Funeral service held for Tyre Nichols

The family of Tyre Nichols plans to lay him to rest Wednesday, three weeks after he died following a brutal beating by Memphis police after a traffic stop.

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30 thoughts on “Funeral service held for Tyre Nichols”

  1. Imagine that. The party that doesn’t care about the lives living in their mothers’ wombs…the unborn…that they massacre by the MILLIONS each year…these supposed Champions of LIFE & LIBERTY..these Democrats like Kamala Harris…giving sermons at a funeral? How disgusting that you politicize someone’s death to try to score points with the public. Sorry NOT sorry. We The People on Team Humanity pray for Tyre & his family. What happened to this young man is beyond words…so egregious and barbaric. May his soul Rest in Peace and may all learn a lesson from how immoral society has become. 🙏🏻

  2. lets see if they have this large of a procession for eunice dwumfour, the republican councilwoman who was gunned down outside her home yesterday, see how much attention they even give her, lets see if they will even know her name

  3. It's Christmas time for the race grifter industry. When is the last time there was coverage like this for a white person killed by police? Has it EVER happened in this last decade? In 2022 389 whites were shot and killed by police, vs 289 blacks.

  4. Yes, a young black man was beaten to death by the police in Memphis.

    This is disgraceful. The police officers involved had a duty to serve and protect.

    Perhaps this is why police officers and police organizations across the United States have condemned this attrocity.

    Of course, leftists are exploiting this death to reinforce their white racism narrative.

    But weren’t ALL 5 of the officers black? Isn’t the police chief black?

    Yup. But you see, this is “internalized white racism”.

    Yes, they really are this stupid.

    But why does this sort of event only happen to blacks?

    If by “happen”, you mean those events that the media covers, then you have a point.

    Ever hear of Mr. Kelly Thomas? No? In 2011 he was literally beaten to death while being arrested by six members of the Fullerton police department.

    Mr. Thomas was white. That’s why you’ve never heard of the incident.

    In 2016, a Mr. Tony Timba died in circumstances that were nearly identical to Mr. Floyd. Mr. Timba was white. Don’t believe me? Check the video of the incident for yourself. It’s on YouTube.

    Race had absolutely nothing to do with this Memphis incident.

    So, why are leftists trying to make this into a race issue? Because they need to protect their fraudulent narrative.

    Failing to do so would undermine their systemic oppression lie. George Floyd? Yes, he was the sad, poster child for this misrepresentation.

    There was ZERO evidence that racism had anything to do with Mr. Floyd’s death. And yes, investigators looked…


  5. It's really telling how many of you believe that you need to know someone personally to think their death is worth grieving. You're all incredibly performative but deep down you're not really capable of empathy.

  6. Al: "Sorry for your loss, Mr. and Mrs Nichols. It reminds me of many murders I've witnessed in my long time as a member of the clergy."

    The parents: "Thank you for your kind words and your presence here, we appreciate both."

    Millions of degenerates: "WOW LOOK AT ALL THIS VIRTUE SIGNALLING!" flings own shit

  7. His family should be ashamed for letting this grifter buy and sell their souls and use his murder as a platform to then talk himself up claim valiancy for "climbing mountains" 🤦🏿‍♂️


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