Goat Format TRAPS you should consider! #yugioh

Tell me what you think about these trap cards

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33 thoughts on “Goat Format TRAPS you should consider! #yugioh”

  1. While it seems a little slow along with a discard cost, non aggression area doesn't seem so bad if you can time it well while in control of a game. Cursed seal of the forbidden spell could also be good against decks that run multiple copies of the same spell cards such as goat control or reasoning gate but it also has a discard cost that has to be a spell card. Can't wait to see the monsters segment!

  2. awesome list man. appreciate the shouts especially for time seal, CED, and cylinder. some underrated monsters to consider are newdoria, spirit reaper, and (super spicy) possessed dark soul

  3. Needle Ceiling is dope. It’s an adequate board breaker in advanced format. Chain Disappearance while I don’t think is that great would be amusing to side against Goat Control, chiefly if you manage to banish all of your opponent’s Thousand-Eyes Restricts. For undervalued monsters Time Wizard seems like a decent counter to burn. Either A, you can clear all of their monsters or B, you can unlock your board from tokens which have 0 attack to contribute to the self burning.

  4. I love magic drain and needle ceeling!
    Pls consider Apprentice magician for the monsters video!
    I like to use it as a random tech with my friends because I love spellcasters
    It provides the plays in some situations;
    Its dark, and if destroyed it gets into the field a spellcaster of our choice, ready to be flipped
    If its magician of faith its a potencially very versatile +1 in the form of a magic card
    faith its level 1 so we can metamorphosis it into thousand eyes, and then have the light and dark in graveyard (apprentice and faith)
    There´s also the awesome situation where Apprentice magician can refill the counter on the breaker! Of course this doesnt happen a lot hahah
    I love Apprentice magician its very fun to use!

  5. Can you upload some mask of darkness gameplay? I have my first tournament in four years on Saturday and want to play a mask deck. Would love to see your take on it.

  6. I love using ceasefire! The amount of times this card helped me beat my friend who plays apprentice and faith is insane. And the burn actually helps out when the opponent walls up… Great video!

  7. Threatening Roar didn't make the list. It is good against Reasoning Gate. May contribute against Warrior (although Sakuretsu is probably better). I like it because it allows to resolve Cyber Jar/Morphing Jar on your terms.

  8. I've tried time seal in warriors for a while, because warriors goal is to simplify the gamestate and time seal helps do just that, the only issue I've ran into is when your opp gets a lead, time seal just puts you further behind.


    ive made many Reasoning Gate/Goat Control players baby rage quit or just any deck in general whose win conditions can come from a spell card

    even Turbo deck its good against

    don't sleep on this card for you side deck Goat players

  10. My thoughts (not that you asked for them 😅)

    I love time seal. Very underrated card but of course it does essentially nothing for you when you are behind and need a top deck.

    Cylinder is sneaky good. People look at it as a minus 1 for the player, but honestly it accomplishes a lot late game. It is such an easy win con in the right moment.

    Ceasefire is meh. Great against chaos turbo but not really useful against much else unless you’re running burn.

    Skill drain is amazing. Especially in zombies.

    Magic drain also very underrated. At worst it’s a 2-for-1 and at best it’s a free magic jammer.

    The rest are ok. Don’t have much of an opinion on them.


  11. Another one I saw at locals that fucked me up while playing reasoning gate was fucking Mask of Restrict. Totally shut me down couldn’t use monster gate or meta or summon Jinzo which was in my hand lmao. Solid side deck card I think.


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