Game of the Year 2022: LUKE AND ELLEN DECIDE | Day 1

Coming up today and tomorrow it’s the Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra crew’s individual picks for game of the year, kicking off today with Luke and Ellen from Outside Xtra. Come on back tomorrow to see which games Jane, Mike and Andy picked, and let us know your personal pick for GOTY in the comments!

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45 thoughts on “Game of the Year 2022: LUKE AND ELLEN DECIDE | Day 1”

  1. Stray would have been in my top five if it had better accessibility options. My 8 year old REALLY wanted to play it, but she couldn't do the action sequences and watching the cat die freaked her out so much. She'd ask me to play them for her, but I found them very annoying at best and when I wasn't around it meant she just couldn't play it. Bad design that limits the audience.

  2. Stray was awesome. Most of my subscribers completely ignored that review… but I don't care, I just had to say something… and the Ellen's sobbing… oh… I feel yah… I don't think is possible NOT to sob in that part.

  3. Elden Ring without a doubt, aside from the second phase of the final fight there was not a single thing I didn't love about the entire game. I was expecting Ragnarok to come close, but i just hated the gameplay so much that it really ruined an otherwise masterpiece of a game.

  4. GoW: Ragnarok is shaping up to being game of the year for me (haven’t completed it yet).
    But I will say, Stray exceeded my expectations and truly delivered a wonderful game. That ending hit me too, I couldn’t help but get emotional from it.
    Definitely a game that was worth the wait and hype. I can’t blame Ellen for choosing it as her GotY. I feel like it was a game that was truly needed by a lot of us.

  5. Elden Ring was my GOTY. Amazing experience. Loved every hour inside the world.
    Stray was an interesting game, but something just left me feeling that the concept hadn't been fully explored. It felt very "samey" after a while.
    GoW:Ragnarok was a fantastic story – loved the game. Every parent should play this game. But still was edged out by Elden Ring.
    HZD: FW was another great story, but that game dragged a bit near the end for me. I hope that they focus on Sylense in the next DLC

  6. Moving away from the big releases, I really liked Tunic. It's a mix of old school Zelda while slowly uncovering not only the story, but also its mechanics, by finding the (beautifully crafted) manual pages scattered through the world.

    It's a childlike sense of wonder and discovery I hadn't felt in a while. Every game nowadays seems to come with a tutorial teaching you absolutely every mechanic, and sometimes if you stay still even for a minute a hint pops up telling you what to do next, or how to solve a puzzle. It's refreshing to see a game that respects its player base.

  7. I was genuinely curious to hear what Ellen's game of the year would be. How on earth did I forget? Obviously it was never going to be anything else. If anyone ever sets out to kidnap Ellen, they'll probably start by promising an NDA playable build of Stray 2.

  8. I love Ellen … But Stray is as average as you can get. Game only does one thing right and that's cats … The rest of the game is average at best, mediocre at worst, not that memorable and kind of cheap with the plot. I'm honestly kind of salty that it got the nod in the game awards only because the Internet likes cats instead of Tunic or Live a Live.

  9. As someone who's like a really sore loser and isn't the best at gaming, would you all still recommend Elden Ring to me? I love fantasy, will (hopefully) get my PS5 by February…but yeah, not sure about Elden Ring.

  10. Elden Ring definitely was my GOTY. I knew I was gonna enjoy it but never did I anticipate how much; I immediately got stuck listening to the title music in the menu bc it's so good, and though there were frustrating moments, I'm somewhere maybe half way into NG+3 (Journey 4), and also replaying the same character from the start so that when story DLC drops, it won't be with a NG+3 character. This is so far my most played FS game with more than 400 hours in total, and I wish there was a way to fight bosses again after they've been defeated like in Sekiro bc I'm constantly itching to fight certain bosses again.

  11. No surprise that Ellen picked cat simulator. And good/bad for Luke to be the 1st and pick Elden ring because duh, but also everyone and their grandma already talked this game to death this year

  12. As much as I've enjoyed Elden Ring, I'd say my GoTY would have to be either Triangle Strategy or Xenoblade 3, since I've spent most of teh year playing them. I've waiting on TS since Feb 2021 and it totally live up to the hype. It's one of best SRPGs I've ever played, it might even be better than tactic ogre imo. Xenoblade 3 is a really close 2nd though

  13. Ellen choosing Stray is the least surprising reveal for Game of the Year. 😸😺Heck, she was already saying "Game of the Year" before Jonesy (as she called the cat) got separated from his friends. To be fair, I loved Stray and it was one of my favourites for 2022. And I may get flamed for this, but I honestly thought Elden Ring was a bit overrated. Don't know what it was, but after about twenty hours, I got bored. Weird, given how much I love the Dark Souls series, with DS1 being easily my favourite that I will return to occasionally.


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