Full Show: Mail Delivery Issues and Retail Price Wars

There are a lot of issues with our mail lately. Postal service employees are working so hard, and we’re still seeing delays. What’s going on? Also, Amazon is in a market share war, and we’re the winners as consumers! Be on the lookout for deals on clothing and more.

Plus, Christa shares your #AskClark questions and Clark gives his take. All this and more on the February 14, 2024, episode of The Clark Howard Show.

00:00 – Intro
01:17 – Mail Delivery Issues
05:34 – Ask Clark – Single people and Taxes
08:44 – Ask Clark – Selling Home By Owner
12:25 – Ask Clark – Expected Medical Bill Before Treatment
15:20 – Retail Price Wars
18:48 – Ask Clark – PayPal and Temu
19:30 – Ask Clark – Meijer
20:21 – Ask Clark – Two Factor Authentication
22:52 – Ask Clark – Affordable Hotel and Charging Station


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32 thoughts on “Full Show: Mail Delivery Issues and Retail Price Wars”

  1. Total mail volume is much higher now than it was in 1970. 85 billion pieces in 1970 vs 127 billion pieces in 2022. I don't remember any major issues with the post office back then. BTW, inflation adjusted, a stamp at 68¢ is less expensive now.

  2. Maybe we are not looking at the same items, but it has seemed to me that Amazon has become more expensive when it comes to women’s clothing. Or maybe I am just getting cheaper. I’m just not willing to pay as much for things like fashion because everything in life has gotten so expensive.

  3. The post office isn’t a problem. Amazon on the other hand, rarely delivers anything correctly. My neighbor has brought me so many of our packages delivered to him that I was going to nominate him for Amazon employee of the month!

  4. Funny this subject was brought up. I had a customer contact me stating his package is in some sort of "in transit limbo". Tracking shows it it in transit. Sadly, it's been like that for 2 weeks now. Had another one do the same thing. Thankfully that package got delivered back to with a "needs postage" label slapped on it. Seems the postage was ripped off of it. SMH. Holy cow! And like you said, the only response we get is: "So What?" Then a friend of mine found an unopened fedex package in the middle of a rural road. It was at least 20 miles from where it should have been delivered.

  5. Amazon used to deliver three doors down from me because they used GPS which told them I was three doors down the street. I learned about this when one of their older delivery drivers delivered to me, even though he had been instructed to deliver by GPS, three doors down the street. GPS can be off by about the width of an Interstate Highway. It wanted me to drive east on a west bound lane of I-10. Needless to say I pulled over and canceled the route on my onboard navigation system.

  6. The USPS service is crappier than I ever remember!
    Last August I mailed a card with a check to my nephew. (I know, I know Clark. I can hear your voice in my head about checks but this was before I heard you say that)
    Needless to say he never received the card or check. More recently, I mailed a hand made blanket in a box to my cousin on January 30th. The fee started off at $12.35 but ended up costing $20 because of a sliding scale of the box size. It was supposed to be delivered on Feb. 1 from NY to Delaware. Well, guess what? They have lost the box and can't locate it. Today is February 14th and still nothing. I will not be mailing anything else through the USPS.

  7. At our primary residence, we have to walk about 5 minutes to a group of mailboxes all in one part of the neighborhood. I do that about three times per week, and it’s 90% junk. Three-day-per-week delivery wouldn’t bother me a bit. If USPS wants to get more revenue, jack up bulk business rates significantly at the same time.

  8. I still use US Mail delivery – I enjoy purchasing the various stamps to use on the various letters/cards I send. But I do agree that we don’t need to require 6 day delivery schedules. The changes within our modern society uses electronic forms of communications, which is great. Therefore I check my mailbox 2 or 3 times a week now. We need to let the USPS modernize to today’s needs and usage.

  9. No, we are subsidizing discounted commercial (junk) mail with our steadily increasing fees for first class and packages. However, most of us are bypassing the mail for personal messages using cellphone texts, e-mail, and other electronic means. The only first class mail I used this year was to pay taxes because most tax authorities recognize postmarks as the only proof that items were sent on time.

  10. You are a big fan of wholesale clubs, but they are not so great for singles because of the quantity issue for food and household items and because of the emphasis on appliances and furniture for large homes and families. About five or six years ago, BJs announced it would start stocking items in smaller sizes, but I have not seen that.

  11. I don't understand that tax issue that was mentioned. How is it an advantage to be single when both couples make the same? The deduction is double and the tax rate is cut in half for married. Seems to be an advantage to stay married, financially anyway.

  12. I think you may have been sleeping at the wheel, Clark, around taxes. Yes, in the old days there was such a thing as the "marriage tax" but if you look at the current Fed Tax brackets (for 2023) and standard deductions, the "singles" tax bracket thresholds are EXACTLY 1/2 of the "married jointly" thresholds all the way to UPPER END of the 35% bracket – single is $231K to $578K while couple is $462K (2x single) but only up to $694K. I guess if you are a couple each making Half-Million, you would do better not marrying. Also, the standard deduction for a single person is $13, 850 and for a couple $27,700 – exactly double. No marriage tax anymore except for millionaire incomes.

  13. I could just about accept supporting society by paying extra so others can have children, but I draw the line when it comes to the use of "family" as a term inferring superiority. So, I consistently boycotte any business with "family" in its name, like dentists, restaurants, etc.. But most of all, I get livid when I hear anything about family values. How dare they imply moral and ethical superiority?! At least, if we commit immoral acts, we don't have to lie and cheat about it. And the rest of the time, we are at least as valuable to society as any of them.

  14. 3 day a week deliver will eliminate carrier positions.
    I have a USPS suggestion. The public does not want junk mail. I don’t even open it. The Post Office needs to charge the same amount for all letters. That would eliminate volume for the PO, eliminate sales ads and scam ads, and be more fair to us, the public. In no way is it right to charge marketers lower prices for volume when the public wants it eliminated and we are paying premium prices.
    To my mail carrier…..thank you. I see you delivering my mail nearly every night around 7pm. I see you driving that truck with only one headlamp. I know you work hard and I appreciate it.

  15. My wife sold her home several years ago before we were married. She did a FSBO and specifically stated in the listing "No Agents". With the ability to list a property yourself through online listing sites (which she did), along with photos, you really don't have much of a need for a listing agent. But she discovered many buyers won't submit a purchase offer and contract unless it is drawn up by an agent representing them. Agents won't do this unless their commission is paid. Buyer won't pay it, seller won't pay it, so the deal collapses, with no sale.


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