Funky Friday progression videos be like #ROBLOX #FNF #FUNKYFRIDAY

Credits to Duftea for the original

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40 thoughts on “Funky Friday progression videos be like #ROBLOX #FNF #FUNKYFRIDAY”

  1. My progress:
    Day 1: bopeebo (normal) í sucked
    Day 5: mother (easy) í meant á bit better
    Day 10: mother (hard) í mean its better
    Day 20: overhead (hard) not bad really
    Day 50: ghoul (hard) yep
    Day 70: ghost (mania) ok
    Day 100: blazeborn (hard fc) the end (hard 34 misses) gospel (alt 12 misses) cassonova (alt 7 misses) idk

  2. 1st day: pico easy 13 miss

    10 day: dunk fc

    25 day: fc accelerant hard

    50 day: banned fc! (i was freaking out becuase how slow i spamed on that part

    70:day blaze born (old version) 10 misses

    day 140: zavodila alt and casa (right side) fc (again i was freaking out)

    Now: fced bad bash (in fnf mod) 25 misses apple core right side and my best

    achievement… run hard fc

  3. My progress:
    Day 1: im super bad
    Day 30: im still super bad
    Day 100: starting to get good
    Day 413: im good but i still get miss on easy songs
    Note: bruh i cant get even more good 🙁
    Also my Record was 37 miss on banned 😀

  4. My Progress: day 1 started playing bopeebo day 2 tryna fc lo fight day 3 i finally fced lo fight day 4 started playing accelerant day 5 tryna fc accelerant day 6 i finally fced accelerant day 7 im so pro i can fc hard songs

  5. Here’s how I’m good: so first buy an I pad. Next, you go to settings and type portrait mode. Hit portrait mode and then search downscroll. Hit downscroll and then when you play, hit the notes when they line up. Which I suck at. But I still hit the notes! A.K.A. I’m good least miss-wise.

  6. funky fridy pogerss !1!1!1!1!!111111!!!!!!! (help)
    day one (sept 22): zamn what is this game (fresh (easy))

    day two (sept 23): learning new keybinds!!1!! (agoti (normal))

    day three (sept 24) : I have learnt how to manipulate time and space. I am above all now. (run (insane) pfc)

  7. My Progress:

    Day 1 (February 2021): Impropable Outset Low 80-ish accuracy, can't even fc b side songs.

    Day 120-ish (June 2021): Discovered Osu!Mania

    3-5 Month break

    Day 365 (February 2022): 1.6M Ghost VIP Mania score (bf side), 1.5M Ghost Mania Score (C side), 1.6M Nacreous Snowmelt Mania score (C side). And also 29K global rank is Osu!Mania.

  8. This is my real progression

    2019:playing robeats and farming for coins

    2021:first time discovering funky friday Roblox

    Day 1: setting up my settings

    Day 2:already fc ing

    Day 3:yeah this game is too easy

  9. My progress:
    Day 1: trying to fc b side fresh
    Day 10: beated improbable outset (normal)
    Day 25: started to discover harder songs. Also fced madness (hard)
    Day 57: started to be better than ever also got 3 miss on banned. But didn’t record sadly
    Day 70: started to fc ballistic remastered
    Day 149: i got used to play funky friday a while.
    Day 156: im done with the game


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