Game Scoop! 665: Did Elden Ring Win Us Over?

Welcome back to IGN Game Scoop!, the ONLY video game podcast! This week your Omega Cops — Daemon Hatfield, Sam Claiborn, Justin Davis, and Michael Swaim — are discussing more Elden Ring, more Horizon Forbidden West, the 1994 EGM Game of the Year awards, and more. And, of course, they play Video Game 20 Questions.

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34 thoughts on “Game Scoop! 665: Did Elden Ring Win Us Over?”

  1. I totally understand most of Daemon’s complaints about Elden Ring/souls games in general but has he even tried talking about anything of these things to someone who actually knows the games??? Like the idk dozen or so other people at IGN I’ve heard over the years talk about enjoying them? Pretty much everything y’all talked about or didn’t understand has an explanation. Most of which are things that are staples of the Soulsbournering FromSoft genre, things we’ve all had to learn one way or another over the years. Most of my understanding of their systems come from my more knowledgeable/familiar/patient/curious friends, for which I’ll forever be grateful. Sure the game could be much better about communicating some of those things but some you’ll just have to learn yourself and/or be taught by someone else and most are in the game.

    I can understand and respect not liking certain design choices but saying they’re just plain “bad” or a “failing” of the devs is laughable to me. Also comparing Elden Ring and Horizon FW is like comparing Ice Cream and steak. Yes both are technically food but they’re trying to accomplish completely different things and largely accomplish them incredibly well on their own merits. I mean I never expected Elden Ring to be a Daemey game; it’s souls through and through and I’d never recommend anyone who hasn’t like the other souls or is just getting into them to start here. But I love that he tried to get into it. Also not being about to pause in offline is unforgivable at this point.

    I would also suggest if y’all are going to play it anymore and are not having a good time, SUMMON, PLAY TOGETHER, COOPERATE! Genuinely one of the most under-appreciated and overlooked elements of souls games is co-op and getting help from friends or complete strangers. Mostly being it’s archaic obtuse and cumbersome at the best of times but it is genuinely very easy in Elden ring so please anyone struggling try it out.

    Also Justin should not feel bad for using mage tactics with his mage character. It’s not “unskilled” at all. It’s a different skill than being a dex or strength build but not “unskilled”. And that tactic may not work on every boss or you’ll have to keep varying your spells and build to meet the challenge of other bosses. Also you can map summons to a “pouch” quick-use slot, right hand side of your screen in the “pause” menu. Once you’ve selected which slot you want to have it in, hold Triangle or Y then the associated direction pad to active the summon.

    Also quite honestly fuck the “git gud” crowd and mentality. It’s your game, play it how you want.

  2. I have been having a blast with horizon fw. I played a bit of elden ring and its just frustrating for me. i really cant get into the souls games.. But i do understand why people like it, its just not for me.. Im more a red dead, gta, Horizon zelda, spiderman etc.. type of player.. I was looking foward so much to play Gran Turismo 7 but i heard you cant play offline and to me that is red line unfortunately..

  3. I don't understand the complaining about not being able to beat first boss, do the boses Co op! It makes them doable and ten times more fun.
    I don't have the patience to do same boss by myself for an hour an a half and doing this means you can have fun exploring the other parts .

  4. You can change the D pad items in Elden Ring and customize them…. Also starting class in Elden ring really isn’t a big deal you can start as a castor and then by the end of your play through be a Tanky beefy boy

  5. Tina: you're supposed to rest only in particular moments…..not a campfire, what are they called?

    Moustache Guy: Shards

    Tina: Yes exactly….

    Oh God, that's not even close….

    I'm out…

  6. Kind of disappointing to hear other people struggle with the games. Not with you, just on me. I wish you got the same fun as I do from it. You do have to enjoy the struggle to enjoy these games, you know. Not everyone wants that from their hobby and that's fine. The high of overcoming a challenge is something that's been a part of gaming since it started and these games continue that tradition better than anything else on the market. Banging your head against a wall isn't generally fun, but caving that wall in and getting to the other side is.

  7. What I dislike about Souls games is this level of pretension, for lack of a better term. You see it in the game world where all the grimdark character are in full armored regalia and they have all these dramatic backstories and are supposed to be so tragic, inspiring hours upon hours of YouTube analysis videos. But in actuality they're all ornaments, dressed up to look cool… I mean who just hangs around in armor all the time? Like Damien says, Souls worlds aren't believable living worlds in the way that, say, Horizon's or BOTW's are. As a non-Souls player it's quaint how fans of these games get caught up in their so-called lore because it's all so obviously manufactured. Don't even get me started on how these games are the worst offenders of the "show, don't tell" rule.

