General Ben Hodges – Time's Up For Putin, This Just Got Much Worse For Russia

In this video, I interview General Ben Hodges, the highest ranking military officer to speak out against President Putin. General Ben Hodges is a retired Lt. General with 28 years of experience in the US Army, including service in Iraq and Afghanistan.

General Ben Hodges has just released a bombshell statement. In it, he says that Putin is β€œa war criminal” and that β€œtime’s up for Putin.” This just got much worse for Russia. General Ben Hodges is a powerful voice in the anti-Putin movement, and his opinion is worth listening to. Watch the video to hear what he has to say, and be sure to share it with your friends!
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37 thoughts on “General Ben Hodges – Time's Up For Putin, This Just Got Much Worse For Russia”

  1. Thanks for this video – as always, Gen. Hodges poses some compelling questions and key points. Why isn't the Biden administration listening? Why do they not seem to have any response to any of General Hodges' comments? Why isn't the US administration listening to him? So very disappointing.

  2. Unquestionably Biden wants Ukraine to win. Unquestionably he wants Russia to lose and leave its neighbors alone. Unquestionably more decisive action than Biden has taken is required. But maybe Biden is too timid to be audacious, or to old to be bold. Maybe he is deaf and can't hear what experts like Generals Hodges and Petraeus are advising. Or maybe his education got no further than the legendary race between the rabbit and the turtle and his strategy is to just turtle it all the way. I don't know what his problem is, but I sure wish the Democrats would run a highly experienced military man with a proven track record. Regardless of what happens, we must keep the crazy Republicans out of the White House in 2024 and give them a chance to grow up.

  3. GLSDBs due in" fall " when do they think "fall" is? Now , the snow is falling in Ukraine so "fall" has finished. The last trees have shed their leaves in UK so our "fall" is finished here too. GLSDBs developed in Sweden,I'm pretty sure their "fall" is finished. Maybe they were talking about "fall" in Australia. Enough of these glib statements, who is carrying the can for this?

  4. I want Ukraine to win but the West doesn't want it to win. They are going to ask Ukraine starting next year to start negotiations or they will slow/stop weapons going into Ukraine. If the West really wanted Ukraine to win they would have said from the beginning we are going to arm Ukraine to the level needed to win. The M1 Abrams should have been in Poland last year ready to go to Ukraine waiting for UA soldiers to take over them, The West should have given Ukraine 300 modern tanks, 150 M1s and 150 Leopold 2. Pilots of getting training on the F-16, but we have not decided which countries are going to provide the planes and weapons, and we have not started sending parts needed to fix them. Once the pilots are one it will take 2 – 3 months to get nations to provide their F-16s and then another 2 month for maintenance and shipping them. Then another 2 months getting the fields setup in Ukraine. We are most likely not going to see an F-16 flying in Ukraine until September or October of next year. The US doesn't want Russia defeated it just wants it weak enough so they won;t have to put military resources in eastern Europe.

  5. TIME TO WIN. Put General Ben Hodges in the White House. Get in the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries. Let's see if we are being realistic. Hook up with James Carville, Miles Taylor, Tim Miller, Colonel Alexander Vindman, Marie Yovanovich, Reuben Gallego, Capt Jack Crow, Mark Kelly, Adam Schiff, Sheldon Whitehouse, Gavin Christopher Newsom, et al.

  6. I'm losing faith in my country, how they are behaving like cowards. Thank you πŸ’› LT General Hodges for standing up and speaking truth. I wish the powers that be would listen to what these brilliant military leaders like General Hodges was trying to get across. I'm afraid that by the time they wake up it'll be too late to save the good people of Ukraine. Thanks again LT General Hodges for your πŸ’› excellent report today.

  7. I don't get why so many "people" talk good of this douchebag.
    For what I read in many sites he is…



  8. Russia has not gained significant territory in the last twelve months. Russia retreated, withdrew and was routed form Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv and Kherson, which was the last major retreat that occurred between the 9 and 11 November 2022.
    "On 11 November 2022, the Armed Forces of Ukraine liberated and recaptured the city of Kherson and other areas of the Kherson Oblast and parts of the Mykolaiv Oblast on the Right-Bank of the Dnipro River."

    At the beginning of 2022, Russia had fresh troops and more than three times the hardware that Ukraine had available to them, plus an overwhelming advantage in air-force planes and navy ships. Had an all-out response been fought by the Ukrainians at that time, it is likely to have been a defeat for the Ukrainians at that time. Increased speed is not always the best policy.

    It has only been during 2023 that Ukraine has been supplied with updated {not the newest} military hardware and equipment by the nearly 60 countries {possibly more} that are assisting and supporting Ukraine. During the last year, Russia's trained personnel has been diminishing and their hardware has been destroyed, incapacitated or captured by Ukrainians.

    Some have questioned why Ukraine has not taken more ground. As one commenter said, "Why risk forces and hardware by attempting to move into territory covered by the enemy when they keep running into your fist." Which is a graphic description of attritional warfare. Attempting to move into enemy held territory may make the conflict quicker but it also makes it hotter, which, as we have been told, costs far more lives and destruction for the attacking forces.

    Currently, it is the Russians who have continued to adopt and assume the roles of being attackers. Given the fact that the Russians appear to want to gain ground from Ukrainians, it is they who continue to deplete their forces, hardware and equipment, more rapidly than the Ukrainians. However, in offering that perspective, I would also say that the Ukrainians need to be alert to any opportunities that arise to take advantage of the weaknesses in the Russian military formations. At the same time it is imperative that the line along the conflict front is maintained and not allowed to be broken. This means that sound lines of communication need to be maintained.

