FREE Awesome-Looking Bullet Hell Roguelike! | Lone Ruin Demo

Venture into an old, magical ruin to seek an ancient power in this highly replayable, top-down, roguelike twin-stick shooter. Combine and optimise your spells to defeat twisted monstrosities and delve deeper into the Lone Ruin.


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43 thoughts on “FREE Awesome-Looking Bullet Hell Roguelike! | Lone Ruin Demo”

  1. explode on death being lazy is a very 'lazy' view on it without going to deep , ironically.
    It exist in most games an incentifies you to pay attention to what you kill and your position which adds complexity thus more interest, most games dont want to reward you being a god and mindlessly kill everything in sight, even though you think you want that.
    Also i dont think PoE removed explode on death… (cant confirm played 2 leagues ago last time)

    It very weird for me for people to have dash and for whatever reason expect to use it to dash into enemies in game where your task is to survive and evade projectiles. and then blame on death mechanics.
    (i only agree if game isn't balanced with melee playstyle being more rewarding than range in such case)

  2. I really cant help but laugh when sift screams what into his mic and it peaks resulting in his voice being lost for a moment, but in any case, explode on death is cringe

  3. From what I've seen here I honestly will ignore this unless the full changes a lot I don't wanna. Explode on death pretty much ruins my favorite play style for these games: Fun close up action.

  4. Idk of anyone agrees but I don't mind exploding enemies if they have a short delay so you can get away and it can force you into areas you don't want to be in

  5. No they didn't remove explode on death on Path of Exile. I personally enjoy a little explode on death on a lot of games, however they did add a little too many of them in this one.

  6. I tried this out and I used blackhole to drag away the bombs and then killed them using my other ability so then the explosion wouldn't damage me and I could still kill the other stuff

  7. its weird that sifd rants about explode on death here but not 20 mins until dawn, but maybe is the rate of the enemies, maybe balance to 2 things, explodes damage enemies and either reduce the damage the explotion deals or the spawn rate

  8. If only the explode on death had a little delay and indication that its going to explode and deal damage, but as a melee build or character its nearly impossible to rush in to fight if most of the time youre losing health for killing the enemys up close, the way it is in this game encourages you to play only ranged, to be removed as a mechanic is a bit too harsh, maybe they could change it.

  9. Oh he's crying about mechanics again.. Yea I'm gonna unsub genuinely because he cries when he doesn't get what he wants like the games should be built how he wants them to be.. everyone after content not a whiney baby

  10. You talk about devs design process as if they literally never touch their own game. "What it feels like for the player-" is a really strange thing to say because they actually play their game to test it, and if it's still there in the end then it's because it's the intended design. You went for a high risk high reward build that had a counter. In the span of 30 seconds you went directly from a rant about how broken and unfair the enemies are to saying "oh look, now I'm invincible". Bruh.

  11. I think you are alone on the explode on death mechanic. Its there so you have to use at least 2 brain cells to avoid damage. Its not a bad mechanic, its another bad take from you. Smh

    26 min argument boils down to, bad players playing bad.

  12. i hate explode on death too, i think it makes game harder but for me in not a fun way but im not a hardcore gamer anymore, i play for enjoyment and not a crazy challenge

  13. I actually enjoy explode on death, especially when it damages other enemies like it should. I think the problem with explode on death in this game is that it's overturned. They detonate too quickly with almost no indication and do too much damage, on top of everything being the exact same color and easily covered by other enemies and animations it looks really easy to get hit by it and have no idea what happened. I'm also of the opinion that explode on death enemies should be exclusively suicide enemies with no other attacks though I'm not sure how this game did it because like I said you can't see anything in this game.
    Edit: So after looking closer the enemies are suicide enemies and most of the time sifd was losing life because he wasn't paying attention.

  14. "Explode on death is so bad because it changes your whole idea of how you should play the game"
    Maybe you had some preconceived notions about the game that you should realize it's on you to change. You misunderstood the game, that's what happened.

  15. I'm 50/50 on explode, or a.o.e. attacks, on death for enemies, especially in a horde based wave survival game like this. I'd take just exploding over an a.o.e field of damage though anytime. I think what this one needs is a slight bit more delay before they explode, or a bit less of them spawning. It is a bit of a hassle if you're wanting to just have some mindless fun, but I also prefer to be kept on my toes. Part of the reason I prefer Nuclear Throne over Enter the Gungeon.

  16. So, i played scythe build only and the strat is to dont use your dash before going in, instead charge your scythe attack, move into enemies, attack with the spinny-charge thing, and then dash out instantly. Those enemies literally become useless if you know what to do. Great game tho, waiting for release, absolutely fell in love with it.


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