Ghost Song Review – not the metroidvania I expected

Ghost Song is a sci-fi metroidvania that is heavily inspired by the 2D-Metroid games but sadly never reaches any of the qualities other metroidvania reached in 2022 and before. Check out my review to find out the reasons.


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17 thoughts on “Ghost Song Review – not the metroidvania I expected”

  1. Played for about 3.5 hours and I'd say it's my favorite metroidvania in years. It feels more Metroid than Metroid Dread. The atmosphere and the world and sound design is simply put on par with both Super Metroid and Axiom Verge, who both excelled at that.

  2. you are being very unfair with the game, I think what you are looking for is like all the other casual players, the game is incredible and you must take into account that it was made by a single developer, the game is incredible do not let yourself be carried away by the first part of the review

  3. I like your script and editing, but I imagine English is not your native language(mine neither) and it is hard to understand your enunciation a lot of the time, I would recommend opening your mouth a bit more as you enunciate, like you would when speaking to a friend in the other side of the room, as it is it feels as if you're speaking right after waking up from bed and it's really hard to understand a lot of your arguments.

  4. Atrociously, unresponsive, clunky, laggy controlls, many bs deaths and moves, enemies are bullet sponges as you said. Great artstyle and maps but it doesn't matter in the end, very disappointed . Feels very unfair and annoying with punishing lack of quality of life features like forced to walk the same distance over and over for the quest without been able to pick all quest items at once.. Great and honest video seriously man , most people praise this half broken wanna be gem.

  5. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose. IMO, this is the second coming of Super Metroid, bar none! Exceeded my expectations and even surpasses Metroid: Dread for me personally. I daresay this may even end up beating out Hollow Knight as my current #1 Metroidvania title on the market. Sad to see some people don't appreciate it more, but you can't make a game for everybody, lol! Certainly difficult, but those who persist may well find a masterpiece lying underneath!

  6. On the contrary to your opinion, I felt the movement allowed me to traverse and battle enemies with ease and satisfaction. Also, the critique of gate locking parts of the map until you get a specific upgrade is part of the metrovania formula. I found it odd to knock the game for a core pillar of the gametype.


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