
16 thoughts on “GET SWAMPED LIVE”

  1. Robbie keszey and family I am so sorry for the loss of your family pet 🐕 nova and piper companion I know it is very hard to loose a pet my heart goes out to all of you and Robbie on your live last night you said thank God for my wife Michelle she is the rock to this family Scott said she was today you Robbie said no not just today but she is everyday and you said I love my wife and I have 3 incredible kids. Robbie you and your family are in my prayers I cry every time I listen to you say how you try to save nova the people who let piper go do not deserve a employee like her. Again I am terribley sorry for your loss of nova. Take care be strong.

  2. Hi Robbie, Zee, John and Scott. Condolences Robbie, Zee and all your Family, especially Piper on the loss of Luna who departed to the rainbow bridge. How heartless and despicable were Piper's now ex employers. Great live and auction. Blessings to you all, stay safe and take care.

  3. I lost my 10 year old nephew back in July, he battle brain cancer the past 3 months. My manager hated me for leaving work early and calling out. She put me in a room and went off on me cause I had a heart and cried for having one. She didn't want anything to do with me, she told me to leave or to be moved out of her department. I left her and went to another department, best thing. God takes care of the unholy people and lack of… I am soo very sorry for your guy's loss 😥🙏

  4. So sorry that you lost Nova. It is okay to break down/cry. Shows that you loving and caring. Pray for the shop owners. Sounds like they need it. Do not stoop to their level. Let God handle it. There is something better for Piper, and this is a stepping stone. Praying for everyone.


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