Game Update: Planetside 2 – Max Perma-Death | Banshee and Air-Hammer Nerfed!

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44 thoughts on “Game Update: Planetside 2 – Max Perma-Death | Banshee and Air-Hammer Nerfed!”

  1. Realistically I don't think the MAX changes are going to impact the problems that MAXes cause. People are going to spam them in indoor pointholds, slap on Fallout so they can't be deleted by map-clickers, and turn those fights into equally-unbreakable stalemates. If anything, they'll be harder to shift, as enemy MAXes trying to breach the point will suffer the effects of the nerf far more than the stationary ones inside the point building.

    Likewise, the roving, unsupported MAX main isn't going to suffer much. They already weren't getting revived, and now it's much easier to chainpull the things.

    MAX crashes will also become more effective under the new setup. A MAX crash usually consists of MAXes, Engineers, and Medics. Now they don't need Medics. Which means they can bring more MAXes. Which are now cheaper to deploy, meaning that more people will have access to one at any given moment. And they won't be able to be insta-deleted by space lasers.

  2. It's really weird (and honestly disappointing) that the VS specific ability is the only non-team oriented ability being given out and seems the least cohesive and effective with the gameplay of PS2

  3. If you die to Air.. Spawn anti air.. If you die to maxs.. use some of the dozen anti max tools in the game.. ITs not like you cant respawn.. These changes are absolutely garbage and I barely use any of the effected equipment. Catering to braindead Zerg play.

  4. personally I didn't think maxes were a problem with there being a mountain of counters. (rocket launchers, c4, tanks, headshots, etc) and with there 450 nanites cost they're supposed to be sturdy killing machines
    this change feels like more of a buff than a nerf to me and I don't know if thats a positive or a negative in this case

  5. Oh look yet another pointless nerf to the Banshee after it was already nerfed once, simply for being "good" the devs can barely do an update without having to touch something of the TR and make it worse.

  6. Without watching.. I think not being able to revive maxes is a massive mistake. People can already right click OS and those maxes will die but if the patch notes maxes are no longer insta killed then I'm fine with it
    Update after having watched it I still think single kill maxes are a bad step due to the multiple ways to kill them and that they should be treated like a minivehicle but we'll let this play out. The ability to counter act OS's should be built in so it doesn't become a mandatory suit slot.

  7. This is a great update. I can't comment on particulars like stat adjustments, but I think the devs are paying attention. It's no secret that some players like myself occasionally play certain factions with certain to be able to win without much effort. Some do it all the time. It can be kinda fun, but I'm a hundred and 110% behind the balance effort. Maxes need a hit and so do a2g lovers. I love PS2 for the difficult and tactical gameplay, but we can't have it if there are glaring OP player configurations.

  8. I like the look of this patch for the most part. But now that MAXs are finally getting their big nerf I think it's time to do away with the pocket OS. For a long time it's been a necessary evil to counter routers or big MAX holds but now both of those are much harder to pull off. Get rid of the new anti OS suit slot and remove the pocket OS.

  9. Max units weren't the most balanced, but not at all why I quit playing, all of the outfit abilities were why I quit playing. They already had the advantage in numbers and co ordination, then they got nukes from space and all sorts of other shit and I just went back to battlefield xD

  10. The MAX nerf is terrible.

    Reducing nanite cost is WORTHLESS. It only provides a benefit to those who have died

    So now my TR MAX can't be rezzed, still dies JUST as easily to all of the counters (C4, deci, roadkill), AND dishes out less damage even when I'm aiming for heads.

    It's a joke of an update. Whoever greenlit this should be ashamed of themselves.

    We love planetside. We deserve to have niche playstyle without the devs acting like God and wrecking everything.

  11. I still think maxes could have been fixed easily from day one, WITHOUT any nerfs to the actual unit.

    All they had to do was put a stock limit on how many maxes you can pull from each base (including the warpgate). Say that everytime you pull a max, it takes 3 minutes before another one is ready to pull, with maybe a maximum of 3 stocks.

    That way, you could generally get your hands on a max whenever you want, but max-crashes are now impossible, because a base literally can't output too many at the time.

  12. Seems that the VS faction new ability is the weakest of the new ones on pts. The 25% increase doesn't seem like much when I tried it. I'd like to see a 35% increase if possible. It makes sense that Max can't be revived. Having say that,RPG has made adjustments for that.

