Franchises That Released More Than One Movie Sequel In The Same Year

From beloved arthouse classics to forgettable horror revivals, these franchises couldn’t wait a full twelve months before releasing their next installments.

#Franchise #Sequel #BackToBack

The Man with No Name, 1967 | 0:00
James Bond, 1983 | 1:31
The Toxic Avenger, 1989 | 3:10
Three Colours, 1994 | 4:44
The Matrix, 2003 | 5:58
Ginger Snaps, 2004 | 7:23
Return of the Living Dead, 2005 | 8:45
Pulse, 2008 | 10:09
The Millennium trilogy, 2010 | 11:34

Voiceover By: Jacent Jackson

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12 thoughts on “Franchises That Released More Than One Movie Sequel In The Same Year”

  1. I'm a 39 year old virgin single male Christian man, 6"2, bald but ok looking (I think), well travelled, level headed, sociable. It's been 8 years since I was properly with someone and that only lasted a few months and the time before that I was in an abusive relationship for a year going back 10 years ago now.

    I can't believe it's been this long since I was with someone and I'm rapidly thinking it is over for me. Perhaps sin is at fault and blessing in this area is being blocked somehow, or maybe I'm just unlucky. I do think I'm not meeting enough women on a regular basis but it's not easy these days as it is, apart from the dating apps which I'm on, daily. But even so, for many years now I rarely even meet someone I want to pursue. The few I do aren't into me and the ones that are, I'm not into. There always seems to be something missing.

    I keep praying and seeking God over this but there still appears to be no progress or hope and as a result, it's no surprise I've ended up in a rut of bitterness. Still at square one, still in anguish that something that happens for so many others, continues to elude me. The only time I'm with a woman is my dreams, literally – I do have these occasional dreams where I'm with a woman and we're together only to wake up back in the sad reality of my situation. Is God saying something through this? Why am I not being blessed in this area?

    It may not be too late to meet someone but with age my options are limited and time is running out. I am worried about being left on the shelf and being alone for the rest of my life and dying alone and just ending my life as a bitter old man. My parents are getting older and eventually I will have no one around me.

  2. It's understandable. They wanted franchises. But they rushed,and bad writting happened too. Not Matrix or James Bond obviously. Millenium movies were here too. Commercials were aired too


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