Gene Decode REPORT June 2023 @TheGalacticTalk

Show 113 aired on June 6 2023. Gene Decode presents his coordinator Lemmy, topics on inner Earth, Department of Defense …


36 thoughts on “Gene Decode REPORT June 2023 @TheGalacticTalk”

  1. Also forgot to mention thank you Lenny for right I’m coming from the same life you did even knowing it was wrong yet could not get off the courage to turn my life around until the last few years with all this information at the press of a finger and stories like yours I will turn my life around thank you again

  2. Hello my favorite T! Thank you again for allowing us the presence of yourself and Gene Decode. As always together you rock us with respect and the honesty others are afraid to share. Thanks again, Pamela

  3. Whoa, Lemmy, thanks for sharing. Great show guys. I was targeted in 2017 after getting caught remote viewing Draco/reptilian which I had been doing unwittingly and sporadically since the 80's. There were a couple of comments the ones doing the targeting made that made me wonder along these lines anyway (among a lot of other things actually). But another thing the leader of the group would always talk about is how he'd like to 'strangle' me with his bare hands, etc.,…they were big into strangulation. LOL…something else to think about. Lemme tell you, the whole thing was horrific.

  4. 2 Esdra 2:27 That the cabal cant do anything to Catholics who have no confesse repented of sins.
    If you have access to a way back time macbine from 2015 you would see that 2 Esdra 2:10 it used to say that God took away Jerusalem away from Judah and he gave it to the Catholics.

  5. I so love & appreciate Lenny's transparency & powerful Testimony. When HIS.STORY is told, it transforms the lives of multitude of Saints worldwide. Thank you for your precious gifts, talents & time! May the Lord Bless you all abundantly ❤

  6. Hey guys I knew a lady a mother that used to keep anfetaminas in a safe and would give a box of INIBEX to her son everyday before she goes to work. I knew her and her son personally because they sold them to a girl I knew. and that’s was 40 years ago. May god open the eyes of all families in the world against the pharmaceutical amphetamines.

  7. I think that until you get to the point where you decide to pray, there are influences in your life that you just do not recognize. Looking back I remember instances where I believe now that I may have been in the presence of individuals who were possessed by something that was there to influence my actions. I remember having to tell them they should excuse themselves, be gone. And they had gone.
    Even a couple girlfriends who I thought were possessed, and very hard to get rid of. My mom had prayed for me , and one went to jail for over a year and that was that! Praise the Lord!

  8. When the old super mappers made the map with ice free Antarctica, it would seem like Greenland absolutely could been Green. The Vikings raised small farmasøytisk there. Where the ice is laying in Iceland now, is where Town and castles were on the very old map.

  9. I saw an interview with a man + De Santis. De Santis had slits for pupils. Many have that some of the time, and he is darker than it seemed at the start, so I far from doubt that it Just xould be true.
    Thank you for a great episode. I loved the theme's as always.


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