Funny Humor: She gets frisky with her Husband's "jewels" but never expected this to happen!

Created by ✔️
Over sips of hot chocolate, three friends – Sarah, Jenn and Melinda – begin conversing about their husbands’ intimate quirks.

“My, my,” Sarah chuckles, “Whenever Tony and I get frisky, I’ve noticed his jewels are just as cold as ice cream!”

“No kidding?!” Jenn exclaims, “It’s the same with Bobby, as if he’s hiding an Arctic secret down there!”

They then turn their attention towards Melinda inquiring, “When you’ve had fun with Charlie, have you noticed if his guys down there are also part of the ‘Chilly Willy’ club?”

“Good heavens! You truly expect me to taste his southern hemisphere? I’m not about to take a trip down under!” shrieks Melinda, clearly not a fan of the deed.

“You’re missing out, sweetie,” Sarah pipes up, “A little voyage downtown is a foolproof way to stop your man from exploring other neighborhoods! Consider it!”

Melinda agrees to contemplate the advice. They meet again at the café the next day, only to find Melinda in quite a noticeable sullen state.

“Just spill it, what happened?” the other two friends ask, their curiosity piqued.

“Well, it’s grim news. Charlie and I are headed for Splitsville.” sighed Melinda.

“What the…?! Did something go wrong?” Sarah asks, startled.

“I honestly don’t know,” responds Melinda, “I heeded your advice and went for a southern adventure.”

“Just as things were heating up, I casually mentioned how peculiar it was that his boys felt like a hot pocket,”…

“When Tony and Bobby’s feel like a couple of ice cubes!”
😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣
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