Global Nuclear War Simulation

In light of the attack on the Russian Black Sea HQ SHALL WE PLAY A GAME?


30 thoughts on “Global Nuclear War Simulation”

  1. So… who will be the PIRRIC winner? Argentina?
    What happened after the pandemic that is making every country – specially, the most powerful ones – suspicious of all the others, like a paranoic sees threats everywhere? Don't get me wrong: I'm NOT a "peacemonger"; I'm very interested in warfare and consider deterrence a very important factor. But, though we, people, are not very rational (at least, when in a mass), we're not crazy either. Everybody wants the dear ones to be safe and have a splendid future… and we all know that today's enemy might be our best ally tomorrow.
    As the Voice of Reason once said: it seems the adults have left the room.

  2. Then Doomsday is just around the corner? Hopefully strong bunker is nearest your area to be able to shelter yourself and your families as well VOR 🙏, Let's hope God find a solution to world powers disputes ,cause that's not looking a good news to hear, somehow Welcome back VOR.

  3. most of these simulations dont make sense..
    Russia has the better airdefence and hypersonic tech.. most of the direct impact will happen on the west.. on the other hand, the numbers of dead are way too low.. thats why these west guys want this war.. because they think only a few millions , to a few billions after will die and they can sit it out in their bunkers and rule the world after that.. the rainbow flag over the green covid energy electro climate world goverment in the US of course.. madness has absolutely no boundaries..honestly speaking, I will feel joy , because even a post apocalypse is a better world without the west.. if I survive, I will pull them out of their bunkers and feed them alive to the feral hogs and anything with teeth.. maybe also make sausage out of them and sell it for cigarettes.. now do I hate the west ? Absolutely not.. I am the cure

  4. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV, Jesus Christ is the only way…..

  5. Gotta question the veracity of the sim youre using. Vegas didnt take one? Thats where a big nimber of f22s operate out of, as well as drone training and operation north of Vegas. This looks like some Rand company sim trying to sell us that we could "win" a nuclear war.

  6. We condemn the Ukrainian strikes on civilians ..the nazist regime in kiev continue his crimes against civilians ..where's the UN and occident human's rights !!!? Or kild civilians russians not crime ???


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