(Full Episode) King George and Queen Mary: The Royals Who Rescued the Monarchy | BBC Select

Watch the full series on BBC Select: https://bit.ly/3HMlUCj

Elizabeth II’s grandparents, King George V and Queen Mary, had a huge influence on the beloved British monarch. As this insightful history documentary series reveals, George and Mary were pioneering, forward thinking royals who rescued the monarchy from potential disaster. Adored by the public, they were the epitome of regal duty, but often failed when it came to family matters.

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19 thoughts on “(Full Episode) King George and Queen Mary: The Royals Who Rescued the Monarchy | BBC Select”

  1. It’s too bad England hasn’t gotten rid of the monarchy when there was public sentiment to do so. George taking his brother’s betrothed was sick, but royals have never hesitated practicing questionable if not disgusting mate choices. All their inbreeding has produced many not-so-bright offspring. HRL (his royal loser) Edward VIII’s abdication was a perfect time for England to throw off this expensive, largely useless yoke.

  2. He also condemned his own cousin to DIE in Russia, reneging on his offer of asylum in England. The "Windsors", Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Mary of Teck. Victoria of Bambenburg. VERY impressive. VERY English.

  3. Today,
    rather than facing the real threat on an infestation of "militant Socialism",
    ..the UK has suffered the "success" of Socialism,
    and today suffers from the infestation of militant Islam, within its own borders.

  4. I’m a Yank, and I’m fascinated with the entire monarchy thing…on both the good and bad aspects of it.

    This documentary was VERY good on presenting things from all perspectives, but to the Brits I ask:

    Is it mostly accurate? Did they leave anything important out or misrepresent anything?

  5. I'm sorry. I have no respect for George V. His weakness in not allowing Nicholas II and his family to shelter in the UK guaranteed their murders. He stabbed his own family in the back. 👎🏻

  6. Great experts in this video, it’s much appreciated. I knew little detail about this reign before, except that the late Queen Elizabeth II said she used both her father and grandfather (George V) as models for her own reign. (Of course, I knew about their role in the Great War, changing the dynast’s name to Windsor, etc.). Their embrace of democratic principles probably saved the monarchy.

  7. There is no voice as informative, as comforting or therapeutic than Samuel Wests voice; if I have to be told that I have hours to live or the world was going to end I would hope that Samuel West would be the voice that says it.

  8. His ruthlessness of not helping his own cousin, cost him to be known as a monster for allowing the death of his own family members. God does not care about their politics which is opposition to His Kingdom Ways. All King George did was show how cold blooded they are to their own kind for the world to see. The Russian royal family was murdered by George's cold heart.


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