Get Consistent Unconditional Love From Them Automatically | The Most Effective Way!

Hey lovelies,

Today we’re talking about consistent unconditional love and the truth about ourselves.




24 thoughts on “Get Consistent Unconditional Love From Them Automatically | The Most Effective Way!”

  1. The problem with being with my SP isn't him liking me back but about his mom, whom he believes would never approve me as we belong to different communities… Hence we both do not even want to face her and that's the reason for our split.
    I know manifesting is about believing, but how do I even begin to look at this positively?

  2. I've been affirming and visualizing for months to eliminate the 3rd party. My sp and the 3p were barely talking. I thought I'm doing it right… Now suddenly 3P shows up more aggressively than ever… What am I doing wrong? Just when I thought she's finally gone. Could you give me some advice please?

  3. EXACTLY what I want right now! There's this very special person in my life whose friendship is very important to me! I hope things will eventually grow into something bigger but right now, a deep, loving friendship is what I desire. Thank you so much!!!

  4. How do you manifest unconditional love from afar?
    If I understand you, you don’t say “I love you” in the 3D and expect them to say I love you back. All you can do is go within and have loving thoughts of them where they tell you they deeply love you -is this what you’re saying?

  5. Hi Elle, I have a question. I am new to the affirming game and am wanting to implement this on a daily basis – is this recommended to do this daily? I start with my morning with a 10 min meditation with my visuals for the end story, a few written affirmations during the day or when I find my mind wandering to the 3D or a negative thought, then finish my day with another 10 min mediation with with my visuals. Is this correct? or are you able to maybe do a video on this? Big love and hugs from Australia! XO

  6. I’ve been watching your videos for two weeks. I am very grateful to be able to watch your video every morning to have a great start as I am from Hong Kong❤ thanks for your effort and the clear contents❤

  7. My SP is everything. Impossible is nothing. I am still learning and growing, but I know and trust that the one I love and desire also loves and desires me. I am one with my SP and my SP is with me. Source would not have bought us together, even briefly, if this were not true. 🥰 Thank you Elle.

  8. Hi Elle, I love Your videos so much ! I can't even express how much they've helped me <3
    But despite a fact that I have a general positive attitude towards life,I'm in good mood and I can clearly see how my frends,collegues and family react with love and respect for me now, I still have one problem…
    I've manifested a lot of things to my life,but I can't get over a fact of losing a contact with one specific person,even in my thoughts when I think about texting them about something I can see a rejection…How to ovecome that?

  9. wow i so wish i could have a conversation about the journey with you.. in this lifetime ive had to learn to love the unlovable in myself then transform it into loving the lovable and now i listen to you and begin the next phase of unconditional love this is the path. you are beautiful thank you for this

  10. Can I ask you about making a video for those of us that have anxiety and sometimes one thing that goes wrong in our reality our bodies answer to it to protect itself and sadly we become negative towards other things that have nothing to do with those things triggering us? Like what is the best way to understand that this is a response from our bodies trying to protect us but what technique could be used during the day when it happens unexpectedly by a trigger we aren’t aware of. It’s hard to put it into words, i believe I can be anxiety free but my subconscious shows otherwise and it can be discouraging. I am sure there must be a way to not allow this to be limiting.


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