From Chaos Magick to Eastern Orthodoxy: The Spiritual Life of Michael Witcoff

Michael Witcoff (alias @brotheraugustine ) is an author and oblate of the Eastern Orthodox faith. He shares about his path from atheist Jew to pick-up artist and dabbler in chaos magick, to a life of devotion to the Christian faith. He’s got a lot of work out there so do check him out via

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32 thoughts on “From Chaos Magick to Eastern Orthodoxy: The Spiritual Life of Michael Witcoff”

  1. One of my favorite professors at Hillsdale College was Fr. Andrew Cuneo, who was back then a clean shaven Stanford and Oxford educated literature professor rather than his current bearded Orthodox form. Although I had to correct him in arrogant undergraduate fashion on some things regarding French symbolist poets, he was a good egg and one of the nicest people I have ever met. I ended up marrying a Russian from an orthodox Christian family and got to visit some churches in Russia including the Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg, a church built at the site where the last of the Romanovs were brutally killed by the Bolsheviks. I’m an atheist myself, but I think if I were to become religious I would lean in the direction of Eastern Orthodoxy. They seem to have something going on in which is somehow more humble and at the same time pious and traditional than other sects. You can find a video on YT of Fr. Andrew if you search “Andrew Cuneo Remembering Paradise”. It is worth a watch.

  2. Growing up Roman Catholic we never really prayed to saints, we studied them as examples of strong Christians from all walks of life. You can always find a saint out there who had a very similar life to yourself. Roman Catholicism is a broad tent as they say. Admittedly a lot of your more folky Catholicism seems to flirt with paganism. You definitely develop a strong reverence for Mary being Catholic. I can understand how a lot of it seems pretty weird to Protestants. I imagine it’s similar with Eastern Orthodox. The core of my Christianity is based on my personal relationship with Christ and regularly reading the gospels. The way I see it, no denomination is going to get it completely right. Definitely want to learn more about Eastern Orthodox and their saints/church doctors. Enjoying the conversation 👍

  3. So hes like a male feminist. He concludes he must be evil because males are evil and hes male. He's not a male feminist but thats his logic. He needs to work on his grasp of syllogism.

  4. I am Greek Orthodox. Now interview a Greek theologian. This guy is lacking in understanding on so many levels. He is kind of like a puritan. LOL. In regards to the BLM march, our archbishop was there right after George Floyd. We saw it as a stand against injustice. No one at the time knew that the founder of BLM was a Marxist or buying houses. Greeks don't want racism. Look at our history. We were the ones discriminated against (by Ottomans). So this is close to our hearts. Also, women are very valued in the Church. Who gave birth to Christ? People fast and go to church every day for a week for Mary.

  5. Chaos Magic seems quite post-modern in it's practical and ad-hoc nature, but it's all about concrete work.
    Your magic must result in a work of art. There's no other point.
    May Pope Pete bless 50% of y'all with a fractal vision of your optimal future.

  6. Correct to use "sodomizing". I am amazed at how EASILY over the decades, as the alphabet agenda was shoved down our throats, how some of the most trad-speaking conservative people that were close to me became spokespeople for sodomy.

  7. As is typical, conservative people of Abrahamic religions completely and conveniently misconstrue ontology/concept of God in ALL religions not Abrahamic. It almost seems deliberate and it's DEFINITELY deeply prejudiced and bigoted.

  8. Boyce! Please reach out to Scott Han!!! Have ALL your questions about Jesus and Catholic faith answered!!! This is NOT an interview suggestion. It’s a personal discovery suggestion. There’s not a better person for you to talk to than Dr Scott Han! 😘👍

  9. Uncle Benjamin! I am a Catholic who flirts with islamic thought – Arabi and what not … if God is unlimited in the most absolute sense – then he can of course, transend his unlimitation into a limited form.. into a man. I hope you have touched base with the bridge between sufi thought and Catholicism in Meister Ekhart. Love ya uncle Ben! (To the degree a paeasocial relationship can allow and is appropriate)

  10. Wow I try not to follow the Russia/Ukraine bc it’s beyond my knowledge and I have no clue what is true, but I didn’t know about the setting up a fake Orthodox Church in Ukraine and the real church being persecuted


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