GoatBoy Leaves Voice Mail For Esquire Demanding FOIA Service: HAHAHA!

The lad has lost his mind, that is if he ever had a mind – hahaha…enjoy!

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Rock Intro 2 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
MUSIC INTRO: Artist: http://audionautix.com/

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48 thoughts on “GoatBoy Leaves Voice Mail For Esquire Demanding FOIA Service: HAHAHA!”

  1. Why does he think everyone in a city government is elected? City Attorneys and Clerks, which are the two he mentioned in this video, are usually hired. Normally the only elected officials are in the County: the Sheriff and often the Coroner/Medical Examiner. If he wants to be taken seriously he should really do his homework. And where does he get that lawyers are.called "Esquires"? Seriously, I'm curious.

  2. Request for the day……..open up a subscription. This guy is nuts. He’s admitting he’s going to harass this staff. He says he doesn’t have access to a computer , several videos he has said it. Yet here is now giving out his email address. He went onto say that people elect these positions …..county attorney and clerks……yet he doesn’t even live in Adams county. Goatboy needs to watch out how many times he calls the clerks office. At some point I’m sure they would charge him with harassment. How is he going to investigate someone’s entire career. He’s living in a fantasy world. Somebody get him evaluated hahahahahahahaha

  3. He needs to Plug something up and I can think of 2 types of plugs and neither are for hair!
    He has absolutely no power not even power over when he takes a crap therefore he has to change his undies a few times a day!

  4. It is almost too Sad how stupid Goatboy is yet he is funny on how stupid he actually is, maybe if he knew what the key word of "may" meant in the ILL. FOIA Statute he wouldnt have to waste the time of the good people of Adams County ILL. I sure hope the county DA has charge filed again ol' Goatboy, that would be a sight to see him in shiny bracelets and in the back a squad car.

  5. This idiot learns a new word in English every week and proceeds to use it out of context. If he would attend ESL classes, he might get farther with his shenanigans. But I doubt it.

  6. ( 00:51 ) < "I went to the POLICE ACADEMY! They KICKED ME OUT!" YUP! THEN, he became a CARTOON CHARACTER – without ROYALTIES! > < THANK YOU , Dr. DAVE for the "15min RULE" of "DRIFTIN' OFF into SNOOZIN-VILLE'!" It REALLY HELPS with the GOAT BOY VIDEOS! >

  7. What a moron! I'll bet his shoe size is bigger than his IQ. I'm guessing he somewhere close to Lucky Laptop and Big Wuss on the IQ scale. And he's a snowflake!

  8. 😂😂😂 oh my gosh, he’s losing it! Who leaves voicemails like this? And who is he saying “it’s OK…it’s Ok” too? Goatboy, if you act like a normal human being, they would talk to you. He is rude and condescending. Nobody will ever treat him with respect until he learns to talk to them with respect.

  9. This goat fella won't give up. The goat mobile is surely gone by now. Im surprised there isn't goat noises in the background. It would be funny as hell.
    He just wastes employees time on useless shit.
    The gave him a fax number and an address. Do one of those but noooooo the idiot has to insist on verbal that they dont offer. Moron.
    I bet all these employees he harassing have cars that have not been towed.
    Still winning 😅😅😅

  10. Saddest part is, Goatboy thinks he is some noble civil rights crusader. But he's not freeing slaves, righting wrongs, or passing meaningful laws – he's demanding nearly-pointless paperwork. If he is working towards some great cause, I'd love to hear it. But no, I suspect it is in the same space as every "story" frauditors claim to be working on…

  11. He’s going to put him in a “bind”??? 😳 He’s so weird with the way he twists the English language. It’s not that he’s unfamiliar with the language, it seems to be partly an affectation

  12. They should send him his request, but only have it show the requests he made. Lol
    Does he really think a town or city would keep a disbarred attorney on staff in the legal department?


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