Games from Ukraine | Future Games Show June 2022

The Future Games Show 2022 is honored to share a special presentation from some incredible Ukrainian developers.

Games development can be challenging at the best of times, and with the ongoing conflict, we wanted to highlight and celebrate the incredible work they continue to do.

The Games for Ukraine section focuses on several exciting projects that are being developed in the most difficult and exceptional circumstances.

Head on over to for more information on our Games for Ukraine presentation and a list of charities that would welcome your support.

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36 thoughts on “Games from Ukraine | Future Games Show June 2022”

  1. Thank you for your support and brining attention to our current struggles.

    What we have here is not a "conflict". It's a full-scale invasion by a neighbour with intentions to wipe us out as a nation. Please do not downplay the severity of the situation.
    It's Kyiv, not russian-spelled Kiev.

  2. As they do in the real life, the 🇷🇺 aggressors are infesting the comments, spreading lie and hatred. It helps to understand better what Ukraine 🇺🇦 is facing.

  3. м, война на Украине, а причём здесь игры? ой, или наоборот, про что видел, не понял
    кстати русских комментариев нет по причине их удаления?

  4. Русские даже под санкциями выступили на 3 презентациях, а вам пришлось привлечь внимание с помощью войны, чтобы показать что есть что-то кроме Сталкера.
    Still Russia did not need the war to show off their games and you needed.

  5. Yeah lets together support Ukraine, cos it has such wonderful things like Azov nazi batallion. And you know, some children from Donetsk can't watch this panel because you know… They are dead. Killed by artillery Europe sended to Ukies as support. So keep on enjoying yourself in supporting "current thing".

  6. By the way, this is a good ad to avoid investments in Russia. Instead to focus on creativity, they spread lie and hatred. Whereas the accent of the video was that Ukrainians continue to create even in their dark times. Respect.

  7. Блин это очень круто что вы так сделали! Война буквально сразу прекратилась! Путин увидел, что игры от украинских разрабов купят на 2 с половиной человека больше и понял, что нет смысла воевать!!

  8. Дякую за відео, але, будь ласка, більше ніколи не ставте цей гуркіт до відео! У місті повітряна тривога, ти сидиш собі, слухаєш відео, і тут, щоб його, це гуркотіння! Чесно, я вже до прильоту приготувався.


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