Game Journo Explains Why You Won't Have Good Games Any Time Soon

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49 thoughts on “Game Journo Explains Why You Won't Have Good Games Any Time Soon”

  1. Reminds me of something I noticed about "choices" in games… In many instances even if there is the option to be "evil" it's mostly either inactivity (letting things play out), doing the same as the good option just with a different attitude or sabotaging yourself and denying yourself of the questline or various valuables instead of creating a path of its own.
    From the creators view this makes sense as making diverging pathways takes time and resources and if your metadata shows that 85% of players choose the good/paragon options anyway why even include the evil choices… The problem is that doing good doesn't hold any meaning if you lack the option to do evil.
    There is a believe that removing the option to do "wrong" will change people's mind and their actions become a perpetual habit, they don't know about "wrong" so they can't think "wrong" and therefore can't choose "wrong".
    Personally I tend to the complete other direction, only by having the option (and the awareness of it) to do wrong you have a choice and it is only by this choice that not doing wrong does hold a meaning and give value to the action.

  2. The core issue is that none of the people who go into games journalism for these outlets wants to be a games journalist. They all want to work for CNN or Washington Post, and see this as something for them to slum in while they build their resume and virtue signal LIKE MAD to show the people they really want to work for – how devoted they are to the cult.

  3. Metacritic scores will increasingly fail to correlate with sales figures. Consequently, such scores targets will cease being written into contracts. Furthermore, gamers will increasing move away from the traditional sources of reviews. The influence of the ideologically driven reviewers is waning. This of course relies on gamers being responsible. E.g. if you see TLoU 3 gets 10/10's across the board on the unethical sites, do you pre-order immediately or wait for SkillUp and Angry Joe to review it…

  4. My favourite universe Mass Effect is dead, franchise Prince of Persia is dead, the world of Dead Space is gone, Need for Speed is too.. All hopes goes to Japanese developers. I don't trust or believe in west games any more.

  5. "If video games are an art form" Let me stop you right there – they don't think they are an art form. It's why games aren't allowed to be difficult for any reason, and "accessibility" is of the highest import. They don't think of what game is going to be the next Great Gatsby or Mona Lisa. They think of what game is going to be the next toaster oven or refrigerator.

    Games aren't about anything other than having more check-boxes marked than the one that came before to these people.

  6. Weren’t humans a marginalized group? Wasn’t that why Ashley was against aliens because they looked down on humans, why Shepard being a Spectre was a big deal, and why Cerberus became a thing?

  7. How about a story where an advanced culture yanks a backwards tribal culture out of the stone age, advancing them 10000 years technologically only to have them piss moan and self-destruct on drugs and alcohol? No thanks for the medical tech that saved them from dying by 25 but accusations of theft colonization and racism….

  8. According to your total hours played in games, what would your top 10 be and would you recommend them?

    My games:
    Total War Warhammer 2, yes
    Terraria, yes
    Team Fortress 2, yes
    Songs of Conquest, yes
    Vermintide, no
    Civilization 5, no
    Fallout New Vegas, yes
    Stone Shard, yes
    Deep Rock Galactic, maybe
    Tabletop Simulator, maybe

  9. So it's racist to hate anything that attacks you first? So by that reasoning, this Indigenous game journalist ancestors were racist because they killed people for just showing up on their island. They are so entrenched into their ideology that they don't even understand the implications of what they're saying about the game. Most colonies were attacked by the people that were already there first. So their ancestors were the racist ones. It's so much double think that you have to do to follow this "logic" they're trying to present.

  10. It'll sink in some time that nobody gives a damn about what game journalists say about a game.
    I haven't read a review in years… If I want to figure out whether to buy something or not, I just watch someone play it on Youtube or Twitch. Or I go to the high seas to download a demo, if available.
    And then there's the refund option in most stores, too.

  11. Mass effect taught me about racism better than anyone else ever did.
    I appreciated it, the idea of "how would humans who have fought each other and not been as brotherly as we should have been, fair against living around actual aliens?"
    My favorite in this genre was Advent Rising.

  12. The "utopia" these leftoids dream of is actually the world of Equilibrium with Christian Bale. A grey world where everyone wore the same clothes, every building was a big concrete cube and people were being medicated to supress any emotion. They burned every book and piece of art and killed anyone who wouldn't comply.

  13. Its not the gaming Journalists, they're just part of the fail upwards eco system. For the corporate world its the ESG score system that enforces moral concepts of societal good. Of course, nobody knows what that moral good actually is beyond the left wing equivalent of morality which is seemingly completely bankrupt or does not exist at all. That then filters down to studios and developers from the publishers. Most recent example of that: CDPR. The Jorno's? They're just attack dogs nothing more. They heel and attack accordingly.

  14. It's not about pleasing journalists, it's about following ESG scores. For those who don't know, ESG is like Chinese social credit scores except it's just for big businesses right now. It's still every bit as bad. Journalists are just the cheerleaders for this BS.


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