(Full Episode) Royal Cousins at War | BBC Select

At the start of the 20th century, three cousins ruled Britain, Russia and Germany. But the relationship and rivalries between Georg V of Britain, Wilhelm II of Germany and Nicholas II of Russia had a devastating impact on Europe. This fascinating 2-part BBC documentary explores the plots, scandals and betrayals between three royal houses and when the families concerned rule the most powerful nations, petty squabbles can lead to political turmoil, economic upheaval and even war.

Stream the full documentary on BBC Select: https://bit.ly/3qqSX9U

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42 thoughts on “(Full Episode) Royal Cousins at War | BBC Select”

  1. This war was literally about family fueds. They used the assassination of Franz Ferdinand II as an excuse to declare war when in reality had very little to do with it because Europe was having tensions decades before the Great War

  2. If only the Russian Royal Family had removed their children (along with the children's aunt, Elizabeth Feodorovna, and perhaps
    even her nuns), to the Russian Far East and onto Canada (no Nazi U-boats in northern Pacific). There were many places
    in Canada where they could have been safe!

    I can't help but feel sorry for Fritz and Vicky (Jr). They loved each each other (Sadly, Wilhelm ii was indeed "erratic and
    emotionally unstable")

    Wilhelm ii continued with the practices that, eventually, destroyed Germany. Alexander iii and Nicholas ii destroyed Russia
    in their own, but similar, way (autocracy).

    (BTW: "Lebensraum" did not begin with Hitler.)

  3. It's interesting that all monarchs of Hanoverian descent (that would include Victoria and her various and sundry) have produced monarchs/heir who hate each other. All of the Georges, Victoria and Edward 7, George 5 and Edward 8. Princess Vicky and Wilhelm 2. Even till the modern day, Elizabeth 2 is known to have preferred Andrew over Charles and the DoE quite publicly disliked him.

  4. The kaizer is not a cousin of the tzar the only ties to the tzar is his cousin from queen Victoria side no relations only king George and the the tzar are related by bloodline not the kaizer

  5. Stop calling these women queenā€™s beautiful. They werenā€™t beautiful of their day, and their damn sure not beautiful this day and age. šŸ˜‚ only beauties that were royal were Czar Nicholas and Alexandra feodrovnas family!

  6. royalty = militaries you guys #2Spirit

    when was the last matriarchal royal? never?

    Christianity has its own elected Kingā€¦ itā€™s still a monarchyā€¦ the karma dynamics result in the complete atrophy of consciousnessā€¦ they always have to be killed off in a Blight insteadā€¦

    Itā€™s tragicā€¦ no free will thoā€¦

    Call back your energy you guysā€¦ grieve it outā€¦ cry for once

    The Void is the Parent of the Parentless theyā€™re there for all to scream into

    Itā€™s a pagan Godā€¦ most pagans arenā€™t indigenous

  7. This was such a sad part of history – family against family. Maybe that's a good reason not to have monarchies, as with all families resentments grow. Almost to the point of childishness and certainly there's a lot of regret. And so many lives lost.

  8. The Germans were beating the Brits at industry. You can't challenge the country on which the sun never sleeps over economics without consequences. This was the beginning of the end of British imperialism. Now their main industry is laundering money for Russian oligarchs.

  9. 53:01 ā€” The tall, slender, luxuriantly moustachioed fellow with the Homburg hat jumping up and down in the background is King George I of the Hellenes (1845-1913), the brother of Alix (Queen Alexandra of Britain) and Minnie (Czarina Marie Feodorovna of Russia). ADDENDUM (edit): A Danish Prince, he had been elected King of Greece in 1863 as a lad of seventeen.

  10. Nicholas II of Russia & William II of Germany WERE NOT FIRST COUSINS.

    Wilhelm II and Nicholas II were third cousins (both were great-great-grandsons of Paul I of Russia) as well as being second cousins once removed (both were descended from Frederick William III of Prussia) and Wilhelm was a first cousin of Nicholas's wife, Alix of Hesse and the eldest grandson of Queen Victoria.

  11. Wilhelmā€¦a monster in the making. But I absolutely disagree that he wanted to have an inappropriate relationship with his mother. He just wanted her to love himā€¦he even gives her a private option when their together so she wonā€™t be publicly humiliated. Later in this documentary the princes are all accused of being nothing more than big babiesā€¦Wilhelm even more so. The future of the world lays in the hands of a few spoiled men, so sad. šŸ˜¢

  12. The narrator mentions the boating festivities at "Cowes?" The event where Kaiser Wilhelm brought his warships and marching bands, and the British despised him for it, where was this exactly? On the Isle of Wight? How do you spell it?


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