    The fans themselves are pretty pretentious too, I still remember the vitriol they directed at a journalist for admitting that he had enjoyed mods (or maybe cheats, I can't remember) while playing Sekiro. Like, it's a single player game FFS, why should anybody care how another person plays it? Get a grip.

  8. about elden ring, that's too bad. it's one of the inspired one in open world design too. graphical tech might not be formsoft's forte, but their design and execution, contributing to the sense of discovery, it's just out of this world. btw, i didn't see michael swaim but he's in the description.

  9. So 4 people who historically don't like any of the souls game who have only played a few hours of an 100 hour+ game give their views. It's fair enough, but their opinions clearly have to be seen in that context. Shame there wasn't anyone to give a counter view (even though some of your criticisms are fair) .

  10. None of these people can have an opinion of Elden Ring.. they’ve done and seen absolutely nothing this game has to offer.
    Starting 2 profiles won’t make you see the game differently, playing and exploring well.

  11. maybe the best game of the decade… it's just too unreal how much content it has and according to fans it has 200 hours worth of content. Not only that, the beautiful graphics, scenery, boss designs, mechanics, difficulty. Are really beautiful.

  12. Interesting to hear an out and out critique of elden ring. I must say – and I have not enjoyed souls games in the past, and am not a souls fan – I have found this game to be absolutely amazing. What an incredible world. I can totally understand why people might not enjoy the complexity, but quite a few of the issues you raise have pretty simple solutions… dpad is easy to map to be less confusing, there are loads of places where you can simply wait (effectively pause), spirit summons are game changers for the bosses etc. As for available information, I think using guides online are an integral part of games these days… was there ever a time when people didn’t look for more information outside the game itself?

  13. Honestly, I like Game Scoop and appreciate you guys brining us such great content regularly, but everyone on the show, with the exception of Daemon, should have sunk significantly more hours into the game before the episode. A couple of hours is nothing. If the game is not your cup of tea and you can't be bothered to play it or you're busy with another game, it's understandable, but then let someone else from IGN be on the show. How about the person who played it for 87 hours and reviewed it and gave it a 10 on IGN? It would have been nice to get some viewpoints from gamers who have actually played more of the game, especially since the title of this episode is all about Elden Ring.

  14. Wow not pausing is an insane development decision. That's the kind of 'people should only see my films in Imax' artistry bullshit. Listen, in an ideal world, great, people would only experience your contribution to the world in the way you intended. But some people are busy. They have jobs, they have kids, they have limited time. So they need to be able to access your art in a way that you may perceive to be less than perfect. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. But your refusal to acknowledge or deal with that is both pretentious and preposterous. It's like when Game of Thrones made their last few episodes super dark. The cinematographer obviously felt the tone demanded it. The problem is that not everyone gets to watch a frigging TV show in a blacked out edit booth or cinema screening. Most people watch with some ambient light on meaning all that hard work is lost on the viewer and it becomes an infuriating experience. I am genuinely happy for people who love this game, more games that please niche groups is a good thing – not everything can please everyone and when things try they often become anondyne – but I can't see how a game like that that is so niche can also receive a 10. That seems odd to me. It might be a 10 to Souls fans, maybe this is the issue with grading games. It's a ten with an asterix or something. *Not for people with limited time, patience or any potential distractions.

  15. I'm going to play this game whenever it gets cheap and patched and I'm finished with Horizon (btw if I buy it on xbox, can I play it on my PC as well without re-purchasing it, or is that only for gamepass?) but it definitely feels like most of the reviewers the outlets chose to review this game are hardcore fromsoft fans. Any time you hear from anyone else it makes the game sound like a nightmare to play

  16. Daemon is just sour because his gamer skill level is too low to play a from soft game. I struggle with competitive shooters for the same reason.

    However; it’s a bit sad to see that you guys are ranting and criticizing a piece just because you suck lol

    Face facts; the game is not an open world game like horizon or god of war, it is an dungeon crawler rpg that for once respects player skill and intelligence(not a mash attack to win action game)- for this reason it does not hold your hand. From soft games demand skill the same way a shooter does.

    If you suck, you suck. That’s not from sifts fault. Thousands of us don’t suck lol


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