Giving Tours & Surfing Waves | DinnerTime Gaming Plays TemTem!

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36 thoughts on “Giving Tours & Surfing Waves | DinnerTime Gaming Plays TemTem!”

  1. Yes to that one as well as:
    "I hate you, you hate me. Let's tie Barney to a tree. With a knife in his back and a bullet through his head; aren't you glad that Barney's dead."
    Which I think rolls off the tongue more than the others I'm seeing.

  2. I remember in my elementary Barney rhyme (at least in Virginia) was
    "I hate you, you hare me,
    let's get together and kill Barney.
    With a 2×4, hit em in the Knees…
    (I forgot the other rhyme)

  3. We had "Joy to the world, Barney's dead – they barbecued his head. What happened to his body? they flushed it down the potty – and around and 'round it went, and around and 'round it went. And arouuund and round and round it went". Wisconsin is an odd place

  4. regional variations on the barney rhyme is deeply fascinating! i also lived in MD but only heard the barney rhyme once i moved to PA (the “i hate you/you hate me/let’s tie barney to a tree…no more purple dinosaur” variety)

  5. Had one close to one of the rhymes you used in a small town in Oregon. I hate you, you hate me, let's get together and kill barney. you grab a gun while I get the door, nor more purple dinosaur.

  6. There was another Barney song nobody has mentioned that I heard a lot as a kid was "On top of Mount Smoky, all covered in Blood, there lays Barney, all covered in blood! With an Knife in his stomach, and an axe in his head! We are all happy, that Barney is dead!" The purple dinosaur was really really disliked by children.

  7. Here in South africa we had a different version of the barney song.
    'I love you, you love me. Let's all go and kill barney…with a baseball bat and a 4×4(a truck). No more stinking dinosaur.'

  8. As far as info spreading the nation, the blowing on the cartridge of a video game to make it work seems weird to me. That was never mentioned in a nintendo magazine or anything.

  9. 2 30 year Olds playing a game and proof ya'll are my spirit animals.

    "I've got nothing, what do you want me to do?"
    "I don't know. I'm over exerted so I'm resting. "
    "Good idea. I'm taking a nap. Sounds like a good idea. "

  10. I wouldn't be surprised if the Barney hate was tied to toxic masculinity.

    Like how some parents will ban boys from liking "things for babies" or things for girls" , and then some of those boys will make fun of other boys for liking those same things.

  11. One that went around my school in KY was

    On top of Mt Smokey all covered in blood,
    I shot my dear Barney with a .44 gun.

    I shot him with pleasure, I shot him with pride.
    I used a machine gun and shot him in the side.

    I went to his funeral, I went to his grave.
    Some people threw flowers, but I threw a grenade.

    I opened his coffin to make sure he was dead.
    I pulled out my shotgun and blew off his head.

    I think people here really hated Barney.


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