    It is for the reasons mentioned above that, I believe that the conflict is not in a stalemate. A stalemate exists when both opposing forces are losing troops and hardware at about the same rates. According to what I have observed and has been available through military intelligence sources of the UK and the US, the Russian military are losing forces and hardware at a significantly higher rate than the Ukrainians. The longer that situation prevails, the less likely are the Russians to gain the upper hand. Indeed, the longer the WAR, waged by Russia against Ukraine continues, the greater the advantage swings in favour of the Ukrainians. This, I believe, is the reason why there has not been an imperative to speed up toward the culmination of the conflict. The longer it extends {within reason???} the better for Ukraine.

    This {following} list only includes {confirmed) destroyed vehicles and equipment of which photo or videographic evidence is available. Therefore, the amount of equipment destroyed is significantly higher than recorded here.
    Source: ORYX List of Hardware Losses in Ukraine website.

    Ukraine Total hardware, tank and aircraft losses 24 Feb 2022 to 26 Nov 2023
    Total – 4765, of which: destroyed: 3260, damaged: 369, abandoned: 183, captured: 953
    Tanks – 692, of which destroyed: 465, damaged: 56, abandoned: 37, captured: 134

    Aircraft (78, of which destroyed: 76, damaged: 1, captured: 1)
    Helicopters (36, of which destroyed: 32, damaged: 1, captured: 3)

    Russia Total hardware, tank, aircraft, ship and submarine losses 24 Feb 2022 to 26 Nov 2023
    Total – 13182, of which: destroyed: 9162, damaged: 579, abandoned: 535, captured: 2906
    Tanks – 2504, of which destroyed: 1641, damaged: 139, abandoned: 176, captured: 548

    Aircraft {fixed wing} (94, of which destroyed: 86, damaged: 8)
    Helicopters (132, of which destroyed: 102, damaged: 28, captured: 2)

    Russian Naval Ships and Submarines (19, of which destroyed: 12, damaged: 7) {possibly more}
    1 Project 1164 Slava-class guided missile cruiser: (1, Moskva, sunk)
    1 Project 22800 Karakurt-class corvette: (1, B-802 'Askold', destroyed)
    1 Project 636.3 Improved Kilo-class submarine: (1, B-237 'Rostov-na-Donu', damaged beyond economical repair)
    5 Project 03160 Raptor-class patrol boat: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (1, damaged) (2, damaged)
    1 Project 02510 BK-16E high-speed assault boat: (1, destroyed)
    1 Project 640 small patrol boat: (1, destroyed)
    1 Project 1171 Tapir-class landing ship: (1, BDK-65 'Saratov', destroyed)
    3 Project 775 Ropucha-class landing ship: (1, 'Minsk', damaged beyond economical repair) (1, damaged) (2, 'Olenegorsky Gornyak', damaged)
    2 Project 11770 Serna-class landing craft: (1, destroyed) (1, damaged)
    1 Project 1176 Ondatra-class landing craft: (1, damaged)
    1 Project 22870 rescue tug: (1, SB-739 V'asily Bekh', destroyed)
    1 Project 266M Natya-class minesweeper: (1, damaged)

  9. I think the reason the US has taken it slow sending aid is because of the threat of Nuclear war. If the US sent all Ukraine needs to completely defeat Russia at one time it could push an already unstable Putin to make catastrophic decisions. Sending weapons little by little prevents Putin from acting on his worst inclinations from being suddenly overwhelmed

  10. πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί

  11. The current U.S. Administration NEEDS to listen to General Hodges, he is not some dumbass armchair general. Israel can take care of itself, we don't need to be sending aid to a country that is clearly a 1st world power, we need to send everything Ukraine needs NOW.

  12. European and US politics in Ukraine will only bring Ukraine to engage more soldiers to fight Russia. And due to demographic disproportion between both countries, if we continue on this way it will only cost useless blood for Ukraine and they will not be in position to win.
    But are we really sure our governments want a victory over Russia ? Slowly but surely I start to doubt because what was given does not permit (at all) victory in a counter offensive.
    So our governments are afraid… but of what ? Unwanted explosion of Russian actual internal borders ? Use of nukes ?
    I'm afraid this will cost much more in a few years to the happy taxpayers because showing such lack of courage will only give Russia the idea that we will only intervene " smoothly " at his next agression. Next countries they have in mind are Baltic states, Moldova, the rest of Georgia and certainly others.
    What does it costs really to sustain Ukraine until now, less… much less than we said, most of the material was outdated, surplus and ammunition in great part outdated and ready for destruction.
    All this kind of material costs 0.- and is written of in the books. But when we announce deliveries the indicated cost is at the prices of of new material….. business is business …
    We are not only dishonest with the Ukrainians sent to death but with ourselves too.

  13. Sadly Hodges is precisely correct.summed up too little too late ad too short ranged.
    In summary a strategy brilliantly conceived to dragout mstters till Ukrainisns lose.
    But thecarchitects of this stupidity are the same geniuses that dtructured and brilliantly rxecuted the Afghanistan debacle.
    Hodges is one of the very few remaining Americ a n military men who understsnds the basic roblems and tells it like it us.
    Unfortunstely no one currentlyin charge is listening.


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