Full Bigfoot Documentary | "King of the Woods" (2024)

Enjoy this new Bigfoot documentary “King of the Woods”. This 2024 Bigfoot Documentary is brought to you by Penford Media, in association with the New Hampshire Bigfoot Society and chaos Theatre Productions. Featuring Bigfoot expert, Loren Coleman. This Sasquatch documentary was filmed at the 2024 international cryptozoology conference.


45 thoughts on “Full Bigfoot Documentary | "King of the Woods" (2024)”

  1. The few dead bodies found were immediately confiscated by officials of our government. Even Jaco that made the rounds in side shows eventually disappeared.

  2. No one will catch bigfoot he-she,s to fast.by the time you get to the spot bigfoot is already over the next mountain n even if you did your the next missing 411..if a Hunter shot one bigfoot his a missing 411..

  3. Iam from Germany and interested in Bigfoot since 25. Years.. Over the Years i saw so many really bad sh*tty documentaries, bad Interviews and so on.. I really love your Channel, your Work.. Thank you so much❤

  4. Your journey into understanding the "bigfoot community" and subject is a fascinating part of your videos. I enjoy a skeptical point of view. Keep up the great work! This takes balls to do. Just jump, head first into something like this. The channel, the interviews, the leg work, computer/editing etc. Tons of work. You are well on your way.

  5. It's pretty simple to know Bigfoot is out there from all the sightings videos and not to mention every culture on every continent speak of the same things just with different names and even the US government listed Bigfoot as a native animal in the 60s in Washington or somewhere, the Army corps of engineers made the book an it had like migration patterns an all kinds of stuff it's crazy but sure everyone has been telling lies since the dawn of time.

  6. (Speculation)
    I think Sasquatch are a lot like sum Native American tribes that burn their dead.
    I think they have a burial ritual that involves hiding their dead in caves deep under ground after all it is extremely important for their survival to keep man guessing about their existence .
    Cause after all their species does not want to be associated with such a destructive species like our's. That is why hunters or outdoorsy people don't find remains of dead Sasquatch.

  7. It’s almost like the scientists are the ones that need a true education. They sound so very “un smart”. The mother thing is the raciest aspect in the whole thing. White scientists are basically telling the local Indians who were here way before them that they don’t believe anything they say and the scientists have to do their own “white” research. After their research is complete and only when “they” say it is allowed to exist, then it is allowed to exist. Not when the native person says so.

  8. I had a skeptic, back couple weeks ago, during the Auora, we went out to see the northern lights with my night vision goggles, on our way home down from the mountain top, I said to this skeptic that at the bottom of the mountain where I had a Bigfoot encounter once, where I explained having the call of nature, to have to use the bathroom in the woods , where something beside me onced stomped the ground next to me three times!… He said to me , he just didn't know if it was a Bigfoot or if he even believes in Bigfoot… So I said , how about I make some calls, as I was driving and I rolled his window down and made several calls, and as we reached the bottom where my previous encounter happened, I made this whoop call there and instantly this stick was thrown hitting the passenger side jeep door and it so shocked this skeptic, that he said He bets that this Bigfoot heard us coming down the mountain and ran up to meet us there, at the road , where it was perfect timing this stick that was thrown! lol I had the biggest smile on my face and the biggest heart ❤️ of love for this moment that this skeptic began to realize how serious I was about there being Bigfoot here… and the experience from it was perfect timing!

  9. Love the channel you guys are doing great with the big foot content I am a very strong believer that there is a chance that this animal is out there
    May be a descendent of Gigantopithecus this channel is in my top five favorites for a big foot content out of all the Cryptids Bigfoot is the only one that seems to provide actual proof of existence foot prints audio there is so much compelling evidence out there and there are so many possibilities it seems like the perfect storm it’s not as far-fetched to believe I don’t believe the big foot to be some type of extraterrestrial I believe it’s flesh and bone look at the gorillas the apes Humans were all alike in so many ways I think this creature is real I think there is a small population and I think they are masters of Hiding I believe they are Apex predator just like a lion or a tiger they track you you don’t track them everybody knows that apes are extremely smart the love this is far-fetched to me in my opinion I don’t think it’s a mess or a beat up creature they’ve been part of indigenous native American culture for thousands of years it’s in their culture if they say it’s real I believe it I’ve heard some really strange things in northern Michigan on a camping trip as a species we hardly know much about our own planet people don’t understand how vast and how big these national forests are the stretch from America through Canada and to Alaska it makes sense these creatures have so much room to hide take that and add the fact that there was likely a small population the chances of capturing that are slim to none but that doesn’t mean that the creature does not exist !

  10. The one individual you showed at the beginning by the name of Ken, the dude in the black hat has been on to many tv shows so his opinion doesn't count. He gets paid or seeks payment for information. If it's only about money for these individuals then I can't trust them. Like the whole cast of Finding Bigfoot. Now dead bodies, these beings are not animals, they share mitochondrial DNA with us. That tells me that they are not an ape. If you would listen to the First Nations that's all you need. They say at one point in history that they traded with them and say that they are their own tribe. All the tens of thousands of people that explain the exact same thing and have never spoke to each other. Eye witness testimony is enough to convict a person for murder or any other crimes, then why is eye witness testimony no good here? The DNA alone proves they are not a North American Ape. That's what science wants to try and force that narrative because if they are proven to the people that can't seem to wrap their brains around it. Matt Moneytaker is a fraud, the BFRO has been accused of and proven to change people's stories or eyewitness encounters to make it fit their false narrative. Dave Paulides is as straightforward as they come and they have done everything to try and discredit him. He was originally apart of the BFRO I believe and if he has had bad encounters with them then I got to stand behind him. His information is straight from First Nations and his own investigations that he's conducted himself. His narrative is to find the truth not to lie about what witnesses have said. He has his witnesses sign an affidavit and if they won't then he doesn't take there story. This is not a Documentary, but more of a debate. This old man is as fake as Moneytaker

  11. They are more than just physical. I don't care what anybody thinks anyway I saw one in the woods of Connecticut with my wife. It's been reported three other times that I know of in the same area. Not far from the Lisbon landfill.

  12. In typical inept style, this is just another one of those docos which ends up chronicaling the psychology of the misfits within the sasquatch interest community. Why bother. They always make it about the humans involved, rather than what the title of the documentary claims it to be about. Half a star.

  13. No one can convince anyone unless you see one I saw one, so i no they exist. I tell you what I saw you either believe it or not. I personally don't care what people believe

  14. Claiming that your landscaping and horticultural background qualifies you has left you looking extremely unqualified. I have to point out that you don't know your own specialty and therefore can't transfer it to bigfoot analysis.
    It has to be pointed out….

    @ 18:31 you said that if someone said they saw bigfoot eating berries in winter or spring you know they're lying because berries aren't available in spring or winter.

    That's not accurate. At all.

    Salmon berries are available in May, and sometimes late April. Hawthorm berries are early winter/late fall and blackthorn berries, Rowan are winter berries, and juniper berries are year round, and one of the most nutritious berries. While some berries are poisonous for humans it doesn't mean it's poisonous to animals.

    Humans would be much healthier eating juniper berries and pine needles than chemical sprayed store bought food.

    My experience is that many Sasquatch are master herbalists. Many are not. Like people there are all sorts of levels of beings within their system.

    Tou have put a lot of money and thought into equipment, visual display editing, presentation and format, but your analysis information/data is problematic.

    I'm glad i found this out before wasting any more of my time.

  15. Man people have cameras on their phone for 20 years, there are deercams and dashcams everywhere. Don't you think at least one of the thousand witness would have produced some footage by now? Maths doesn't add up


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