Gamers NEED Game Journos Says Game Journo.

A video game journalist says gamers NEED video game journalism, mostly because their friends need jobs and it’s not fair if they don’t get to keep their jobs because of money reasons. Or something.

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29 thoughts on “Gamers NEED Game Journos Says Game Journo.”

  1. Game Journos are the chip of shit stuck on the lefty hack tail wagging the industry’s dog. These pieces of crap are the reason why games are adding ‘gender identity’ to character creation, and D&D is removing race mixing because it’s racist.😂

  2. Nope we dont need gaming Journo's.. Sorry ive never read a game review if i see something and want to play it i do if not i dont even bother and no amount of articles or videos can convince me otherwise.. If u write reviews for a game which is suppose to be a hobby type activity and think u are actually something or someone then u must have been born with ur head up ur a*s.. Cause that s the only way i can explain ur distorted view on reality and also explains why u think ur $h*t dont stink

  3. If I want to know about a game I just type the game into the YouTube search and watch a video from a guy with 1 to 3 thousand subscribers to see what it's all about. Game journalist have proven themselves untrustworthy so just throw them out.

  4. The thing is, we haven’t really needed game journalists for years now. Not when YouTube has a wealth of game reviewers and news related channels to provide content. At least some reviewers on YouTube will be unbiased and give an honest review instead of rating everything a 5 or a 7 out if 10.

  5. What caused this inflated ego with so many "journalists"? Was it all the "likes" or "follows"? Was it the social media bubble full of weirdo sycophants?

    We're seeing something different here, culturally.

  6. Honestly, lets plays and the like are far more useful for video games than games journalists even can be generally. Though independant ones with little to no agenda outside of rating the game, and show their face, and are honest are still pretty reliable, even if they still cant quite reach the same level as lets plays ( which actually show you, rather than just tell you). Better for avoiding spoilers though, usually.

  7. Maybe the idea of this is correct.
    I wouldn't know, because I haven't seen 'expert criticism' from these fools for a decade.
    These are the people who couldn't pass the Cuphead tutorial, for some reason I don't feel that I'm losing anything.

  8. We don’t need “game journalists”. What we need is game journalists that actually do their dam jobs and only review the games they’re reviewing without injecting some kind of political spin. Otherwise, we’re better off without game journalists at all.

  9. remember…these games urinalism are the ones tat advocate doxxing people over a wizard game…remember wat they took from u…remember wat they did to pikamee

    karma is now biting back in their sory arse…let the bloats oof themselves(fired)

  10. "expert criticism"…jeah i get those..from youtube-reviewers and a company that is as old as me and STILL does a stellar job. Gamestar. Those are gamejournos of old. they actualy review games based on… you know…grafics, gameplay and stuff. By the way i thought gamers are dead? and we dont need no racist readers and all this bullshit?


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