Games Workshop ADMITS DEFEAT… Imperium has FAILED Warhammer 40,000 Tyranid Victory & Range Reveal

The TYRANIDS have won the WAR, so the hive mind has revealed its latest mutations! All the new models in one short video!

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19 thoughts on “Games Workshop ADMITS DEFEAT… Imperium has FAILED Warhammer 40,000 Tyranid Victory & Range Reveal”

  1. I know my bugs did their part, once the big guys got in there it signed the end. The alpha guy sneaked up and claimed the librarian. Barbed Tangler fired do much but tied up the Sternguard so they didn’t get to add fire against the big bugs. Good times

  2. As for the termagaunts, I thought they said only 2 special weapons per unit and there are at least 3 per kit. So as long as you dont mind the different special weapons between the squads, you could eventually squad some with the Termagaunts in the leviathan box

  3. To be honest they should stop doing Primaris Space marines. If they need to do humans fine Mordian Iron guard, Tallien Desert Raiders, Valhallian Ice Warriors, Catachan Jungle Fighters, The Last Chancers (for kill team), Gaunts Ghost (Regular Guardsmen), a sub faction of Humans for the Tau Empire or maybe a faction for the remnants of the Thunder warriors. Maybe give the Grey knights some to scale marines and terminators WITHOUT making them Primaris

  4. I'll take 1 of each of them. In the case of the Norn kit 2, so I can build both. Joking aside the only one I feel iffy about is the Bio/Pyrovore cause they are the only ones that don't really fit in to the range. Seriously all of the models have something that makes them look like a Tyranid. I look at a Norn Emissary and see a Tyranid, I look at a Gargoyle and see a Tyranid, heck I look at a Psychophage and instantly see Tyranid. Then I look at a Bio/Pyrovore and see a spider that some kid ripped 2 legs off and glued a cannon to it's back. I'm sure it will look great in hand, but I just wish GW didn't go "nope you bug now" in the design.

  5. I started collecting 40K this year. Consider myself lucky with all the hype in the hobby at the moment!

    That said, glad the Nids got the win, cooked or not. So many space marine models. We can wait a few more days 😂

  6. I would agree with your statement about people wishing thy had the full Termagant kit in the Leviathan Box, but they are a horde unit so people should be getting multiple units of these guys. I think it will shake out.

  7. 1. is the norn assimilator a black sheep? the norn assimilator didn't show up in its own trailer and final round-up trailer, its name is not on the trailer title. I think the norn emissary is awesome, I get Godzilla/Ultraman Kaiju vibes from the trailer, compared to the norn emissary the norn assimilator looks like the norn emissary at home, and even GW would acknowledge it. personally, the norn assimilator looks worse.

    GW: introduces Norn emissary/assimilator

    Dimecaron 1: am I a joke to you

    Dimecaron 2: they took our jobs

    Dimecaron 3: they took our jobs

    2. as a long time all things bugs enthusiast, the bio-vore is a mah for me the pyrovore is a bit better with the back carapace, don't like their legs, IRL insects have different lengths for each set of legs I would make them longer and spindly or very short like a caterpillar, I want more detail on guns to break up the body of the gun so it not just a basic tube shape, this applies for all bug guns and not just the vores.

    3. hormagaunt and genestealer, model refresh ok

    4. lictors glow up is very good, neuro lictor ok. death leaper reminds me of illithid mind flayers from D&D because of its webbed skirt and feeder tentacles, on its own the model is epic but it takes me out of 40k because I don't play DnD.

    finally, although the exposed brain design is visually appealing, practically why and makes no sense

  8. the points in the box where so skewed this was a clear fyou from the players
    lets now hope gw realizes and actually has marines lose anything at all in lore
    but knowing them itl just result in nids getting a nerf to their already disappointing list

    cool there are proper head variants to show off all the genestealer variants that have been over the years
    just sad they now dont mean anything in the rules

    hormagaunts still look like they need lead in their base
    the leaping ones seem to go a lot more vertical instead of jumping forward to prevent it
    but i just dont see it being enough


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