  13. A nice little balance patch that helps to evolve the game.

    similar to this, I would be down to rotate and modify game flow time to time if it meant making a better game in the process. I know some people love their meta, but I for one like to see different strategies and ideas on this supposed live service.

  14. I like these changes, but I’m not sure if the adjustments to air and AA go far enough. The primary role of fighters should be gaining/denying air superiority. A2G fighters are boring and makes everyone angry, meanwhile AA is boring and makes pilots angry. A2G fighters and G2A should be nerfed across the board so that both fighter pilots and the altitudally challenged can have the most fun.

    if he wants to nerf a2g that badly then make all lock on launchers lock on faster the closer you are to the target
    if youre a2g farming youre close enough to get a quick lock and slap but if youre dog fighting where you should be then it takes a while and youll be fine if it can even clock on at all

  16. A great patch all around. The MAX cost buff is pretty questionable, but we'll have to see how it plays out. The revive removal and NC nerfs are a great first step towards addressing the dominance of MAX units. I'm actually considering renewing my membership if the nerf hammer keeps swinging.

  17. I never even certed into the Nimitz reactor because it seemed kinda useless and that seemed to be the consensus on it as well. Interesting to see if this changes whether it's worth using now or not. Thanks for the info Cyrious, always appreciate being kept informed when life is a bit too hectic to keep myself informed! o7

  18. Maxes can't revive while leaving them vulnerable to decimators and archers, I can't wait to not see any front line Maxes at all. 350 nanites to fight in such a volatile combat environment, yea AI maxes will be viewed as the greatest waste of resources you can possibly achieve. Players will only use their AA/AV variants.

    People will cheer saying no more impenetrable hardpoints, yet Maxes were also important in breaking those hard points. Heavies will now be the new Maxes and engineer turret spam will run rampant at point locations.

    350 nanites is too much for a lightning that dies to 2 headshots from the archer, 150 IMO seems more reasonable considering their vulnerablity and that they need to respawn and run back every single time they die. This coming from a guy with 1% time spent as a max, I like maxes, I like their role, but this will just destroy them in the current setting.

  19. I playing Warzone 2 for now. Just wanted some changes after 10 years of Planetside 😅. Especially I was interested in DMZ mode. Sure it has certain pleasant things, but in overall quality Planetside 2 is on another level. Man WZ2, MW2 multiplayer and DMZ feels like shit sometimes. Never felt like this playing PS2.

  20. Imo, with these Max changes,I think the class should be able to survive a C4 (or even both) brick by default, considering many classes,especially LA with rocklets.

    Also. I am happy the devs are finally adding those campaign items, hopefully, more campaign items main come (*cough* vehicle hack)

  21. Man, Air to Ground has always been the most frustrating aspect of PS2 to me. I hate air, I don't want it, I ant infantry combat. Cancer-turds being immortal in ESF's due to their broken ability to cancel lock-ons and spam-farm infantry has been so frustrating for so long. Hopefully with these nerfs, its less annoying.

  22. What happened to combined arms? I've watched the game go from that to a COD and HALO wanabe catering to the delicate playstyle of the hardcore infantry player. IRL if you get hit by a spike of steel going warp speed, YOUR DEAD. But in game, force multipliers are dialed back because that's unfair. What happened to the continental latus system? Planetside 1 survived because it had a cult following. PS2 will die because its trying to be like every other game that are simply better at infantry fights. The game became a thing because it had a vision of a better planetside 1. If you love PS2 as it is, more power to you. My heart goes out to those who bought into the hype and got played with for years.

  23. Maxes getting revived never made sense to me. They're robot suits. I think it is good for balance that they can't get revived because my playstyle as max involves a lot of flanking, and it just means I don't have to worry about an enemy max getting revived while I'm healing myself around the corner.

  24. Aaaaaand MAX is now useless… I just dont see the point in nerfing max as it wasnt that big of a problem cough NC MAX. Now a LA can counter MAX, which costs 350 nanites, with 75 nanite C4 even more efficiently. (But you can use it as AA or AV.) Well 1 shot with the halberd and the main tank gun= MAX is dead. AA is a fair point since A2G is nerfed again. But I still dont get how EVERYONE should be able to do EVERYTHING ALONE. This is a combined Arms shooter. When will i alone be able to destroy the colossus…. oh wait i can. When will I be able to destroy the Bastion alone? dont have to worry about that since no outfit pulls that thing anymore. IMO this will make Heavyside 2 even worse. Now i am just waiting when Medic and Infils will be nerfed to the ground so only the tryhard heavies will reign and this game gets buried.


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