand so the Old Testament Saints knew about his coming and they have faith in the Messiah even though he had not come yet read Galatians 3-16 and also remember Jesus told the Pharisees Abraham rejoice when he saw his day

  5. 🤔 You kind of made me test everyone now, who dat, who dat, is he right? cause Corey said he wrong 🤓. At first I thought aww, one of the people I like has something wrong, but then I learnt more, aww, a lot of people have things wrong, I think Corey is wrong on something too 😄. The Church is not separate denominations (This is my group, that is your group), the Church is the Body of true believers who accept and receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Salvation comes only through our Lord, Jesus Christ. At what point when your doctrine is so bad, that it is no longer considered a true Gospel, I will leave that to people who can truly explain these things, and Jesus, only he knows his sheep, and his true sheep know his voice. Sometimes people are just too stuck in their ways and are not willing to listen too sound and biblical reasoning and some are just straight up deceivers. Jesus is my savoir, and no amount of knowledge on my part, will ever change that fact. Many of us are not the sharpest tools in the shed, only God knows how to truly use us for his purpose. God Bless.

  6. Great vid, and I can respect that position, but I don't think it is wrong for pastors to publicly debate. I like watching Jeff Durban, James White and especially Greg Bahnsen before he went to be with the Lord. I'd love to see Ton,Voddie, OR John take a day to defend their views. Doesn't mean they can't still pastor. Much love brother.

  7. I thought Cory was above this type of content. There are very few Pastor we could look to for guidance in this day and age. These 3 are the good ones. Don’t muddy the watersfor views Cory. Stay focused.

  8. Everyone at my church is somewhat frightened by everyone I refer them to, including you.
    It's a big 'judge not lest ye be judged' 'Jesus loves you' sort of congregation.

    There seems to be this general idea that the best way to be is make lots of non-Christian friends and then demonstrate being a good person in the hope their friends ask about Jesus or the church.

  9. After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands,
    ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭7‬:‭9‬ ‭
    Of all nations, tribes, peoples, tongues…

  10. So if Tony Evans is not to be avoided so what about Kenneth Copeland and all the other ones out there that we are to avoid because I'm Sure there would be someone out there that is going to defend him as well do we all need to just make a decision for ourself and not listen to anyone else that you think is qualified to do that calling out!

  11. Yes, good preachers can be wrong. We are all fallible humans. They can also be liars, frauds, cheats, false prophets, heretics, and lovers of money rather than lovers of God. i think we all know the difference between mistaken and dishonest.


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