George Carlin – Religion is Bullsh*t Reaction/Review

Today’s reaction was a much requested one to George Carlin | Religion is Bullsh*t…

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20 thoughts on “George Carlin – Religion is Bullsh*t Reaction/Review”

  1. Here is a couple of questions for you, you ask where do you derive from, well where does god or any 'higher' entity come from, who made that,and in turn who made that before, nothing comes from nothing so that "god have always been" ,that is like saying to a Child when they ask " why?" And the reply is "because" , "because what?" "Because" ,its a very infantile way of looking at things, everyone has a right to believe what they will and should be at peace with that, but my question is still and remains "who created the creator and who created that and so forth, nothing comes from nothing, anyone claiming it does have lost their marbles or is a fool in my opinion, the scholars i have come across in christinaity ,their final response is always "because god have always been" , well thats a response i dont perscribe to , its like the exsample i gave above .

  2. I don't believe in any god. Humankind came about from millions of years of biological evolution across this planet, the same as any other organism, really. Humanity in the common day needs absolutely nothing for ancient, manmade fable to proclaim something like an understanding of how the universe came about. Please don't feel bad about having questions regarding really any long-held and imagined explanation crafted by humans that knew about nothing regarding the realities of the universe.

    If you are asking about the workings of biology, human pregnancy is a fairly lengthy process that which encompasses the meeting of a man's sperm with an egg from within a woman, and such then growing into a point that which it's ready for birth outside its mother. The baby is then born. And yes, with the enormity of the cosmos, its inevitable that there is life elsewhere, on a different planet.

    I do not believe in an afterlife. I suppose I can see some degree of plausibility for such as reincarnation, as the way nature itself functions is through cycles. This I'd the one life you get, make it worth it with what you love.

  3. My grandpa who was a preacher for the native American church said to me one time "grandson, don't ever think your right and the next person is wrong. You both could be right or you both could be wrong. Either way, it's best to go along with them with how they pray, the messenger isn't the main focus, it's the message. And if the message is real then that means science is how we got here and the message is why we are here."

  4. "If you are an Atheist, how we got here" Easy to answer. I don't know. But not knowing is OK, but if I don't know something is not better to just invent something that I am comfortable with. That's religion, is an invented story to explain something we don't know.
    But I do know something, 5000 years ago, we didn't know how volcanos worked so, it was a God. When we find out how volcanos worked, we forgot about that God.
    3000 years ago we didn't know what lighting was, so we had a God for Lighting. Then we released how Lighting work, we forgot about that God.
    Now people say, ok how we explain this, and this, and this. And if there is no answer, then God did it. But everything we know until now tell us that NEVER it was a God, it always had an explanation.
    And, what happens when you die, well, no-one can tell, no-one ever died and come back with proves about what happens, we have stories, but not proofs, and if we read the main books of religions, none of them make sense, and fail to explain 95% of the world, then why we will think its right the other 5% of the book.

    I have a question for you, if God created us, who created God? If we say He Spoofed into existence, then we can say the same about the universe and remove God from the equation…
    Why we still believe in God? Easy, indoctrination. When we are young we believe in Santa. Until we realize is our parents, but if our parents all the time keep denying is them, give us stories about how Santa is real, and keep reinforcing that, we would be believing in Santa all our life, or at least until we have kids on our own and have to buy the presents.
    Same with religion, when we start to think this doesn't make sense, that maybe is not true, we have all the family and church telling us, you have to believe even if you have doubts, this is true even if there is no 1 prove about it.
    If by the time you have your first doubts about religion around age of 7 which is the most like age to doubt. Someone tells you, oh well you are right there is absolutely no prove of God or the stories of the Bible, you can choose to believe it or not. Religions will die out.
    Keep in mind this: You will never see an atheist killing because of atheism, you see it all the time on history and now with Christians and other religions. The more atheist countries are the ones with less crime. The suicide rate is far higher in religious families. Prison's are full of religious people (Atheists are 0.1% in prison's in USA). Then how can we say that believing in a God is actually better for a person? With all the evidence against is?

  5. It's astounding that in a modern time we still have people who believe in such a ridiculous fairytale. That's why they get ahold of your mind at an early age, otherwise who could possibly believe such nonsensical garbage. You would think as an adult you would grow to see the absurdity, but so many cannot release what they were taught as a child, it becomes instilled in them. If I made up a story right now, that is equally ridiculous, then most would label me as crazy, but since it was made up a couple thousand years ago and forced into their minds as children, it somehow is logical to people. You can make a child believe anything you want them to when you isolate them and control them, and apparently this lasts forever for most individuals.

  6. Your a nice lady and man. It is the norm that people don’t question the culture of their upbringing. There are many questions that can be asked but you have to seek answer. I will just put two ideas. If morality must come from the bible, how is it that 1.4 billions people in India ignorant of bible are to go to hell but a murder on death row need only come to Jesus on death row then spend eternity in heaven. Why is crime lower in Japan than the U.S. I can understand it is scary to you,after a lifetime of accepting what we were told. I grew up in the South, fortunately didn’t accept some of the negative possibilities. I also grew up Catholic. My wife comes from a country the Spanish conquered. It sometimes makes me think, her distant relatives were killed if they did not convert. Now that country is two thirds Catholic, 1/3 Muslim, both by decided by conflict. It doesn’t matter if you remain as you are. You seem like genuinely good people. It is just you asked for comment. I truly wish you both well! It was nice to see your reaction video.

  7. I'll answer your question with a question: Why are you a Christian and not another religion worshipping another diety? If you were born in a different part of the world, you would most likely have a different religion. Religion is more a function of who your parents were. The only difference between you and an athiest is an athiest believes in one less God. Well done on the discussion. Keep up the good work!

  8. Not knowing is as human as it gets. We all dont know things, but we live and learn new things. Just watch history how fast we in the last 100-200 years have come.
    Believe what makes you sleep better at night. We only live a certain years, so do/believe what makes you happy at the end of the day

  9. "I know I am not suppose to question him" – that's exactly it.. because if you question something – you might learn something.. Religion does not want that.. they would loose their power, influence and money..

  10. I do believe in your God but I do not worship Him. He is not above me nor I below him. He was not my creator. All that said he has taught me a thing or two. But I can no more worship your God than you could worship Zeus. I do love your reaction Channel it makes me smile.☺️


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