Gamers Are Mad Elden Ring Is 'Too Hard'

People are mad that Elden Ring is ‘too hard.’3
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38 thoughts on “Gamers Are Mad Elden Ring Is 'Too Hard'”

  1. The point in the game being hard as it is, is just so you'll grind for levels and figure out how to beat it, which brings satisfaction when you finally beat it, because even though it can be frustrating, it still has you trying, am I right?

  2. You mentioned it but I do wanna add on to it. The people that are complaining about it being to hard are the ones who have never picked up a from soft game. Or if they had they played for an hour and didn't play one ever again. To enjoy this game you have to have experience a full playthrough of at least 3 of the games (this being preferably dark souls 3, bloodbourne, and sekkiro) each game has a different mechanic that not in the others, therefore needing a bit of experience right from the get go. So like you said when you just jump on a hype train because everyone else is, don't be surprised when the game isn't what you were expecting, especially if you don't have experience with any of the other titles, and honestly yea, just git gud.

  3. I never played dark souls nor have I played elden ring YET however I definitely agree wit the dark souls vets and all the youtubers who have also said wat you said optimus. This game’s difficulty makes it SO SO SO entertaining seeing your favorite steamer or YouTuber struggle on a boss for hours on end then seeing your other favorite YouTuber or steamer absolutely dominate the same boss is so satisfying and entertaining I’ve LOVED watching it and do hope it gets more content 💯 and I cannot wait until I am able to play it

  4. It's like going to a five star seafood restaurant and complaining that they don't have chicken tenders on the menu. If you want chicken tenders, that's fine, but why did you come here? The goal of the seafood restaurant isn't to have every single possible dish on the menu to cater to the greatest amount of people, it's to provide good seafood for those that want seafood.

  5. My philosophy is that without difficulty the story would not sit well boasting these characters as legends or demigods etc. If it sucks for you then go cry yourself a river and uninstall in solitude, or keep playing until you win.

  6. Elden Ring is too easy for a Souls game and thats coming from someone who only was able to beat Demon Souls. Found Dark Souls trilogy too hard for me. Got pretty far in Dark Souls 3 but Elden Ring takes everything good about DS3 and improves on it. Some ways good and bad. It is nice to not have to run the entire dungeon again because you died to a boss.

  7. Its not hard, beat it twice, once on a int/dex build with moonveil as my poise killer and sword or rive and flame for big op damage close range (ez mode).
    And a pure strenght build using the exalted greatsword.
    1st was 44 hours and other was 66 hours (i explored 90% of the map both times)

  8. One of my friends say he's breezing through the game and he says he doesn't get why some people can't beat certain bosses, and he's played most souls games and says this one might be the easiest

  9. What I think is FromSoff made a game how they wanted with it. I think muta said it best "if they were to put an easy mode in they would have to nerf all of the bosses." also I enjoy a game that challenges me Sekiro is my favourite game out of series.

  10. is the game rated E. Only as everybody catching this worked pull your big boy paints up and get good or get off if its not for you not every game is for everybody 🤷‍♂️

  11. I think Elden ring look's really cool like dark souls and bloodborne, while I even play games for fun but even I have play all three dark souls games and
    Bloodborne and even beat them while I am looking forward to getting Elden ring also to play and grind to get strong and to beat the bosses.

  12. I don’t care about the difficulty but the game just looks boring af. The story sucks right off rip. Like the gameplay looks alright but I don’t care for the story whatsoever. Nothing against the people that do though


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