Geht es noch besser?… HEILUNG – Tenet , Album ''DRIF'' REACTION GERMAN 2022

Am 19.08.2022 erscheint das neue Studio Album von Heilung, Drif. Ich reagiere auf den dritten veröffentlichten Titel TENET. Eine Symphony vergangener Zeiten. Wenn dir mein Reaction gefällt, würde ich mich über ein Kommentar von dir freuen.
#vikings #reaction #2022

Zu Bustedcore Records:

Zu Heilung:


18 thoughts on “Geht es noch besser?… HEILUNG – Tenet , Album ''DRIF'' REACTION GERMAN 2022”

  1. Tolle Reaktion auf das neue Stück. Hab mir das Album eben vorbestellt. Ich bin so gespannt was da noch kommt.

    Die sind ja auch am Soundtrack von Hellblade 2 beteiligt, weiß nicht wie groß, aber die Trailer hatten bereits Teile ihrer Musik verwendet und sie waren mit den Soundentwicklern in Island, hoffe also dass die Zusammenarbeit da schon mehr als nur Lizenzen einiger Stücke beinhaltet.

  2. bei den längeren ist immer eher von meditativen oder in trancezustand versetzende songs auszugehen. Die meisten werden den song schon vor deiner reaction gehört haben denke ich. also rechne mit nicht so vielen antworten auf deine frage ^^

  3. Ich muss echt immer wieder sagen, Heilung ist einfach EPISCH!!! Durfte die Band schon mehrere Male Live erleben und bin jedesmal hin und weg 🥰
    Hoffe du machst in Zukunft mal 'ne Reaction von dem Song "Krigsgraldr" (Live @ Lifa).
    Wie auch immer, hab nach deiner "Anoana" Reaction spontan ein Abo dagelassen! Wünsche dir alles erdenklich gute für dich und deinen Kanal.
    Dicker Gruß aus der Nähe von Kassel

  4. Always happy to see another video reaction to Heilung. Greetings again from the U.S. , just got back from visiting Hamburg but would've loved to have listened to these new songs from Heilung while walking through the Black Forest.

  5. The Sator square is a magic square that among its five words forms a multipalídrome, being able to read in all directions ROTAS, OPERA, TENET, AREPO AND SATOR.

    But what strange business were the Ancients up to when they scattered settlements across Europe with this magic square? The interpretations of the meaning of the Sator square are inexhaustible, from the Latin translations "SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS: The Arepo sower dexterously guides the wheels" to "SAT ORARE POTEN ET OPERA ROTAS: Sufficient power to pray and to work daily" to esoteric or Christian explanations. Not in vain, the five words can be placed in the form of a cross giving rise to the word PATERNOSTER, with two A's and two O's left over, which when placed at the four ends of the cross, as if they were alpha and omega, indicate the beginning and the end.

    SATOR: (nominative or vocative noun) (from serere: to sow) sower, planter, founder, progenitor (usually divine); Author; literally "seeder".
    AREPO: unknown, probably a proper name, either invented or perhaps of Egyptian origin, eg codified form of the name Harpocrates or Hor-Hap (Serapis).
    TENET: (verb) (from tenere: to hold) sustains, conserves, understands, possesses, dominates.
    OPERA: (nominative, ablative or accusative noun) work, care, help, work, service, effort / problem; (from opus): (nominative, accusative or vocative noun) works, facts; (ablative) with effort.
    ROTAS: (rotās , accusative plural of rota) wheels; (verb) you (singular) turn or make turn.

    A probable translation is Farmer Arepo has [like] wheels [a plow]; that is, the farmer uses his plow as a form of work. An alternative would be to interpret the opera as ablative rather than nominative. In that case, the sentence could be read as Farmer Arepo holding the wheels with difficulty (or with effort), turning to focus on ROTAS with all its mystical connotations. The first interpretation, although not a meaningful sentence, is grammatical; the square can be read up and down, backwards and forwards. C. W. Ceram also reads the square boustrophedon (in alternate directions). But since the word order is very free in Latin, the translation is the same. If the Sator Square is read as boustrophedon, in reverse, the words become SATOR OPERA TENET AREPO ROTAS, with the sequence reversed and the position of ROTAS being the main difference.

