Galactic Council Thought They Could Bully Us, Not Knowing We Were the Apex Predators | HFY | Sci-Fi

Galactic Council Thought They Could Bully Us, Not Knowing We Were the Apex Predators | HFY | Sci-Fi Story


5 thoughts on “Galactic Council Thought They Could Bully Us, Not Knowing We Were the Apex Predators | HFY | Sci-Fi”

  1. Obviously, the writer doesn't understand military ops. Marcus and liam would not have been on the boarding mission if they were leading earths defenses, that would have been left up to special ops guys.

  2. Sound likes typical GDI propaganda. IN THE NAME OF KANE! However, the messiah himself approves, he also added, if you let Legion handle the storyline, it would be much better, as you might have noticed that GDI primitive AI is primitively cliche.

  3. Hang on guys, let me go dig up details of these old cutting edge military installations that we've forgotten about, because this impressive organisation formed specifically to protect the planet from attack actually has no plan to deal with attacks and no means to provide any protection …

    Has a human actually stepped back and thought about the plot at any point, or did you just throw the AI generated story at your robo narrator?


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