Giant Serpents Spotted on Camera | The Proof is Out There (S1, E6) | Full Episode

Could a strange figure caught on a security cam be evidence of an unknown lifeform? What accounts for a statue that appears to be crying real tears? Find out more in Season 1, Episode 6, “Giant Serpents and Tiny Goblins.”

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The Proof Is Out There investigates the world’s most mysterious videos, photos, and audio recordings, and uses the best technology and experts to render a credible verdict. Each episode analyzes and passes verdicts on several seemingly impossible things “caught on film,” including giant beasts, UFOS, apocalyptic sounds, hairy humans, alleged mutants from the deep, conspiracies, and many other cases. Host and veteran journalist Tony Harris takes nothing for granted in a quest for answers, tracking down eyewitnesses, putting each photo or film through a battery of tests, calling out the hoaxes, and highlighting the most credible evidence in an attempt to better understand our world.

The HISTORY® Channel, a division of A+E Networks, is the premier destination for historical storytelling. From best-in-class documentary events, to a signature slate of industry leading nonfiction series and premium fact-based scripted programming, The HISTORY® Channel serves as the most trustworthy source of informational entertainment in media. The HISTORY® channel has been named the #1 U.S. TV network in buzz for seven consecutive years by YouGov BrandIndex, and a top favorite TV network by Beta Research Corporation. For a deeper dive, visit or follow @history on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok. For additional press materials visit the A+E Networks Press Center at


37 thoughts on “Giant Serpents Spotted on Camera | The Proof is Out There (S1, E6) | Full Episode”

  1. Why do everyone trying to suggest, that the animal they're trying to prove is, an animal that could be an ancient animal from the past,.go straight to the coelacamp. OMG getting tired of the coelacamp story.

  2. Please tell me these poor fools have heard of meteorologists? Those cloud rings have been proven to be a natural phenomenon for over 100 years.
    I mean how stupid do you have to be to get an astronomer involved in a weather phenomenon, you need a meteorologist!!!!!

  3. I have a hard time believing that’s someone’s child playing a prank. To get a child that young to hide behind something ,in the pitch black of night , without being scared or having no clue what an adult is trying to accomplish , would be hard pressed to say the least…..🙏🏼❤️

  4. Wow, history channel is really embracing conspiracy theory now. Why UFO (unidentified flying object) is now synonymous with aliens even by scientists is ridiculous. "Chem-trails" aren't a thing, they're called "con-trails" for condensation trail, moisture from burning alcohol based fuel. Ignorance on display, no wonder politics is so warped!

  5. The geo engineering is NOT even hidden anymore and people don't "believe" it. The 70-90s was a dark time for science looking back. Too many people started putting absolute faith in still many only partially proven facts from people like Hawking's, Sagan, even Jack Horner in the paleontologist and others. These guys made headlines as science "rockstars" with TV growing. For some reason there was almost a drop off in accepting anything outside the common paradigm.

    Even now with so many things declassified and shared data from FOIA requests, the truth of so much more is out there but there seems to be a direct effort to keep certain things covered up.

    The more you bring into question the less control, "they" know this. Is it any reason there is a fear of people being able to share info. There is the political side but there is a lot more that people don't want shared. It's easier for them to use old tactics of attempting to discredit anything outside the norm. When it's too much, overload with info, including info they can prove false, discrediting the integrity of people sharing truth on related subjects.

    We have admissions of this from the FBI on record. To the point of driving a man insane. Consider what govts that don't have to answer to the citizens at all, what they do and can do to cover things.

  6. He or anyone on his panel doesn't have an idea as to what they were talking about when it comes to the Floating Ring.
    In his final comments he said that it came from a factory smoke stack, that's foowie.
    If that's the case, why was one floating between my house and my neighbors roofline high?
    Ain't no factory near us.

  7. "From what we know about Titanoboa, it primarily consumed fish."

