Frontier, We Need to Talk about Elite Dangerous

00:00 – Intro
00:52 – Thargoids
02:56 – New ships
05:08 – Fleet carriers
12:37 – Exploration
18:14 – Odyssey+

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29 thoughts on “Frontier, We Need to Talk about Elite Dangerous”

  1. Agree with all, but have no expectation whatsoever that they'll ever be implemented. Alternatively FDEV could easily bring a lot of people back simply by reducing the grind, the grind they asked us for feedback on a few years ago and then never followed up on when everyone said they wanted less grind.

  2. Thank you Astro. I admire your dedication to the game. I completely agree with your opinion, that there is no Space Game and there hasn't been any for years, that has as much potential for exploration as Elite does, and while the Thargoid content seemed okay for me (didn't play it myself), it shouldn't be the only thing that is worked on. I can only hope, that there still is someone at FDEV who tries to listen to the community.

    Beating a dead horse won't resurrect it, but perhaps it isn't dead yet? Keeping the metaphor, FDEV should really hurry and get some meds, if they don't want to let it die, as the blacksmith has already moved town, and the vet is reeducating.

  3. Your interpretation is wrong.
    Neutral is ambivalent, ont bad, not good, not especially care, but it's not bad that it exists.
    If you'd like to keep this lkine of thinking, that means that 83% is positive or neutral.
    Overwhemlingy this poll shows that the patch is in general positively taken by playerbase – 37% is on plus , 45% is not dissapointed, and only 19% doesnt really like it. 80/20 Pareto distribution.

  4. My personal gripe with the game has been just finding content that my current ship is suited for. I wish they would introduce easy to find information brokers that could provide generalized information of systems within let’s say 50ly of them. That and maybe something like “regional initiatives” or “regional trends” that point towards certain types of gameplay loops.

    That way you could visit an information broker and get pointed toward a cluster of systems that have had a large fluctuation in their economies, large increase in civil unrest, etc. it would be a start of lessening reliance on 3rd party tools.

  5. The game needs more player to player interaction. They don't need to push new content every so often if player can create their own thru player interaction. People are still playing EVE today for a reason

  6. I don't think I've ever been so passionate about a game. I've spent hundreds of hours on it, and thousands if you count the hours spent talking about it, studying the lore, ship configurations and theories about Raxxla.

    This huge waste breaks my heart.

    I don't understand how the best space sim has come to this point, to see its doyens, both in the development team and in the gaming community, leave.

    How could Frontier fail to learn from Outer Wilds for its narrative and vision of exploration, from Star Citizen for its immersion (mind you, I'm not talking about technique, but state of mind).

    Why, when countless voices called for less mind-numbing farm, did Odyssey do even worse?

    Like many others, I find myself in a terribly frustrating in-between position: having lost the desire to relaunch ED, and waiting for Star Citizen to be playable enough to take over.

  7. It's so cool that many players passionately care – Lots of engagement on this, and we're finding that exploration is really popular of late. We haven't touched on Thargoids yet, but will be thoroughly investigating the experience to see if there's something cool we can add. These monsters just scare Mr Watson – He hates losing his ships… It's last on the list.

  8. I agree with everything said in the video. But like everything it all boils down to money. Sad I know. That is how the real world operates. I am fairly new to this world with an average brain. Yes I like puzzle solving but I am no Einstein. Never been a big fan of shoot em ups, but as in the title space is dangerious. Exploring and sampling, How complicated can you go, again I am no scientist. So how do you please everybody, simple answer you cannot.

  9. I was sucked into Elite as an EVE player and it was a stepping stone for me to buying some kit for my captains chair (rudder pedals stick throttle and mounts eye tracker ect) and i ended up rather playing star citizen then elite mainly because at least star citizen has content that other people actually play. Plus VOIP is a huge bonus

  10. I really think Frontier should open-source Elite. It is still a beautiful game, and I couldn't agree more about the feeling of being alone in space. If there just were more places to actually find…
    It would be perfect to let players create those. There are quite a few skilled programmers among the player base, I'm sure

  11. Make a star portal to colonia that you can only access with a lot of money or resourses and at a specific time every week let's say. I'd make the jumprange a bit higher with about 30% to all ships. And improve the VR eperience by optimising the settings and implementing first person! Design some new space station and settlements and ship ineriors!

  12. I became interested in Elite for the first time in probably a year and a half and what do I see? Down to Earth Astronomy is complaining about the game, Yamiks isn't posting much about ED, Obsidian Ant too, Exigeous has gone silent for more than 2 years now. No new interesting content whatsoever. I think ED is done for and that's a huge waste sadly.

  13. On a brand new game I can afford almost every ship in the game within a few hours of mining. That is, imo, the #1 problem with the game.
    I DO NOT care about grinding engineer components…and I think i speak for most people. If there are no new "shinies" to grind for, people will lose interest.

