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  1. Sora: alright letโ€™s stop his dragon
    Riku: yeah, letโ€™s do it
    Kairi: but remember guys, itโ€™s all part of the show
    Maleficent dragon: oh, try
    Mickey Mouse: you may think youโ€™re so powerful, but this is my dream magic
    Maleficent dragon: screaming
    And suddenly it catches fire
    Aqua: guys look
    Terra: huh?
    Ventus: what?
    Roxas: (Gasp)
    Xion: oh, my God
    Axel: oh, thatโ€™s bad
    Donal duck: uh oh
    Goofy: oh Dear
    Sora: oh no!!!
    Kairi: yikes
    Riku: oh, God
    Mickey Mouse: oh, no, itโ€™s caught fire
    The next day
    Mickey Mouse: this is just brilliant a bunch of flavor materials Burdick down darn it darn some of our flammable materials all to hell
    Sora: come on your majesty this was an accident
    Mickey Mouse: good point
    Goofy: so now what your majesty?
    Donald: yeah, now what?
    Iโ€™m going to suspend fantastic for a while
    Maleficent: whatโ€™s going on here?!?!
    A Disney employee: the animatronic of your dragon form hot fire last night while you were on vacation
    Maleficent: darn I liked that dragon
    Jafar: true, true true but at least the actor playing you is OK
    Harry Potter: hey, I heard about the dragon catching fire. Iโ€™m sorry, Mickey.
    Donald: huh
    Goofy: donโ€™t worry it wasnโ€™t your fault, Harry
    Sora: yeah, itโ€™s totally not your fault, but you already knew that right?
    Harry Potter: Yep
    Mickey mouse: thank you

  2. "This is My Dream….https://youtu.be/IKwljf1zSGQ the Fantasmic Dragon just one month old June of the year 1992 this is the Dragon 31 years ago and this show is STILL all about Mickeys Mouses DREAM…..Good v Evile , and I know this part of the Mickeys Mouses dream vary well, the "Overwhelming Nightmare" part of the dream ! Oh hey where are all the Fireworks that belong in our show at Disneyland Park ?.

  3. Ok here are my suggestions for fire control:

    1. Disney could put sensors in the animatronic so that way the second the sensor detects a problem, the show will either stop or will seamlessly enter b mode depending on where the animatronic is at. If the animatronic is on stage, the sensor will shut down the show. If the animatronic is not on stage yet, but the sensor detects issues, it will seamlessly enter into b mode.

    2. To prevent another fire from happening stop using flamable liquids and a firestarter and use a flamethrower instead. there are very powerful flamethrowers that can make a dragon look like it is breathing fire, you can even look up powerful flamethrowers on Youtube and they look pretty cool. Disney could even add a mechanism to the flamethrower so it will move around with the dragon's neck, making it look like the dragon is moving and breathing fire everywhere rather than just staying in one place, breathing fire, and suddenly the whole water is somehow set aflame. Disney could either have a cast member inside the animatronic operating the flamethrower( with an escape hatch in the dragon that would lower the cast member down like a trapdoor in case anything goes wrong), or they could have the flamethrower go off with the push of a button. Also, a flamethrower is very easy to control, unlike gasoline and a firestarter. A flamethrower is basically a larger and more poweful version of a lighter, and no one I have ever known has ever lost control of a lighter.

    3. Disney could make a mechanism that is similar to a lighter to make the dragon breathe fire. If I remember learning correctly from my parents, how a lighter is able to light up like a match is that it has a special fluid inside called lighter fluid and they store it inside the lighter in a special way because every lighter my family has ever owned has never leaked lighter fluid ever. They then have a special mechanism inside the lighter to act as a firestarter and use the lighter fluid to make a fire come out of the little spout at the top. Disney could find out how lighters are made, and make a more powerful version of one that would store the lighter fluid correctly to keep it from leaking and causing a fire like what clearly happened to murphy in this video.

    4. If Disney still wants to make the sparks that come out of the dragon, making the dragon look like it is being electrocuted, Disney could use the support beams that hold the dragon up and rig the inside of the support beams with fireworks that are like sparklers, that way, sparks won't actually be coming out of the dragon, but will look like they are. The dragon could also have opening in it small enough for the audience to not notice, but big enough to allow fireworks out of the dragon that make it look like Maleficent is sparking and being electrocuted. If they do this though, Murphy will have to be made of non- flameable materials. Honestly, while the sparks look cool, I think it would be better if the sparks were taken out of the show entirely and replaced with special effects that make Maleficent look like she is being electrocuted. They could even do a sort of animatronic effect switch in which the Maleficent animatronic's body changes in some way to make the electrocution look more realistic, like char marks on her scales from the electricity.

