Giant Wolves Supervise Human Puppy Tummy Time! (Adorable Bond!!)

Nathan is never left alone he always has one of his wolf pack by his side watching over him! He’s so curious about the dogs and always wants to roll over and stare at them, they must think he’s there bald little puppy haha. They all remember when Amelia was a little baby too so I guess theyre waiting for this new food giver to grow up! Phil comes in to have a little snuggle too but he’s not been too well recently as he had addisons disease as a resulyt of his medication so he’s been on blood tests and tapered dosages to track and identify where he needs to be again as his body’s reaction to it had changed. Thats why we routinely have to take him for bloods every 3 months but now its dropped to 10 days then 1 month then 6 weeks and so on until his levels stabilise then we can do 3 months again. Poor old man!


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