Geeks & Gamers (& Ryan Kinel) Go FULL Mask OFF!

Geeks & Gamers (& Ryan Kinel) Go FULL Make OFF!


40 thoughts on “Geeks & Gamers (& Ryan Kinel) Go FULL Mask OFF!”

  1. Sorry for the mixup everyone, I knew we were going to be talking about the video Ryan put out but I guess I should’ve re-researched what happened with George Floyd so I wouldn’t have to mix him up with somebody else. I realized because of the chat and that I was contradicting myself when I was speaking. So I thank the chat for trying to let me know as fast as they could lol.

  2. Let see. So in culture war we have people who want things to be about social justice politics. He have people who feel its goes overboard and cringy. Sometimes on side make a good point. Sometimes the other side makes a good point. Sometimes a company make a change that is unneeded and stupid. Other time the change is fine. Like I think the change on namor in that movie is way too much. I don't like it. But that is me. Others may like it. I'm not going to hate on them. But if they try to make it sound like it was always cannon to the comic I will correct them and say they are wrong. If they can just admit it was a massive change for the MCU and also done out of being different from Aquaman, then we are fine. If you behave cringey and over act like this—> O)kay my god…I'm in tears that dark skinned mexicans are being represented. My kids says they finally have a hero to look up to that's like them." I'm going to laugh and call them full of shit. If they say," well I see it as a creative idea to have them more a Aztec or Mayan Background for the MCU makes him stand out more." Then I will say okay I well I respect your opinion and can understand why you feel that way. And then peacefully agree to disagree.
    I wanted to paint that picture of where I stand. So I try to understand either opinion if the person is being civil, and not hateful to someone else for a different opinion. And yes there are Liberal people who behave terrible and behave cringe and fake. Often. But there is times I meet those with a different opinion that explain there opinion realistically and do not freak out if I disagree. No will I with them. (It is all about behavior at this point.

    Lord I really worked my way up to Fandom menace people. Listen I'm gonna just go simple terms and say woke at this point. Just to simple explain it.
    So to a degree there is anti-woke people I completely understand. The civil ones that is.
    Now for your topic. Fandom menace are not Anti-woke or whatever. They are opportunist banking off saying they are anti-woke.
    90% of they time they dig really deep to find something that is. Allot of times it's not there and BS.
    Sometimes they just happen to talk about something that I can agree with them on. But that is not at all often and even if what they say is true on one suspect. They are still using it to make money. Also they use that to make everything else they say is true.
    Fandom menace opinion on things has become irrelevant. They you never know if what they are saying is true or false and one thing you do know is whatever they are saying is for subs and more fans. And yes they too lie and twist truth allot. Once in a while they just happen to go on a topic they don't have too. But this still makes them irrelevant. They are there own party. You cannot call them anti woke or woke. They are as bad as CBR or CB. People who try to create drama and stryph in the community for money. You know. I'll watch Angry Joe for his opinion and others who are neutral. I don't watch any Fandom menace anymore. They showed their true colors. They make matters worse for people. They are no better then the people they complain about. The only one who is not that bad is Doomcock because he allied with a different group after fandom menace turned on him. Namely Ryan who is the second biggest shithead next to Az, LOL I don't always agree with you Tris. But I come back to you cause I know you won't hate me over a different opinion and talk civil about it. I don't think you are woke. I do think you have some left views and even with that I still like you. I dont have to hate someone cause they have some views like that. And it does not make someone a bad person.
    As long as you don't look at someone with right views as a bad person and make attempt to understand their point of view while still not agreeing with them and a peaceful friendly way can agree to disagree its great. I see you do that. So we don't have to share the same views for me to follow you or be a friend to you. As long was we respect each other and disagree civil and still behave friendly then its great.

  3. the geeks & gamers crew (specially jeremy) LOVE hiding behind their "diversity shield" I've noticed, "Look at us at geeks & gamers, we have asians blk peoples muslims, ect … we're not raycist" paraphrasing jeremy … the dude and his squad is practically using the "I have a blk friend/s" card so therefore i'm not a raycist. They're no better than the leftists/wokeys/sjw hiding behind their diversity shield that G&G rants about being raycist, while the geeks & gamers crew does the same thing while ranting against them (political grifting ontop of it). All these people are on the same side of a coin.

  4. Oh the Breanna Taylor death, she wasn't murdered in her bed as the media was so wrongly pushing hard and never retracted and corrected this false narrative they were selling. Taylor died in the hallways (the report says they think she could've been pushed into the hallway by her bf during the shooting) backed by eye witness from neighbours. Lebron James was made fun of hard by the G&G type cuz he was push taylor being murdered in her bed.

  5. Well…great stream about shitty ppl.

    Idiots like Ryan do these things on purpose to provoke ppl first, and cry about the backlash later.
    They need that attention.
    That's their whole shtick…best thing to do, is to ignore them.

    I think it's wierd (but also kinda funny) how they "don't care about being called racist" (though they clearly seem to know how and why it's going to be all over Twitter) whenever they come up with such "jokes", yet will constantly double down on looking extra hard for things they can lable "woke" or "SJW" as if it was anything bad and as if anyone should care about what they think is right or wrong, or what they dislike about modern comics and comic book movies.
    Like…nope dude, you wanna be a piece of trash and don't want to take it serious whenever someone calls you out on it, take your complaints about "too many black, gay or diverse characters" and crying about "not enough good white characters" and shove it where the sun doesn't shine…don't be a template for the "bad white characters" in the first place if it is so annoying to you.

