Good Friday 2024 | 1 Word for 3 Worlds I Pastor Tim Dilena

In “1 Word for 3 Worlds,” Pastor Tim Dilena captures the profound significance of “TETELESTAI” uttered by Jesus on the cross, illustrating its impact on heaven, hell, and earth as the ultimate payment for humanity’s debt of sin.

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March 29, 2024 – Pastor Tim Dilena – Times Square Church
1 Word for 3 Worlds


19 thoughts on “Good Friday 2024 | 1 Word for 3 Worlds I Pastor Tim Dilena”

  1. Jesus😊1st❤ or love❤
    Hebrews 13:8 😊❤
    Jesus😊1st❤ my Lord lives forever to me in Christ and Revelation 22:13😊❤ too.

    Matthew 20:29-34
    ( Jesus😊1st❤ heals❤ two blind men❤❤)
    "29 And as they went out of Jericho, a great crowd followed him.
    30 And behold, there were two blind men sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus(😊1st❤) was passing by(😊❤), they cried out,
    " Lord( Jesus😊1st❤), have mercy on us, Son of David(
    😊❤)! "
    31 The crowd

    rebuke them

    telling them to be silent,

    they cried out all the more,
    " Lord( Jesus😊1st❤), have mercy on us, Son of David!"

    (  The author Matthew was stressed Jesus is Matthew 1:1-2
    " 1 The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham(😊❤).
    2 Abraham(😊❤)was  the father of Isaac(😊❤), and Isaac(😊❤) the father of Jacob( or Israel😊❤)and Jacob( or Israel(😊❤) the father of Judah(😊❤) and his brothers(😊❤),"( Matthew 1:1-2 ESV Study Bible)
    Back to continue of
    Matthew 20:32-34

    "32 And


    Jesus(😊1st❤) call them and said,

    " What do you want me to do for you?"

    33 They( two blind men) said to him(Jesus😊1st❤ my Lord and my savior too in Christ and the Healer of the world),

    " Lord(😊1st❤), let our eyes be opened."
    34 And Jesus(😊1st❤) in pity ( " pity" or compassion❤ are very similar in Christ)


    their eyes(❤❤❤❤),

    and immediately( " immediately means right away or instantly❤) they recovered❤
    their sight
    follow❤ him(  "him" equal Jesus😊1st❤ our Lord and our savior( Jesus😊1st❤)
    )."( Matthew 20:29-34 ESV Study Bible and all parenthesis parts and symbols in Christ also for Christ and in Christ Jesus (😊1st❤) in Christ😊❤.

    Hebrew 13:8
    "8 Jesus Christ (Jesus😊1st❤) is the same yesterday(😊1st❤ ) and today(😊1st❤) and forever( 😊1st❤)."( Hebreew 13:8 both from ESV Study Bible or from memory in Christ😊❤ is the same( Jesus😊1st❤my Lord and my savior in Christ)
    in Christ😊❤.

  2. It's the usual for me. Thank you for still continuing to stand with me for my breakthrough. Also thank you for not getting annoyed. I know God is working at it and I so long to see it. 🙂

  3. Thank You God😊100%❤ for our grandmom's successful surgery by You❤ and may You surround her with those belongs to you too in Christ. Thank You. In Jesus'name, i pray( Matthew 28:19-20, Lord Jesus (😊1st❤), i do in Christ.).

    Genesis 34:12-14
    "12 Then Esau said, " Let us journey on your way, and I will go ahead of you."( ESV Study Bible)

    Pause in Christ in Genesis 33:13a will resume back to Genesis 33:13-14 fully later in Christ.
    Genesis 33:13a
    "13(a) But Jacob😊❤ said to him( Esau),
    " My lord…"(
    "lord" here is lower case " lord"( Genesis 33:13a ESV Study Bible) again
    Jesus😊1st❤ )
    is our uppercase Lord( Jesus😊1st❤ ) and our savior( Jesus😊1st❤) from Luke 2:11 and Jesus is my Lord(😊1st❤ ) of lords and King(Jesus😊1st❤)
    of kings ( Revelation 19:16b) and
    Revelation 19:16
    "16 On his robe(Jesus' 😊1st❤
    robe) and on his( Jesus😊1st❤'s) thigh he has a name written,