    These are just a few ideas. Disney please take note! ( Based on these ideas, I see chief imagineer in my future, like a CEO, but they are in charge of the plans for building and don't do the actual building because I don't know how to build. I have great ideas, but I don't know how to build.)

  4. One Idea that I have if Disney wants to rebuild Murphy and save money. While Disney cannot salvage the parts from the old animatronic( as it was almost completely destroyed by the fire) they do have a head and neck that they can use to rebuild the full-body animatronic. Use the puppets from Disneyworld and/or Tokyo Disneyland's Fantasmic shows and build a body upon them. maybe even modify the head a little. That way, they won't have to entirely rebuild from scratch and save money. The one puppet I think would make a fantasmic murphy 2.0 if given a full body is the one from Tokyo Disneyland. Just look up the Tokyo Disneyland Fantasmic show dragon and you will see what I mean. The head and neck puppet already looks great, just imagine what it would look like with a full body! It would also not only save money, but save time as Disney wouldn't have to worry about building the head and neck and just the body, meaning that we might see a new animatronic in less than a few months after they rebuild it!

    Another thing that Disney could do is when Maleficent dies, use Tokyo's special effects. I saw a youtube video about how Mickey defeated Maleficent in Tokyo Disneyland and honestly, her defeat looks better than in Disneyland California's! Also, with fewer sparks being used for special effects, we don't have to worry as much about a fire starting within the animatronic.

    Another way that Disney can remake the full-body animatronic is through us. I know that right now Disney is struggling(possibly going through a third dark age like what happened in the 80s and 2000s, experimenting with new ideas, them not working, and deciding to remake old, already good material) and they might not have enough money to make the dragon or if they do remake it, might not have enough money for basic safety systems, like sprinklers. To help them out, we can start our own fundraiser called Rebuild Murphy, in which people give money to someone on Patreon or some other funding website and they would then send the money straight to the offices at Disney, maybe even to the CEO himself. I doubt that Disney will get rid of the dragon, as it is too iconic, but without proper funding, it might not be until about 2026 or 2027 before we see a new dragon again. So what are we waiting for? If Disney is willing, let's help them! Everyone bring money to Disney so we can get a new dragon as soon as possible!

  5. Disney could also make the new Maleficent dragon breathe fire through the use of powdered coffee creamer as that is extremely flammable and is used for the Maleficent dragon puppet( which hasn't caught fire once!). As a matter of fact, if they use the puppet and just rebuild a body on top of it, they could probably prevent future issues and fires from happening! I don't know what mechanics are in the puppet, but it is still working well and hasn't really had many issues despite its age.

  6. Hallelujah!! The dragon is going down. Take that!! Remember the Dragon, Serpent is Satan, the Devil.

    18 Then one of them, named Cleopas, answered him, "Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?"
    19 And he said to them, "What things?" And they said to him, "Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, a man who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people,
    20 and how our chief priests and rulers delivered him up to be condemned to death, and crucified him.
    21 But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things happened.
    22 Moreover, some women of our company amazed us. They were at the tomb early in the morning,
    23 and when they did not find his body, they came back saying that they had even seen a vision of angels, who said that he was alive.
    24 Some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but him they did not see."
    25 And he said to them, "O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!
    26 Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?"
    27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself. (Luke 24:18, ESV) he-is Jesus. You NEVER know maybe God Is going to visit you.

  7. I have no idea which one was worse:

    The one at Disney World during the Festival of Fantasy parade with the Maleficent dragon back in 2018 or 2019?


    The one in this video?

    Let me know.

    Edit: so what happened here was that the liquid used to create the fire breathing effect leaked and caused the dragon to catch fire.

  8. I believe Fantasmic Dragon Maleficent was supposed to breathe fire coming out of her mouth. But not on her head. Because, the show must go on. That's why she was suddenly catch fire. It was pretty terrible. ๐Ÿ˜• ๐Ÿ˜” ๐Ÿ˜ž ๐Ÿ˜ข ๐Ÿ˜ช ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜•

  9. I didnโ€™t realize the fire kept going go so long. I thought it was put out within seconds for some reason. Amazing that nothing surrounding Maleficent didnโ€™t also go upon flames.๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  10. OMG, it appears they were not able to stop the dragon from shooting oil they use for flames once it caught fire. I feel sorry for cast members over there. Thank you so much for trying to keep the dragon in frame while being forced to more. Great job, awesome job!!!! Much love from Alabama ๐Ÿ’œ

  11. RIP Murphy, you will be remembered.

    Though is no one going to mention the irony how the dragon catches on fire as Mickey says โ€œThis is my dream!โ€ in order to kill her? Whelp, guess Mickeyโ€™s power of imagination was too strong. Remind me to NEVER get on Mickeyโ€™s bad side.


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