  14. Elite Dangerous will go down in history as the game with the most potential that was totally squandered. Damn shame, I love this game and wish they would put more effort into it.

  15. Very good points – Mining Tritium is a nightmare, it takes so long and you can barely find the element – a real disincentive to using carriers for long range travel (It is quicker to jump back 50KLy to the bubble and buy some! I like the auto-refuel idea, and the carrier route plotting – good for players with limited play time, as you say. Not so sure about the plant scanning idea as this is tedious enough. Running with HCL's ExoBiology voice pack makes a big difference, even when not in VR. However, there needs to be some way to locate specific plants as you can be driving round the area indicated in the Surface Scanner for ages before you find a new outcrop. Maybe a specialised locator scanner, or a signal on the SRV scanner?
    Regards Odyssey, let's talk VR support (I posted this on a forum). Full room scale VR support is probably overkill, but a simple "head-gun" support would be far better than the awful flat "cinema screen" we have been left with since the pre-optimised bets release. I understood it then, but really it totally compromises immersion in exploration. Honestly, fans do this as mods for other games, so I cannot be that difficult to implement and would make a huge difference.
    On that point (for the "we want HL Alex functionality" folks), elite was always a seated, cockpit bound game with simple VR functionality. The excellence of its VR implementation was the illusion of being present in your ship, which is totally enhanced using a flight controller. So, taking a minimalist approach to on-foot VR would be consistent with that approach. It can always be enhanced in a later, paid, update – we know this stuff is expensive to write for room-scale, interactive functionality.

  16. On another point – the business model for sustaining elite is unsustainable. Giving updates away for free is ridiculous. I know players will moan at this as we all like free stuff, and the Kickstarter "free updates for life" model is aggressively defended, but it is very selfish and does the game no good. FDev should bit the bullet and resume charging for updates or DLC (not bug fixes and optimisations, of course) as other games do. If we don't embrace this, the game will die. FDev is a company after all and not a charity, and without David Braben fighting its corner anymore they will give it minimum attention unless it generates revenue.

  17. Dear D2EA, I like the points you make and agree with some of them, but I want to add on two points you made.
    1: Easily to implement solutions
    2: Things, that made people start ED

    You rightfully stated, that Elite hadn't had a new ship for a LONG time. And I totally agree! That stuff is overdue. You refered to the thargoid mothership, that all that work, that went into this, could have used for more ships. But a ship is more like a model in gamedesign. MODELING a new Ship inculding interiours is EASY – I agree! But realizing it in ways of gamedesign? You have to make sure, the new ship differentiates from existing ships and doesn't make them redundant. I take chess as an example. If you look at it from a player's perspective, it's just a board and some figurines. EASY! Every carpenter can do this. But the harder part to develop is the stuff you don't see. If you take board and figurines away, what's left? … … The Rules! Imagine, you'd have to come up with a new figurine and have to balance it with the others. That's a completely different task. That's not an easy solution.

    Next: you talked about the stuff, what had drawn you to Elite. And with that identified the biggest issue with Elite: Wide as an ocean, deep as a fingertip… or as the saying goes. You asked for more depth and I agree. But the way the developers execute depth currently is: grind, grind and more grind.

    And this is, where I see the issue. Elite still draws in a lot of players. But they – including me – don't stay, because there is that wall of grind, that I would have to do, to have fun at the game. I actually loved to do mining and had some fun with it. But when I wanted to start in different directions, I had to unlock the engineers. Because that's the smart choice, right? Prepare, get the best equipment you can, then go exploring / fighting and stuff! With odyssey this became mandatory. I played some shooters – tried Elite's Odyssey. Blew a whole mag into a target I had to kill and he just one-shot me. Solution: Grind your Engineers, to upgrade Weapons / Armor. Realizing, I had to do all the stuff I had done for my Ship AGAIN made me quit the game.

    My Angle for a solution would be this: that stupid grind. Because THAT is actually easy. Tweaking numbers. Make the Materials for Engineering cheaper. Cut the cost in half – and then cut them in half again! Let me upgrade my ship from anywhere. That function is ALREADY in the game. INCREASE the amount of Materials you get from one Drep! Frontier already allows the logout-login stuff, to farm spots. If that's fine by them, they can increase the droprate anyways.
    That would be my solution as a first easy step. Stop making Players work, for playing your game. Tweak some numbers. This way Explorers, Miners, Combat and other players have more from the game. We can experiment more with the stuff we already got and actually enjoy the stuff more, that is already there. THEN tackle the depth of the game with fun game modes, more ships. As I am not interested in new stuff, if there's another grind attached.

    Cheers o7

    – Ships are hard to make imho
    – Frontier should work on keeping players by removing grind
    – Game depth should then be achieved by actual content, not fake-content like grind.


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