    The word arepo is a legomenon hapax, which does not appear anywhere else in Latin literature. Most who have studied the Sator Square agree that it is a proper noun, either an adaptation of a non-Latin word or most likely a noun invented specifically for this sentence. Jérôme Carcopino thought it came from a Celtic word, specifically Gallic, for plow. David Daube argued that it represented a Hebrew or Aramaic version of the Greek Ἄλφα ω, or "Alpha-Omega" (see Revelation 1:8) by early Christians. J. Gwyn Griffiths maintained that it came, via Alexandria, from the attested Egyptian name Ḥr-Ḥp, which he took to mean "the face of Apis". An origin in Greco-Roman Egypt was also advocated by Miroslav Marcovich, who maintains that Arepo is a Latinized abbreviation for Harpocrates, god of the rising sun, in some places called Γεωργός `Aρπον, which Marcovich suggests corresponds to Sator Arepo.4 If one accepts that one or more deity names are encoded in Sator's chart, then this word box could be considered an example of a theophoric mandala.

    To this day, nobody knows its meaning, although the most popular is: SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS, which in Latin could be translated as: "The Arepo sower skilfully guides the wheels." The problem is that Arepo is not a known name in Latin, besides the words almost always have several meanings or meanings and the strangest thing is in which community this would be accepted as a motto.

    Another widely disclosed meaning is: SAT ORARE POTEN ET OPERA ROTAS; translated as: "Enough power to pray and to work daily"; since ROTO means wheel or roll, but it also means solar disk or sun, which could be translated as "day".

    There are many places where the Sator square is found, but above all, where it is most found is in hermitages and monasteries, especially Templars, and by chance or not, almost all of them accepted the motto: "Enough energy to pray and to work the day", abbreviated : Ora et labora ("pray and work").

    There are other interpretations related to esotericism and, in particular, to alchemy. In this sense, it is worth mentioning the relationship with the cathedral builders mentioned by Louis Charpentier and, in the same sense, its link with the Chiliasmic Theory or Millenarianism, a hypothesis that analyzes the square substituting the letters for numbers to form a matrix whose resolution it could derive a sort of ancient calendar. For Pedro Guirao, the square hides the hermetic secret of squaring the circle. Similarly, there are various kabbalistic and mathematical developments presented by Professor Rafael de Cózar, from the University of Seville, who, starting from the formal configuration of a poetic text and due to its metric requirements, develops hermetic geometries with the which concludes that the reasons for its conformation seem more aesthetic than containing a philosophical foundation.

    The presence of the palindrome in many medieval churches leads us to consider it as a symbol that has been introduced into the Christian culture of that period. From the identification of SATOR, the sower, with the Creator, the following interpretation has been proposed: "The Creator, author of all things, skillfully maintains his own works." Another possible translation is: "The sower it has by its sovereign force the whole universe". The "sower" would refer to Jesus and the parable on the subject.

    The interpretation of the palindrome in the field of Christian culture is consistent with the large number of occasions and places where the Sator square has been found. The discovery of this in Pompeii has raised various controversies about the Christian origin of the square in that even though it can be assumed that there were Christian communities in the place, the A and O placed on the sides of the cross may be a reference to the Apocalypse de San Juan, which was broadcast in Italy almost 100 years later.

    The first to propose the thesis of the apocalypse was F. Grosser, who when observing the set of letters that compose it showed that they could serve to form a cross, in which the word PATERNOSTER is crossed in the letter N: thus, there are plenty two A's and two O's, which can be placed at the four ends of the cross, as if they were alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. Therefore, the square would be a crux dissimulata, a hidden sample in use among the first Christians during the persecutions. This interpretation is reinforced by the fact that the magic square itself contains a concealed Greek cross, constituted by the intersection, in the center of the square, of two occurrences of TENET, the only word in the structure that is a palindrome of itself. . In addition, it has been observed that the same character T was used by the early Christians to indicate the sign of the Cross, as well as other structures that could imply the shape, such as the mast or the rudder of a ship. This interpretation is not accepted by all scholars, as they normally reject the Christian origin of the palindrome.

    A simpler explanation in relation to that of the crux dissimulata maintains that, consistent with widespread habits in the Middle Ages, the use in the Christian environment of the Sator square must have corresponded to apotropaic purposes, as happened with many suggestive inscriptions of the Abracadabra type or Abraxas. The fact that the cross formed by the double TENET is presented within the square is no less important.

  6. Interessant zu sehen, was Heilung in dir alles an Suggestionen generiert. Ich weiß nicht, ob du die Band schon Live gesehen hast, wenn die Rituale auf die Zuschauer rein donnern, empfehlenswert. Was bei dir, am Ende, als weihnachtliche Erinnerungen zum Vorschein kommt, erinnert mich hingegen an Dead Can Dance, die auch sehr interessante, düstere Musik machen und wieder Aktiv sind, nach langer Pause. Heilung auf meinen großen Monitorboxen, davor sitzend in mich aufsaugend, bis zum Tinitus und die Nachbarschaft zu beschallen, die mich am nächsten Tag fragen, was war das denn? Unbezahlbar.💪👌


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