    King (Jesus😊1st❤)
    of kings and Lord( Jesus😊1st❤) of lords."( Revelation 19:16 ESV Study Bible)

    back to Genesis 33:13-14 fully now in Christ.
    Genesis 33:13
    "13 But Jacob😊❤ said to him( Esau),
    " my lord knows that children(😊❤) are frail, and that the nusing flocks(❤ )
    and herds (❤) are care to me. If they are driven hard for one day, all the flocks (❤ ) will die."( ESV Study Bible)

    From I tie to Jesus' resurrection Scripture on " flocks"and "herds" tie to John, on how Jesus and Peter
    In John 21:15-19( Jesus and Peter ESV Study Bible) or from Zondervan NIV Study also said John 21:15-25( Jesus😊1st❤ reinstates Peter😊❤)

    So i would share both in Christ in
    John 21:15-19( Jesus 😊1st❤
    and Peter😊❤
    John 21:20-25( Jesus 😊1st❤
    and the beloved Apostle( John😊❤

    John 21:15-19( Jesus 😊1st❤
    and Peter😊❤
    " 15 When they had finished breakfast, Jesus😊1st❤ said to Simon Peter( who had denied Jesus three time eariler but Peter is differnt now in Christ)
    , " Simon( the Rock or Simon Peter), son of John,
    do you love me more than these?"

    He( Peter😊❤) said to him( Jesus😊1st❤, our Lord(Jesus😊1st❤) and our savior( Jesus😊1st❤) in Christ),

    " Yes, Lord(Jesus😊1st❤);
    You know that I love❤ you(Jesus😊1st❤)."
    He(Jesus😊1st❤) said to him(Peter😊❤),
    my lambs❤."
    16 He(Jesus😊1st❤) said to ( Peter😊❤) a second time( 2nd time),
    " Simon( Peter😊❤ or the Simon was Peter previous name so Simon Peter), son of John,
    do you loves❤ me?"
    He(Peter😊❤) said to him( our Lord(Jesus😊1st❤) in Christ),
    " Yes, Lord(Jesus😊1st❤); you know that I love ❤ you(Jesus😊1st❤)."

    He(Jesus😊1st❤) said to him( Peter❤),
    " Tend 😊❤
    my sheep😊❤."
    17 He(Jesus😊1st❤) said to him( Peter😊❤) third times( 3rd time),
    " Simon ( or Peter = the rock or Simon Peter), son of John, do you love😊❤ me?"

    Peter was grieves because he(Jesus😊1st❤) said to him( Peter) the third time, " Do you love❤ me?" And he(Peter) said to him(Jesus😊1st❤ our Lord or our good Shepherd😊1st❤)
    " Lord You know everything, you know that I love❤ you. "

    Jesus(our good Shepherd😊1st❤)
    ) said to him(Peter😊❤),
    " Feed😊❤, my sheep(
    😊❤ in Christ).
    18 Truly😊❤ truly😊❤, I say to you, when you were young,


    used to dress yourself

    and walk wherever you wanted,


    when you are old,

    you will😊❤ stretch😊❤ out😊❤ your hands😊❤😊❤

    ,and another
    will dress you


    carry you where you do not want to go."

