Fueling Your Faith: A Guide to Preparing for Ramadan

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Don’t wait for the moonsighting to start preparing for the greatest month of the year. Join us as we learn how to ready ourselves for a meaningful and fulfilling Ramadan. This lecture is streamed LIVE in collaboration with the Islam and Muslims Initiative from Doha.


24 thoughts on “Fueling Your Faith: A Guide to Preparing for Ramadan”

  1. AssalamuAlaikum MashaAllah SubhanAllah Lailaha illahAllah🤲🤲🤲AllahuAkbar🤲🤲Dr Sheikh Omar Suleiman you are the most Beloved Gift to Humanity Shukhran for Everything Spreading AllahSWT words of Wisdom. We love you so much for the Sake of 🤲🤲🤲🤲AllahSWT.Heartbreaking Touch my Whole being my Heart an Inspiration Motivate me so much Ya Allah Ya Rabb 🤲🤲🤲🤲Forgive me all my shortcomings my sins inside and out of the Holy month 🤲🤲in my everyday life.Ya Allah Ya Rabbel Alameen Have Mercy on me and Forgive me and Cleanse my Heart🧡❤️♥️and make me a cleanliving God fearing Generous servant yesterday today and tomorrow AllahuAkbar Jazakallahu khair Sheikh Omar and Yaqeen Institute..🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲♥️🧡❤️♥️🧡❤️♥️🥰🥰😍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍🌍🤲

  2. “Your not to do list is far crucial than your to do list.” may Allah pardon you and raise you to the
    highest level of Janaha and make you in the company of our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW 🤲

  3. ramadan. month of fasting but more importantly the reading of quran in congregation in its entirety worldwide. this is a unique way god preserved the quran for eternity. no other faith does this …fasting will remove all sins from previous year. no blood of innocent man on cross. no tossing virgins into volcanos. and no twirling live chickens overhead on Yom Kippur [kapporet required. muslim since 2002

  4. Du'a excerpt (most frequent by Rasulullah pbuh):
    -Ya Muqallibal qulub, thabbit qalbi ‘ala dinik.
    ("O Turner of hearts, keep my heart steadfast on your Din (way/religion)" 37:00)

    -Rabbana atina fid dunya hasanatan wa fil Aakhirati hasanatan waqina ‘adhaban-nar
    (“Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.” – 37:25)

    – Allahumma Innaka Afuwwun Tuhibbul Afwa fa’fu Anni
    ("O Allah, You are Most Forgiving, and You love to forgive; so forgive me". – Last 10nights of Ramadhan. 37:55)

  5. Five lists for ramadan
    1-To not do list :things to quit once and for all NOW
    2-To do list :goals for ramadan
    3-To fix list :relationships to fix
    4-Your quantifiable deeds list
    5-Your qualities list ((start of surat moumenoon and end of surat al furqan))

  6. AlhamduAllah. Thank you Sheik Omar for your perspective. I live in Turkey. Near where the Argean sea meets the Mediterranean. A fair distance from the quakes but I heard something that early morning at the exact time of the first quake. I woke up as always and checked the time to see if it was in the last third of the night. My clock said 4.17
    I live in a very small village in the mountain. A VERY quiet area where I only hear roosters or an occasional dog bark. That morning, I heard no roosters…just a very strange hum. It reminded me of what I think it would sound like by the stars. I have never heard it before nor since. I learned about the earthquake right after Fajr prayer. I wondered if what I heard were the massive number of souls being taken. Now I wonder if I heard the celebration from Jennah? InshaAllah we will all meet in Jennah and I can find out what I really heard. May Allah bless us all with the best Ramadan.

  7. This Ramadan im unsure if ill be able to fast (im underweight and its affecting me heavily). Honestly itll break my heart if I cant fast since I’ve fasted every year since I was a child but this made me feel better. Alhamdillah for Islam and Allah swt knows my intentions🫶🏾


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