Friday Night Funkin PC Let's Play Part 4 – Vs. Red Snow, Lemon Demon, Hating Simulator, and Tankman

Welcome back my loyal subjects in this video we finish the full week mod of Friday Night Funkin

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Hello everyone! I’m Princess Sword Heart, the future Queen of all kingdoms! But right now I do gameplay videos and whatnot that relates to some of the heroes I hang out with who are my best friends like Mario, Sonic, and others.

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Music Used:

Intro- Snow [Super Mario World] – Super Mario Maker 2 Soundtrack
Outro- Walrus Cove Diddy Kong Racing


16 thoughts on “Friday Night Funkin PC Let's Play Part 4 – Vs. Red Snow, Lemon Demon, Hating Simulator, and Tankman”

  1. Hi Princess Sword Heart Thank You For Listening To Me About Lemon Demon And I’m Okay That You Forgot To Mention Me The Video Also I Mean It Was Me Who Gave His Name To You And Tankman Was The Final Boss In The Story Mode

  2. Monster Lyrics: Oooooooooohhhhh Guess its time you'd better plug in all your night lights… what's out there past youur darkened door? Just the eyes floating up out of the shore AND THEN I'M GONNA EAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND or maybe turn her into broth lalalal kill a kid cut em up stuff em up inside of my secret meat box find my hands across your body slowly peel your skin off you'll meet you'll meet your friends… inside the ambulance (forgot the rest)

  3. week 5 was verry interesting and ofc with pretty chill songs,the twist of monster (lemon demon), but about that head on that cristmas tree, monster has a ability to warp perseption of reality, witch means nothing was real, (and the mall santa is dead)

    Week 6 is the part where it introduse lots of lore about it, about sempai is actually 2 characters on week 6, the first one is senpai witch is an AI from the game taht gf use to play and it takes place after cristmas (and daddy dearest has the power to bring people inside of a video game, so ofc he brings both bf and gf on the videogame), and ofc the second character taht you see on the 3th song is called spirit and it was trapend inside of this game for so long by daddy dearest, and ofc he was inside of senpai this hole time

    Week 7 was trully the week that blowing on popularity trew a sky rocket, and ofc the newgrownds site did crash and people really waited to play the week 7, i din't pass guns on normal unfortutunatly (still a banger thow) in this lore, gf's parents trick bf of taking gf on a little vacantion because her parents mostly keep bf way closer so that they can tormant him (and ofc there is supoes to be a week taht comesbefore week 7 and there is a enemy from that week that makes week 7 hapend, so il just wait ) and ofc somehow bf and gf fall out from the plane and land on the military zone and there you can meet the captain (ofc thankman is created by JohnnyUtah, he was the one who make the TANKMEN series way before fnf came on 2006, and ofc thankman became the mascot of newgrownd replacing pico) and about pico's arivel, so basically daddy dearest hired pico angain to confirm if the bodyes (the body because the parents know that gf will be fine), well instead of pico confriming bf body been alive, he screw up he's jobe again (so mostly yeah, pico did save both of them)

    And the kickstarter was a fenomenal thing taht happend, they rise over 2 million dolars for the game, and that is insain amount of money, and ofc there will be lots of things that will be added once the full ass game will be released, so il still wait for the complition 😊


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