Glorious Slime Bullet Heaven – Slime 3K: Rise Against Despot [Demo]

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Welcome to Slime 3K, an unhinged roguelite bullet-heaven set in the Despot’s Game universe! Build a deck of crazy weapons, grow stronger and devour hordes of pink puny humans as a murderous jelly blob on a warpath of death, violence and pretzels.

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14 thoughts on “Glorious Slime Bullet Heaven – Slime 3K: Rise Against Despot [Demo]”

  1. I tried the demo – you'd think, given there are well over 100 'survivors' games on Steam – they'd have played one and worked-out how they're supposed to work…

    As is I was bored after a couple of games – just not fun, nothing new, nothing really interesting going-on at all for me…

  2. Oooh…I like how there's 4 "overflow" slots that don't do anything themselves, but give you leeway in getting the duplicates you need for upgrading. That's often been my main gripe of "three of a kind upgrade" systems is how often they essentially force you to leave slots open for duplicates to upgrade, leaving you with a hand size much smaller than it seems because of the slots you have to reserve if you want to upgrade what you've already got.

  3. Seems like, you would want bigger than the minimum 15 cards in your deck. Looks like you can get a total of 40. Basically, you want an end game build of 8 super high rated cards, while very early cards are just filler or special use cases and shouldn't be maxed out.

    Mid game would be where you probably want to max your utility cards.


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