    Agree with Bianca…debates are worthless these days, because it's just eristic dialectic being thrown through the room, and it just goes nowhere.
    It's more like this "change my mind" thing.
    No thank you, i got better stuff to do.

    Tristens ears: bye everyone.
    Tristen: holy fuck that was my ears.

    Well i guess i gotta watch that interview.

    Well, Mark told him he is not interested in a "debate" (the interview will most likely show why)…and Gabe not only won't let go, but wants to bring it into real life.
    That's basically harassment.
    And if he leaves the con all together after the booth manager got informed (and cops got involved), abandons his booth and deletes his stuff online, he most likely knew he wasn't up for anything good.
    Sooo yeah…fuck Gabe…

    Telling you that you should feel ashamed for your shorts, is rediculous…as Bianca said they can filter them out and it's no requirement to watch them.

  6. The counting thing , you never heard of the mary sue ? . People on tne left have been been doing that for years . Counting females, or ethnic breakdowns of cast , thats been happening for years and its only a problem when certain people do it .

  7. Again, Tristen is the same person that lied about Trump voters being fascists and tried to perpetuate the lie about the Supreme Court banning interracial marriage. Also, G. Floyd is a garbage person that got himself killed by a overdose.

  8. On a side note: I know you're going to talk about the next GTA game going woke and you fully supporting that. Just to let you know, GTA VI is going to sell no matter what because the brand is just too strong. And I know you're going to use that as a example of "get woke go broke doesn't exist!" Despite all the other woke failures.

  9. That math thing is true. Social science or woke people said it was white supremacy. ( forgetting mathematics was created by Persians) you can probably find Lauren chen videos about it . They said it was years ago. But there was an a list of ( problematic) things including being on time . ( their was a federal government sponsored exhibition in Washington DC that was shut down after complaints. The pregnant divorce things, it sounds like a paternity issue. Like the fathers name must be on the birth certificate, if she is married his name is by law on the certificate and he is required to pay child support. So they delay it untill after the child is born . I think ( ex husbands) were claiming the child wasn't his .

  10. Alex Stein is more of a troll than he is a comedian that’s what makes him funny. He doesn’t make videos about people he goes to peoples faces and puts them in the video with himself and trolls them. The reason why people found it funny with AOC is because she actually took the bait and made a scene out of it on the Internet, when most would just ignore him bc they know he’s a troll. You should see when he trolls public hearings 😂

  11. Tristen, I think I’m going to unsubscribe for a while. I’m perfectly willing to come back someday, but I haven’t been enjoying the content lately, and I was perfectly fine to just stay subscribed but not watch, but right now, this stream—this whole implying racism thing—feels petty. It feels like Disney, and Lucasfilm. And Marvel. And DC. This is the kind of thing those companies do to their customers who dare to criticize their products. I watch Geeks + Gamers and Ryan Kinel regularly. I know they’re not racists. They tell edgy jokes frequently. Only someone who isn’t familiar enough with these guys could have this take, but what bothers me about it is the accusatory nature of it. I didn’t take you for the type to label people as racists and join in on a cancellation mob. I think you’re better than this. I hope you’re better than this.

  12. It's hilarious you're acting like you don't understand sarcasm….lmfao

    If you hate them so much why do you talk about em so much? You doing so just shows you're jealousy.

  13. Is all that you ever talk about, comicsgate? You claim to hate them but it seems a lot more like jealously. Yea so what if it looks like they’re always having fun. Enough already. It’s getting old and tiresome. No one wants to hear about comicsgate. Go back to Amber heard or something more intelligent and interesting.

  14. To the g&g cult members in the chat, you’re cut from the exact cloth as the snowflakes you hate. You refuse to entertain an I’ll word spoken against your precious idols. They can do no wrong. Circle jerk echo chambers breed ignorance. They could walk out in white hoods with torches and rope and you start screaming about how everyone needs to take a joke and stop being so sensitive. The hallmark of a healthy community is one that has members holding one another accountable. SOMEONE please explain to me why it is that if Mecha Random tells a dark joke about Zack Snyder’s dead daughter the g&g cultists swarm and begin thrashing her with going too far. Not everything is funny. Have some decency that’s so disrespectful. But if RYAN KINEL starts laughing about a cold blooded murder committed in broad daylight everyone starts circling the wagons. You are a pack of filthy hypocrites. You don’t care about truth, only ideology. If everyone must fall in lockstep and agree with everything the TFM overlords say or be shunned and exiled to the fringes of the community because they had the gall to call a spade a spade something is WRONG. Really wrong. You don’t really care if people are blind sheep so long as they agree with you. Discourse is dead. We’ve devolved into screaming children throwing who excel only at throwing temper tantrums when someone offends our fragile pride. Treating them like they’re above any scrutiny is not going to get you what you claim to want. Call shit out where you see it. Ryan is a trash person who caught a ride on the algorithm and the coat tails of G&G. Jeremy has lost his mind. He has allowed clout and status to turn him into a smug bastard that doesn’t give a genuine shit about the people who put him there anymore. You don’t know these people. You only know the image they project into the world. A carefully constructed facade that if scrutinized even slightly will be revealed for the dysfunctional hierarchy fueled by clout chasing that it is. None of those people (except Eric July) actually DO anything besides bitch on a mic. Any monkey can rehearse party lines and apply them over and over to the newest outrage item of the day.


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