    19 ( This he(Jesus😊1st❤) said to show by what kind of death he ( Peter😊❤) was to glorify God(😊100%❤).)
    And after

    saying this

    he(Jesus😊1st❤) said to him( Peter😊1st❤),

    " Follow me." " ( John 21:15-21 ESV Study Bible)
    ( Jesus😊1st ❤ said, " Follow me." (John 21:21b ESV Study Bible) to Peter back then in Jesus' time in Christ. If Jesus😊1st❤ our Lord, our savior, our healer, our good Shepherd( Jesus😊1st❤) and our King( Jesus😊1st❤) in Christ today also ask you to follow him( Jesus😊1st❤) would also follow him( Jesus😊1st❤) too in Christ today?
    I do in Christ😊❤. What about you😊❤ or you
    😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤, would also follow him( Jesus😊1st❤) today. In Jesus'namei pray( follow him( Jesus😊1st❤ John 14:6😊❤ and hopefully share John 21:20-25( Jesus 😊1st❤
    and the beloved Apostle( John😊❤
    )) next time in Christ after Genesis 33:14 " Let my lord pass ahead of his servant, and I will lead on slowly, at the pace of the livestock that are ahead of me and at the pace of the children, until to my lord in Seir." " ( Genesis 33:14 ESV Study Bible and Revelation 19:16😊❤
    ) Amen.

  4. Amen and amen. Thank you Jesus for taking my sins upon you and dying for them. I am forever grateful for the work on the cross and I thank you for your blood that was spilled to cover me period to cover a song. I think you Holy Spirit and I said you would come into our lives ingrown to us a spirit of Revelation and understanding. Teach us the way of Christ Our Savior and redeemer. I love you Lord and I praise you. In Jesus name, amen and amen.

  5. Friday is never good on that day because only one day and 365 days a year is Good Friday so what happened with all the other Fridays of the year in Jesus name Good Friday was created by the Italians not Jesus Jesus is resurrected not Good Friday Good Friday is fish day for Italian That’s why the pope have a hat 🎩 look a fish

  6. Genesis 33:18-20❤
    "18 And Jacob came safety
    to the city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan,
    on his way from Paddan- Aram, and he(Jacob😊❤) camped before the city.
    19 And from the sons of Hamor, Shechem's father, he bought for a hundred pieces of money the piece of land on which he had pitched he had pitched his tent.
    20 There he erected an altar and called it El- Elohe- Israel"( Genesis 33:18-20 ESV Study Bible)
    ( In Genesis 33:20b the term,
    "El- Elohe- Israel " means
    " God, the God of Israel." Jacob identified the God worshipped at this altar as One whom he ( Jacob) had encountersd at Peniel( face to face with God(😊100%❤) and who ( God😊100%❤) had changes his name(
    name from Jacob to Israel(😊❤ in Christ)."( ESV Study Bible)

    In Genesis 33:20 the word,
    " altar" from my ESV Study Bible said,
    " Preciously,
    Abraham😊❤ had built an altar at Shechem. ( Do You remember Genesis 12:6-7?
    " 6 Abram( later called by God😊100%❤ to Abraham😊❤) passed through the land to the place at Shechem( Do you see?), to the oak of Moreh.
    At that time the Canaanites( no good) were in the land.
    7 Then the LORD( or the Lord God😊❤) appeared to Abram(😊❤) and said, " To your offspring I will give this land."
    So he( Abram or later called Abraham by God😊100%❤) built😊❤
    an altar( " altar" related to Genesis 33:20's " altar"
    Pause at Genesis 33:20a
    " 20(a)There Jacob( Jacob's grandpa was Abraham becauae Abraham was father of Isaac and Isaac the father of Jacob, so Abraham was Jacob's grandfather. Now in Genesis 33:20 Abraham's grandson Jacob electedan altar and called it El- Elohe- Israel"( Genesis 33:20 ESV Study Bible)

    Again Genesis 33:20
    "20 There he( Jocab= one of Abraham's grandson= Jacob) erected an altar and called it El- Elohe- Israel( " El Elohe- Israel" means
    " God😊100%❤, the God of Israel😊❤" ESV Study Bible)"
    ( Genesis 33:20 ESV Study Bible)

    Jesus😊1st❤ said in John 10:30
    John 10:30
    " I (😊1st❤)
    and the Father( God😊100%❤, our Father in heaven😊❤) are one😊❤)."( John 10:30 ESV Study Bible Amen to what Jesus😊1st❤ said in John 10:30😊❤).


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