    It lived 60 million years ago…….large mammals hadn't come on the scene yet.

    OF COURSE it primarily consumed fish when they were the easiest, most readily available food source at the time.

    We are no longer living in that time. There are more food sources available.

    If you lived your whole life ONLY having access to fresh fruits and vegetables, and then one day you are given the chance to try meat, eggs, fish, nuts, mushrooms, dairy, etc…… The fact that you only had access to fruits and vegetables before doesn't mean you can't start eating other things now…..

    What kind of requirements do they have to give these people their job titles these days? Critical thinking and logic are clearly not among them…

    Before anyone gives me the whole. "Well she is a doctor…." garbage, I can refute that argument very easily with two points.

    1) Denis Leary is a doctor. I wouldn't exactly say he earned that title. It was literally just GIVEN to him.

    2) Having a degree does not prove critical thinking or logic. It proves the ability to repeat what you were told.

  8. The truth about everything in our world is that we’re creators and we’re all creating anomalies. Energy is the key to all of it. If you absolutely believe in something you will manifest it. These things you see above you are a reflection of your consciousness. You are a magnificent creator made in Gods image. When will you awaken to this beautiful truth. Start believing in peace and unconditional love and you’ll see more proof of its existence

  9. These things are usually a collection of known phenomena relearned or new to fresh generations. Plus I iz smartz-like, so let's go … 1. Agree w/wave analysis tho was raising my eyebrows. The 2nd on looks like a geniune life form of SOME kind. 2. Smoke rings … a repeat so no comment. 3. Florescant hair/nose piercings distract this old guy; white noise but moot as regardless of species or vid manipulation, RUN! 50 ft or 5, don't care. Good enough! I encounter rattlesnakes, bull snakes and others exceeding 5 feet all the time and their motion is a slither consistent with this thing. 4. Insufficient data, period. Send a couple .30 rounds out to bounce off a few rock chips and gauge reaction. Whazzat? No, I guess nobody DID ask me. Carry on.

  10. Did you notice how he debunked the the ring as an alien ring to a diesel smoke ring? The smoke ring faded away in a few seconds compared to that ladies video. Yes the government is evil and are up against humanity.

  11. No one said anything about the stuff falling from those rings. In one of the videos there is a trail of something moving towards the ground in formation… not free falling. That was never mentioned.

  12. The little person, could be related to the Mahoney of Hawaiian Fame whose existence were proven in the 1827 census done by the government of Hawaii where there were 125 to 130 of them that were still living that they filled out a census form for. They spoke to these people they were no more than two and a half to 3 ft tall. Their existence was common knowledge in the early 1800s.

  13. You people spook yourselves it's funny I was working one time at one of the markets that bell rings for service the guy brings me a piece of chicken and tells me look there's a worm in this chicken I'm a doctor I can see it I put it in the microscope I said let me see that oh yeah that is a vein you see it's a vein oh I needed you to tell me that don't spook yourself people there's always a logical explanation for everything even if they are here who cares you're here who knows if you're not one of them haha true entertainment.!!!

  14. What if some of these lakes connect to water systems in a theoretical hollow earth? These cryptids live in the waters of hollow earth and only come to the lakes through underwater caverns to feed once in awhile and go back home?
    It would correlate with some of the legends about how monsters come to our world through a portal from underwater like in Moana.

  15. why does the HISTORY CHANNEL entertain such NONSENSE?? the host says he's been a journalist for decades and follows the TRUTH wherever that may lead..

    what a LIE.. because NONE of these claims have provided TESTABLE evidence!!

    if you're in a boat.. taking video from 100 yards away.. that ISN'T "evidence".. motor or row over to it!! alert others!! no one ever has other witnesses OR better footage..

    these vids can be faked and altered.. I buy NONE of this

  16. when your hair is multiple colors, your professionalism and reputation go out the door for me. Half of these "specialists" are just as arrogant about the info they spew as those who deem animals extinct that aren't.


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