Going back to the Moon? #shorts

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Decades after the Apollo program, which was fueled by significant government investment, the shift to privatize space exploration is evident. In a symbolic representation of this transition, the hands of billionaires Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos now guide the future of lunar exploration and pave the way for human missions to Mars.

Reflecting on a societal shift over generations, where collective action once fueled space endeavors, today, the landscape is shaped by the financial prowess of private individuals. As we embark on a journey to establish a permanent lunar base and set sights on Mars, the question arises: Why are the wealthiest, rather than collective efforts, leading this new chapter in space exploration?

The narrative explores the historical backdrop, from the collective efforts during World War II and the Apollo program to the present, where societal challenges like the global pandemic have tested collective responses. In this era, the narrative suggests, the responsibility of space exploration has shifted from public servants and collective action to the hands of billionaires.

While SpaceX’s Elon Musk envisions a multiplanetary future for the good of humanity, criticisms highlight his disdain for certain regulatory entities. Jeff Bezos, on the other hand, starts with joy rides for the elite and envisions moving heavy industry off-planet. The dichotomy raises concerns about whether these visions truly align with collective needs and the public good.

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