Full Moon January 2023 – Pause. Review. Release

Counselling Astrologer/ Life Coach Michelle McClunan provides an Astrology Update for the Full Moon in Cancer on 6th /7th January 2023.

There is an enormous amount of initiating, pioneering, cardinal energy around right now, but Mars and Mercury are still retrograde until 14th and 18th January respectively. This may mean that there are delays and/or that you need to review agreements and goals.

There is a big focus on home, family, security and safety and its best to be fully present for whatever arises emotionally. We have an opportunity here to heal old familial or ancestral patterns at a deeper level. There may also be potent intuitive flashes and light bulb moments, so be open for those.

In this video, Michelle explains the energies in more detail, provide some navigational suggestions of how best to align with the current alignments.
Michelle McClunan has been consulting professionally as an astrologer for 20 years. If you would like a consultation, please visit her website or send a private message on Facebook

WEBSITE: If you would like an astrology reading, contact Michelle through her website: www.soular-power.com or www.michellemcclunan.com

FACEBOOK: https://web.facebook.com/MichelleMcclunanCreativeSelfDiscovery

Michelle also teaches online and runs workshops & retreats with her partner John Homewood.
Join them for the FREE VISION 2023 WEEK STARING 26TH JANUARY .
This is the also the first week of their 13 Week JOURNEY TO FREEDOM – 13 week Online Course – To register ww.journeysofawakening.com

INNERSPACE COMMUNITY – An ongoing support platform to help you to navigate your spiritual Journey. Register at www.journeysofawakening.com – This month we are focussing on Expanding Horizons

FREE SUNDAY TEACHING/ MEDITATION EVENINGS– Facebook Live – Every Sunday 7:30 to 8:30pm https://web.facebook.com/Journeysofawakening


17 thoughts on “Full Moon January 2023 – Pause. Review. Release”

  1. Thank you for this supportive overview Michelle, it really helps make sense of what's been happening. I'm feeling a lot of family and ancestral healing, as I uncover my family roots for the first time in my life, and I'm also getting to know and feel more comfortable in my "crab shell". The push and pull energy of cardinal creativity vs. retrograde resistance also feels vey palpable just now. A big lesson for me appears to be learning how to honour my own timeline over someone else's, and communicate that effectively. 🙂

  2. Resonate with so much of what you say and love the synchronicity with the same truths that have been coming up with my clients. Looking very forward to connecting with you on the 12th. Wishing you much joy in 2023. 💚☘

  3. First time here. Really appreciate this most on point information. Thank you for sharing your insight. I am so ready to be present and healthy in 2023. Leaving the old paradigm behind. Bless you light worker.

  4. Thank you, Michelle, for your insightful forecast, as ever. Good to know I am on the right track by not being concerned about where I am right now, nor where I am going – just feeling calm and "chilled"! I am the only person who knows what is best for me and it is the honouring of that, which is important right now, I feel. Much love and light. xx


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