Garp's TRUE POWER just SHOCKED EVERYONE!! Rest in Peace Blackbeard Pirates! One Piece 1080

Garp’s TRUE POWER just SHOCKED EVERYONE!! Rest in Peace Blackbeard Pirates! One Piece 1080

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37 thoughts on “Garp's TRUE POWER just SHOCKED EVERYONE!! Rest in Peace Blackbeard Pirates! One Piece 1080”

  1. bb do make planes but he is so arrogant and overlyconfident in his plans and bcz of that eventually he gets great damage like how he was so arrogant and confident that no one will attack an emperor island and he would trade coby….or in impel down he was so confident that he got wrecked by luffy and magellan. he underrestimate other soo much that he could have died from his own stupidity

  2. People are forgetting that garp was on par with prime Roger before he got sick with that illness he had from the flashback in the wano arc. It has literally been shoved in viewers faces how strong garp was from statements yet some delusional idiots on the internet kept underestimating him.

  3. He does know garp is luffys gramps right ? Does he really think there genetics would lose power with age 💀

    I bet dragon and luffy will be 100 and still throwing out massive country scale attacks 🦫

  4. Hey so I was told that I won a prize on one of the videos and I have screenshots of that and I have received nothing no confirmation no word heard anything could you please contact me

  5. I believe Grap will die in this battle and then Dragon will bring all out war. Till this moment Dragon didn't want to face off against Grap or his father and have to kill each other. One epic battle is about to come. Time for dragon to show his true power.

  6. My prediction: Garp and the swords wipe out the 4 Blackbeard commanders. This creates some balance between the yonkos since Blackbeard's crew is too OP complete. This also changes our perspective that Blackbeard is the ultimate and most powerful enemy, when in fact it's still Imu and her Tenryubito, and Shanks.

  7. I'm pretty sure the sword members who turned to clay are golems, not actually members of Sword. We didn't see named members turning to clay, so I suspect those are clay golems.

  8. This is avreally good story line for garp honestly, he has his son who fights against the world government, and his grandson who want to become pirate king, koby was like the son garp wanted and never got, hes the son that garp wanted to follow in his footstep, if garp pulls up on blackbeard and lose his life, it wont be only koby that is gonna want revenge, but luffy and dragon,either way blackbeard is not getting away at all.

  9. I think garp may sacrifice himself for coby. I think bb will be cornered and see that garp has a weak spot for xoby and use him as a shield pretty much to land a fatal or at least a serious injury on garp. I just dont see him losing with sword there. But obviously bb crew needs to show their fruits off too.

  10. I think marine bounties are smaller for multiple reasons. First the world government is made of several kingdoms and the marines have far more resources than cross guild. Second a marine is more replaceable . There’s likely a few other marines with admiral level strength but because there’s no more empty admiral spaces or they don’t want to be admiral they might still be a lower level.If you take down a key member of a crew or a pirate captain they’re not as easily replaced as a member of the navy

  11. I am looking at this a bit differently. There is a trend in the storytelling and build up that very clearly suggests what could happen in this exchange. There are alot of loose ends being tied up in the story now, and there is only one clear way for Oda to do this now, and that is to have garp somehow get beaten of heavily beat up. The reason is simple; we have yet to see why Blackbeard is considdered an emperor, especially his crewmates power levels. They have been farming power-ups for so long, and this is the perfect way to display the transformations they have achieved, to stand up to Garp, the man who fought Roger as an equal.
    As much as i love Garp, i dont see him running rampant one-shotting characters for the rest of the story. It clearly doesnt fit the new generation theme heavily woven into the storytelling, but what WOULD fit the storytelling is to somehow have Koby experience trauma or get something out of this exchange to propel him upwards in the story. To have Koby save or Fight alongside garp after some heavy blows with the BB commanders seems likely to me, while BB himself may or may not fight at all yet, depending if Oda wants to drop some BB lore now or later in the story

  12. I wonder if Garp's attacks are named after bigger and bigger things. Like starting with Rock impact, then maybe Bouldering impact, Meteor impact, Planet impact, the eventually galaxy impact and maybe universe impact?


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