From Near Death to New Life: My Journey to Finding Jesus After Denial

Hey my loves, it feels so good to be back. Today I’ll be speaking about my full testimony. I’ve been seeking God since the age of 18 and almost 10 years later, I found him. The only regret I have in life is not finding Christ sooner, I encourage you to watch the full video and let me know in the comments below if this video touched you in any way.

Thanks for watching!

TikTok: @aliyahmariabee
Email: [email protected]


33 thoughts on “From Near Death to New Life: My Journey to Finding Jesus After Denial”

  1. What a powerful testimony! Totally agree with ‘Christianity is not a religion, it’s a relationship with God’. I’ve never liked the way the world views ‘religion’ and equates it to some sort of bondage or force, meanwhile it’s the most powerful and peaceful relationship with Christ. Although we may face challenges, we can never forget that God’s yoke is easy and his burden is light. Matt 11:30. Continue to shine !

  2. Glory be to God!! He’s indeed such a good good father! Christianity is indeed about intimacy with God! Christians are called Christians because as noted in the book of Acts- it is because the Apostles followed Christ that they called them Christian’s as in the followers of Christ not followers of religion! Glad you’ve found Jesus🥺🤍🤍🤍

  3. This testimony brings me back to Acts 2:17. In the last days God is literally pouring out his spirit. The revelations from God is crazyyyyyy. It’s like everyone around me is on this new found relationship with God and it’s so beautiful to see. God bless you sis and keep on shining.

  4. There is honestly the biggest revival happening. Jesus is waking us up and calling his children back home 🙏🏾. Love to see this and thank you for sharing your testimony.
    So amazing to see ppl with a platform lifting up the name of the one true kings.
    Spreading the gospel is what we are called to do. Don’t know you personally😂 but super proud watching this. ❤

  5. God bless you Aaliyah. I’ve followed you for a long time and I’m so happy that the Lord has brought you back home 💕 I pray your relationship with Christ continues to flourish as you grow more in intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

  6. I watched the entire video yesterday and I love this for you! That’s a powerful testimony right there. Also the “Negative thoughts, negative vibes, stop killing the vibe” cracked me up because I’ve been there too and I exactly know what you mean. 😂
    Funnily enough I told myself I would have removed content creators I wasn’t aligned with in the last couple of days and I then saw you shared your video. And let me tell you…I’m so here for this type of content.
    May the Lord of Abraham, the Lord of Isaac and the Lord of Jacob bless you and keep guiding you 🫶🏼

  7. Thank you for being bold in your faith and sharing this testimony with us. This really warmed my heart and I am so glad that you have found peace and joy. You're glowing too.. praise God!!

  8. Don’t apologise for how long your testimony story is … a mighty testimony indeed … this will definitely touch so many who have similarly experienced what you have overcame by the blood of the lamb.
    So many nuggets out of this that will touch people who know someone experience/ have been experiencing themselves silently.
    May God continue to keep you for His glory 1:25:04 🫶🏾💛

  9. I’ve been following you for a while and I always knew for some reason, God would call you home. Praying for my friends who have also recently deviated away from the faith to Islam, this is so encouraging. May we all receive clarity and peace from the One and True living God, in Yeshua mighty name, Amen❤

  10. I never comment on anything but this video was just so touching and just warmed my heart to see God working in you, through you and for you. Watching your video and going into my own bible I felt the Holy Spirit point out that your testimony relates to Romans 8:29: “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭29‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    May God bless and strengthen you in your walk in Jesus name.


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