Friday Night Funkin' – Perfect Combo – FRIDAY NIGHT FOUNDATION (Demo) Mod + Extras [HARD]

Such an amazing mod, definitely worth the wait!! It’s just a demo and it’s still packing so much content, 6 songs is more than enough for me personally to be very happy with a mod, can’t wait to see how many more amazing songs there might be in later updates!! Loved everything about it, the art looks so awesome, I really like all the sprites and different characters they used, they were all super pretty, I love this stylization a ton! Backgrounds were really nice to look at as well, especially for 2521, which I gotta say is such an insanely pretty and cool song all around, crazy how much effort the team put in even for a simple secret song! All the songs were fantastic too, loved each one of them so much, really talented people on the team for sure! Gimmicks were super fun and creative too, just a really fun mod to play through! I can’t wait to see more of this mod, I can already tell that it’s going to be amazing!
Link to mod:

0:00 – Terminated
1:49 – Vivisection
3:35 – Captivated
5:18 – My World
7:13 – Decaying
8:58 – Me

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41 thoughts on “Friday Night Funkin' – Perfect Combo – FRIDAY NIGHT FOUNDATION (Demo) Mod + Extras [HARD]”

  1. Really loving what they're doing with this mod now, this feels so finished but I have to remember that this is a demo, everything's just so well done! It may be a small detail but something I really liked is how the icons changed to whoever was singing in Vivisection. I don't think I've seen any other mod do that so it's really cool!

  2. 0:00 – Terminated: Opponent seems to be aprart of one of the various Mobile Task Forces. The patch on theire arm doesn't correlate to any I've seen so it might just be a generic one.

    1:49 – Vivisection: Opponent is SCP-049, "The Plague Doctor". Any living thing that touches him will immediately die, after which he will perform a crude surgery that reanimates the corpse. He keeps going on about something called the "Pestilence" which his surgery cures people from. You can see how he cures the MTF guard.

    3:35 – Captivated: Opponent seems to just be a random D- Class. D Class are usually used a test subjects for experiments conducted to understand the SCPs. Due to the high risk, they normally are people who are in prison for terrible things, most suitable death row inmates. Though the foundation has taken people, voluntarily and involuntarily, from other areas.

    5:18 – My World: Opponent is SCP 106. Anything it touches leaves a corrosive mucus that decays all solid matter. He can also pass through solid matter and enter a pocket dimension of sorts, it's best if he doesn't touch you, or you might be dragged into it along with him.

    7:13 Decaying: Read the above. The pocket dimension in the later half of the song seems to be based off of the one found in the SCP Secret Lab game.

    8:58 – Me: Opponent is SCP-2521. It's literally holding it's number

  3. I dont know if this is cannon, but someone said that there is a universal jukebox and i like to think the whole point this happens is because bf and gf want to steal it, that was the therie anyway

  4. Man from what we've seen so far with this Mod, There's gonna be at LEAST 3x as many Songs as this in the full version. So many bangers are coming I tell you that!

    I can't wait to see the full release when it happens! ^_^


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