Giant African land snail found in Pasco County

The Giant African land snail that officials said was eradicated from Florida โ€” twice โ€” was found in New Port Richey.

The snail is considered to be one of the most damaging snails in the world. It consumes at least 500 types of plants, causes structural damage to plaster and stucco structures, and carries a parasitic nematode that can lead to meningitis in humans.


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31 thoughts on “Giant African land snail found in Pasco County”

  1. Oh no!!! It has stripes!! Quick run! And it's a male and female! It's like Florida's worst nightmare come true. Don't call it any feminizing term people, whatever you do.

  2. This snails are expensive in Africa itโ€™s in high demand they are nutritious and delicious. Pepper snail and snail soup are yummy ๐Ÿคค ..

  3. It's a delicacy in Africa. Especially in Nigeria. It's expensive. You n I know that snail meat is healthier than beef, e t c. It has little or no cholesterol. When u present anything African, pls make a balanced story by promoting also d good side. I hope ur helix promatia, helix aspersa n other helixinidae species also carries lung rat.

  4. Ron DeSantis should activate the Florida legislature and pass a law against the giant African land snail. Sign the law infront of the TV cameras. Then brag about his conservative leadership in Florida.

  5. It could get under people cars ๐Ÿš˜, and get transported to a different location. I vet it contaminated the soil, and grass with the slime it leaves behind, and infect your cat ๐Ÿˆ or dog..

  6. Hahahahahaha. Oh my goodness. Americans. Don't waste your fu****g time and money on the so-called "pests". Just call the Ghanaian community in the area and the rest will be history. Whaaat! The snails are a delicacy here in Ghana. They are among most expensive meat at restaurants. Snail hunters get up at dawn to go into the forest to collect the snails. And it is big money business.
    And, hey, stop the bulls*** about snails and meningitis, etc. Otherwise all Ghanaians would be dead by now. Ironically, the little yearly outbreak of meningitis happens in the northernmost part of Ghana where they don't have snails. So Mr. Mayor of Florida, just send an sos to the Ghanaian community, and save your time and dollars. Just send 5% of the allocated amount to me as consultation fee, hahahaha.
    Greetings from God's own country, Ghana.

  7. I was chased by one last night, barely escaped with my life… careful he might be still lurking in the tall grass out there somewhere… stay strong people, we will learn what their weaknesses are and face them in close combat.


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